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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Island of the Blue Dolphins Secret Garden Stuart Little
  2. I just registered!! Anyone else going? Register by tomorrow for the discount. and new attendees get free registration. I did the free registration last year. There are some interesting workshops, at least they look interesting.
  3. I went to a small private school for high school. We did the following in 9th grade: 1/3-1/2 of the grammar text used all four years for lessons and reference. Read 4 novels, wrote an essay or did a project for each novel. We read one Shakespeare play aloud in class. We had a lit book that we uses for poetry, short story, and other studies. We worked on developing our research skills with short papers and a practice bibliography. We did most of our composition development in 10th grade. 9th grade was solidified grammar skills and lots of reading.
  4. Under normal circumstances everything gets done once a month. Somethings are done daily, some weekly. Some monthly. We do a biggish clean on Wed, but only do a full scrub down all at once if we are having company.
  5. I have had most of it for a year! I bought some used lots of multiple levels in a few programs. I just need workbooks, worksheets, etc. I plan to pick all of that up at convention in a month.
  6. Last year our local convention had free admission for those who had never been registered before. This year, if I buy my ticket by tomorrow, it OS $40. A shopping pass is $20. I received a 25% discount on science curriculum and saved plenty in shipping. What I need this year are small items that shipping Is more than the item alone. I will take a couple of classes and shop.
  7. My bad experience was the opposite. DH went to get some food and take a.shower. etc. A few minutes after he left, DD wet her diaper and spit up everywhere. This was just after moving rooms. I called the nurse to get help getting things, I had a really bad tear and had not been out of bed yet and did not want to try that on my own with the baby...anyway she said she was not there to care for the baby, that was my job. I was to tired to be mad. She refused to do anything for the baby except the first bath and putting the kidnap monitor on her leg.
  8. We use Spelling Plus with the Dictation bok by Susan Anthony. All lists are done by rules. The dictation only uses words and rules studied. It breaks down homophones as well.
  9. With my son, we both reacted badly to the epidural I decided I wanted at the last minute. My room filled with people, they called for a surgeon, and they came at me with an oxygen mask and iv fluids. The head nurse saw the panic on my face, she pulled up next to me and sat holding my hand and expkaining everything. She was amazing! We improved and all was going well until time to push, then they went back to emergency mode and had me in a c-section in minutes. They file me I could go back to my room when I could move my leg, they said it was the fastest they have every had anyone out of recovery :) I swelled horribly from all the meds and fluids. DS had a hard time nursing the second day. One nurse stayed with me for 3 hours that night to try every hold and anything else to help me. She never once suggested a bottle. I will always remember that nurse :) With DD I did not want another c-section, the doctors and nurses, really worked with me, they were great!
  10. We get moving between 8 and 10 each morning. We do school, eating breakfast as we work sometimes, it takes 1-1.5 hours. Then I spend 1.5-2 hours on chores. Sometimes longer if I get behind. I try to get an hour of desk work for the studio in, sometimes I forego chores to get a big project done. We eat lunch around 2. Recently, I have been resting/napping and then I shower and get ready to teach. If DH is home I leave around 3:30, if he is working I leave by 3:45 when he gets home or when the sitter arrives after school. Evenings: Monday and Tuesday- I teach from 4-8:30 Wed- kids have gymnastics at 5, I teach at 6 while DS has dance class. If DH is done working he picks dd up from the gym, otherwise we all go next door and she hangs in the office. We are done at 7:30. Thursday - I teach 4-7:30, DS goes with me and has theater at 5:15. Dd goes when dh works. Fri - both kids have dance and I teach at 4. Dh picks kids up at 5:30 when they are done. I am done at 6:45., We generally eat dinner after I come home. Most nights it is 8:30-9 before we eat. If it is a bath night we do that, otherwise we try to get in a story and family time before bed. 11 is the absolute latest. We are aiming for 10-10:30, well I am....I need more sleep while pregnant ;) Kids sleep until they wake up.
  11. I use Seton and get the Cat/e. The records are not sent to anyonr but me. I just do it as a record for myself. EtA: and so the kids are used to testing. If they have done it every year, it will be no big deal when they count. They will be used to the format. I tested every year and started the ACT in 7th grade. By the time they counted for college entrance, there was no stress.
  12. My son really remebers a lot. We listen to each story at least twice, sometimes more. He colors the worksheets and maps, we talk, then we do the tests as a worksheets together. I think they are better for him than the AG questions. He usually gets most of them correct. Then we do the lapbook mentioned by a PP. We can look back and review what we have learned. With all that review, he is remembering a lot. I hope the SOTW 2 lapbook is ready for next year :) he loves doing that!
