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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. Oh you should absolutely get the upgrade fee back. I always have.
  2. Do you mind posting who you eventually find, even without names, because I might die of curiosity if you don't. LOL
  3. My son, as a teenager, had a one of those large talking buttons that said, "That's what she said." Annoying doesn't even begin to describe it so I hid it. He was good natured about it and would occasionally go on the on hunt for it but, thankfully, never found it. And even though he is now grown and out of the house, that thing is still hid. This thread reminds me I need to go dig it out and throw that annoying son of a gun away.
  4. That is annoying! And the exact reason why I've been dragging my feet on seeing a doctor about it. I even had an appointment with my primary in December and didn't even bring it up with him. I just stuck to our usual topics because it seemed like more trouble than it was worth. 🤦‍♀️
  5. You guys really are awesome! I'm making a list of your suggestions because so many look so good that I'm probably going to be reading these genres for the next few months. LOL Well these and the books for the rest of the challenges. I'm going to earn me that swag bag, by golly. I almost feel like a kid again participating in the library's summer reading program.
  6. The challenge is to choose a book from a genre you don't usually read. The genres I can think of offhand that I don't normally read are horror (I hate being scared), romance (not a fan of sex scenes) and mystery (which I do read occasionally but usually stick to my favorite genres). If anyone knows of a horror that won't give me nightmares, a romance without the sex scenes, or a mystery that you can recommend, I would be very grateful. This is a good challenge for me because I do find myself choosing the same genres over and over again and expanding outside that would be a nice change of pace.
  7. Oh my gosh, me too! Pretty much the exact same time period. I had Covid during the first weeks of this month and my sore throat went through the roof. But before Covid and now after, I have a sore throat that goes from mild to really uncomfortable. I can find no rhyme nor reason to why it's bad one day but mild another. I know I need to go to the doctor but I'm already dealing with so many other health things that I'm putting it off. I hope you find a solution to yours. Seeing your post has lit a fire under me and I think I'll go try to make an appointment now.
  8. My son's girlfriend's sister just had her Kia stolen. They couldn't get the alarm off so they drove it around the apartment complex until they found another one. Stole that car and left hers there.
  9. I've learned the hard way to give myself grace in these types of situations. Your body was telling you were exhausted and your body's response, since it couldn't sleep, was to comfort eat. Stress and exhaustion do that to me too. But even in just unusual situations I give myself grace, such as when my son took me out for my birthday recently and he bought me a vegan donut. I've been saying hard no's to anything that calorie dense but, since this was an unusual situation, I took that donut in the spirit it was given and ate it guilt free. It's hard to learn to be kind to ourselves.
  10. I totally agree with this. I would have been embarrassed had I been the one with the drunk relative and someone dumped the bottles on my lawn. I, either would make sure my idiot relative no longer did such a thing, or started keeping the area clean myself. Best case, I would kick the son of a gun to the curb but maybe neighbor is hoping to save the relative from himself.
  11. I love this idea! I bet they would be thrilled to get such beautiful illustrations for their walls.
  12. It definitely was for us, especially since he was the one into wall decor as a toddler. Crayons, markers, pencils, sharpies, poop (yes, poop!). I don't know how he kept finding the things to decorate to the walls with. It was exhausting.
  13. Wow, she looks great! I would have thought she was 20 years younger.
  14. I agree. I'd skip the red fabric altogether and pick a different border color. Something calming like the gray or maybe the green using the blue for binding.
  15. It really is! My guys don't like the soft sided ones or I'd get those for easier storing purposes. Actually, I don't know if the new guy likes them or not but I'm not sure I would be able to get him in one if he did. You should have seen the trickery and gymnastics it took to get him in the hard sided, top loading one yesterday. Whew! Not looking forward to doing that again when he gets neutered in a couple of weeks. Part of me wants to haunt FB Marketplace and get another couple carriers there but they are always so nasty looking that I don't know if I could actually pull the trigger on those. But the cost of new ones - ouch.
  16. They really are! All this great big action and then the feet either don't leave the ground or just barely. Gosh, I miss those days!
  17. I am so sorry! Even when you know it's coming, it still deals a huge emotional blow. We also have a pet graveyard in our yard and each one is buried with their favorite toy. I don't know how to make it better other than not waiting until it's too late. Better a little early than a little late. I think I was in denial with our old dog. Sure she was having a hard time moving around but, hey, she was moving. Then one morning, she just wasn't there any more. Still alive but no real part of my girl was still there. I would give anything to have done that differently.
  18. Yeah, I immediately thought of hound when I saw him too. I agree with @Pawz4me. Genetics are weird!
  19. My guy just disappeared off the earth and, while I wasn't stuck with a bad hair cut, my gray was really beginning to show and I needed someone ASAP. It's hard to find someone new. I hate it! Recently I tagged along with my son's girlfriend to get her hair done and they had time so did mine, as well. Seriously best hair cut and color I've ever had. Seriously the most money I've ever paid for a haircut and color I've ever done. I was sick to my stomach over it. Still am. I really should have asked how much beforehand but because I wasn't expecting to get it cut I didn't think about it. So I feel your pain, except I don't have to wear mine on my head. I am so sorry that happened! I wish you luck in finding someone. Ask friends and family who they see and make sure you ask how much first. LOL
  20. I just got back from a vet visit and that got me thinking about carriers. When we only 2 cats, we had two carriers. Our vet will only see two pets at a time so it worked out well. When we moved up to 3 cats, we knew we could always use the dog's crate in case of an emergency. Now that we have 5 though it seems crazy to have 5 crates. We could probably put 2 in our dog's old crate in case of an emergency. And, if it was get out of the house right now kind of emergency, we could probably stuff two in one of our other crates but it would be tight. So what do you all do? # of cats = # of crates or do you only keep what you need on hand to go to the vet?
  21. You are so right! Thank you, I was thinking of the bully and not the terrier. Now I can totally see what you mean and it would be so much more interesting if they were more specific in their results. I wonder if they can't yet or if it's just this company that doesn't. Her ears do stand up like that all the time. Maybe that's the cattle dog in her? The whole thing is so fascinating. I wish this was a thing when we still had dogs. Now I can't wait for @BlsdMama doggo's results to come in.
  22. Please tell me why because this is bugging me. LOL I think of pit bulls as being squat and beefy with square heads and mouths that smile, while she is tall and lean with a rectangular shaped head, but I am not an expert in identifying dog breeds by any means, at all.
  23. My son's girlfriend just got the results on her second dog: 60.4% Pit Bull 18.3% Australian Cattle Dog 5.1% German Shepard 4.1% Rottweiler 12.1% Supermutt And I'm like what? Australian Cattle Dog, yep I believe that but the rest (except for the mutt) I'm not buying. Greyhound I would have believed, Whippet, even. Really any kind of hound. Her head is very much Great Dane shaped. Here is a picture of her:
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