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Everything posted by ashfern

  1. My DH is the Executive Secretary for our Bishop (LDS) and he sits in the hallway when the Bishop meets with any female. He was saying that they are going to be making changes for when they meet with the youth.
  2. Hugs! Our 10 year old niece was just diagnosed with PH in Feb.
  3. Headmistress or even headmaster if that's what she wants.
  4. Thanks for sharing. I'd be up for a book club.
  5. My 10 & 4 yo love it. They watched it 6 days in a row when we first got it.
  6. I changed to the default theme (not the WTM theme) and the blue isn't as harsh and the white isn't as bright. See if that helps. It's at the bottom of the page.
  7. She could do fair isle knitting which is color work. There are also patterns that utilize beads within the knitting. Lace is also more mentally stimulating. All could produce useful items that she could gift or sell.
  8. I just finished two Mini Rings of Change blankets. It's a crochet blanket that uses a different stitch type for each round. I found it interesting to work. You can find the pattern free on ravelry. I'm also doing a mystery crochet-a-long for fingerless mitts. Does she know how to knit? I find that more challenging/difficult than crochet. Would she be interested in designing her own patterns?
  9. Nordstrom's has nice dressy dresses that you could use for bridesmaid dresses.
  10. I took the 15 yo to see Tomb Raider. It was a good action movie. The characters did some pretty stupid things but it was a movie. DH & I saw A Quiet Place. I was thrilled to have a not rated R scary movie. Within the first 5 minutes my DH turned to me & said that our family would have died right away because our kids are so loud. LOL! I got together with a couple of friends and rented The Book of Henry. It was good but the trailer is deceiving.
  11. They're very strict here in GA. I would think that it would impact getting the actual license and a large fine but have no clue.
  12. It's super white but the menus and titles are this weird shade of blue that hurts my eyes.
  13. The blue is really hurting my eyes. Hopefully we will be able to choose more themes in the coming days.
  14. My kid is having a party this weekend. She handed out the invites on Sun. Everything with this group of people is last minute. :laugh: She's invited 8 kids. I got one call from a mom saying that her DD wants to come but is going to a play that one of the other invitees is performing in that day (I haven't heard from that mom yet :glare: ) and she was going to see if they could switch their tickets. I have one that I had to text the invite and haven't heard from that mom. I had two that I texted to let them know that their kid got an invite. One said yes that she forgot to text and the other is a maybe. So, I currently have 3 for sure, 2 maybe, 1 no, and 2 that I haven't heard from.
  15. I loved working 4 tens! I worked day hours. I was able to cut my evening commute in half when I changed from normal 9-5. Where I live an hour commute is short so I don't see anything wrong with that. I loved having 3 days off each week.
  16. Least favorite is black. The interiors get so hot in the summer and the exterior looks dirty almost as soon as it's washed. Second least favorite is white because they are so hard to keep clean. I love the metallic colors because when they are clean they are super shiny and when they are dirty they just look like a matte finish.
  17. We have the 12 passenger Chevy van with the sliding door. I prefer the slider. Yes, it's white which is my 2nd least favorite color for a vehicle. If we had one with doors I know that my kids would fling the door open because that's what they do in the car. :glare: The only issue we have with the slider is the two youngest can't open it from the outside. The youngest is too short and the next kiddo isn't strong enough. They have no problems opening it from inside.
  18. "Sale includes full contents of the house" I'd buy it just for the cars!
  19. Worcestershire sauce or fish sauce
  20. I felt the same way until the end of the book. It made me cry. :(
  21. That's how my public schooled high schooler's classes are set up, except they have tables and they are overcrowded. :glare:
  22. I did read the above book. It was very interesting. It's a short book so easy to get through in a weekend. She's not as woo as the Kan Marie lady is about stuff. She does say that she has a box of old letters and things that make her happy to pull out & read/look at. She has marked the box for her family to toss when she dies so they don't have to go through any of it because it's only special to her. She's in her 80's and has pretty much already given her kids anything that she thinks they may want. I would toss the letters that bring bad feelings and just keep the ones that you enjoy. If you like the look or feel of the stationery then keep it. You may change your mind in the future. How much room does a box of letters take up in the grand scheme of things?
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