  13. My kids seemed unaffected in that way, but we refused to treat with Tamiflu because of those types of side effects. If the fever was extremely high, that is definitly possible. A high fever can cause brain damage. Any virus, if it gets to your brain, can cause.problems. If you are really concerned, I would see the doctor. They may want to check further for infection or other problems if the changes are long lasting (more than just a few days.)
  14. If he flies through seat work, great! He will have slow days and days where it is like pulling teeth to get the work done. That's how you know it is time for a break ;) Give him lots of time for reading alone, find some educational computer games, get lego sets, lots of art supplies and find am extracurricular activity or two. We do dance, gymnastics, and musical theatre. We have also done piano and will do it again.
  15. 100 easy lessons worked easily for DS, I am trying Phonics Pathways with DD because she likes the pictures. She wants to read, but I don't really think she is ready, she likes to practice her "letter book" though.
  16. Both kids go to bed by 11 pm. Sometimes DS puts himself in bed earlier. He will get in bed when he is tired. He wakes around 8, then once a week he sleeps in. DD sleeps until 10ish which means on a good day, we can finish school before she is up.
  17. I said another way because I do both. It depends on where in the sentence, what I am.saying, and what words are before. Confusing, I know :) I tend to say the "i" at the.beginning of a sentence and the "ee" at the end.
  18. Cut back with you K'er, that will help your sanity. Do the penmanship, but don't time it, just do a little practice. Unless his hand is really strong, 15 minutes may actually be a lot. Practice a few letters 3-4 times each. Or write a few words. I know my DS got sloppier the more I had him write. The first few letters were perfect, the rest of the line was sloppy. You are doing coloring for strength. But don't make that apart of school. Do phonics, handwriting, Bible, and math then let him color on his own while you work with the other two. Change out the coloring with playdough. That is great for hand development as well. I did 30 minutes a day with my k'er last year. Rotate the afternoon subjects, do one a day. That will give more playtime amd reading time. Can you do half a r&s lesson a day with your 5th grader? If it is too hard, take two years for it. In TWTM she does recommend doing it a year behind. We are a year ahead now, but I plan to take two years for 5 and if we need it, 6. Ignore the grade and work where she is. I had to cut out everything but grammar, math, and silent reading for a few months. We moved way ahead in those subjects and have almost finished the books. Now we are slowong down to add science, history, spelling, and lit back in. We will finish it all in our original time frame (all but SOTW anyway), we just did it differently. If you alternate history and science, you can cover more in a day and do a shorter day because you don't have the time switching subjects. Keep in mind, PS classes rarely finish a text. If you finish or jearly finish you are ahead :). At your kids ages, they would not be learning history or true science. They would be in social studies and learning weather, planets, the plant and water cycle amd a few other topics that wrre covered every year for me from 1st to 5th grade. You are giving a better education because it includes family time and lots of love. Have you taken a spring break yet? If not, do that. It will make you feel so much better! Trust me ;)
  19. I have a job I love. I start at four pm. My husband works his own hours. One BIL has a job that just switched nights to mornings. He starts a 6:30am. It is learning to keep a schuedule of sorts with some consistency. Not all jobs start at the same time. Building good sleep habits for good health is a better goal of elementary years.
  20. I have been feeling better for a while, but I was so burned out from Homeschool amd dance classes and all the housework I had to catch up on, plus all the work that comes with owning a business....we never got back into a schedule and we did not want to do school. Plus, we had no where to do school because the house was in such a state! Before spring break I tackled laundry and the kitchen, a lot of general pick up was done, but the house is far from where I want it! Yesterday I cleaned one room, picked up and put everything away! Today, I will taclle another room. So far today we made it through EVERY subject!!!! We did all of the R&S 2 paragraph subject finding lessons, which my son loved! We did some challenging word problems, history chapter, science chapter, spelling lesson, handwriting, and read some poetry! I accomplished some studio work that I have put off and now I am off to clean for 30 minutes and take a shower :) I hope we can keep this up! We will be pushing through a chapter a day of history for a while, but math, grammar, amd science will be done by mid April. So far it has been a good day, but I still have a lot to do ;)
  21. Is gum am option? I know that if I did not have gum in my mouth I would chew on anything in my hands, including my nails. It is partially a nervous habit amd partially a sensory need. I don't need to chew on things anymore except in very stressful situations, like long distance drives. My mom started to give me Trident at a very young age, 4 or 5 I think. It helps clean the teeth too. My Dd is the same way, she chew her nails or wants gum. She is four and has learned to chrw gum.
  22. You could also just get some 3x5 index card and copy them from the book by hand. before we got a copy machine that was my plan :)
  23. DS - 56 hours of labor, started on due date, 1 minute pushing, emergency c-section. It was 7 hours of hard labor after they broke my water. DD - 1 week late, 6 hours of hard labor, 2 pushing, no c-section, no meds.
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