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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. I'd have him take the placement tests and put him where needed.
  2. I listen. The only time I write it down is when I'm teaching him how to do written narrations. I'll write a few of his sentences and he'll copy it. Right now, 2nd grade, that is working to teach written narration and is his copywork once a week or so.
  3. We just use the pages. We do one side at a time. I think the cards would be nice, but I just look up the info in the Bible and jot it on an index card.
  4. You could get the first two for the price of the third. We'll use this because it's scheduled in HOD. http://www.amazon.com/Who-Leonardo-Vinci-Roberta-Edwards/dp/0448443015/ref=sr_1_11?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1330725717&sr=1-11
  5. Could you print something for him? I know Donna Young and some others have pages, and, I think, there's even a program where you can make your own. ETA: http://donnayoung.org/penmanship/index.htm CurrClick also has a ton of copywork books.
  6. Thank you! I had looked for these a while back and couldn't find them. :D
  7. We're having success with All About Spelling with the readers. I'd add AAR, but level 2 isn't out yet. We started Reading Reflex last spring and it helped a lot, at first, but it eventually got ahead of him. I'm hanging onto it and will use, at least, the stories once he gets there in AAS. :iagree:
  8. Yep. And it saves me gas. I only have 9 days left, I'll miss it!
  9. I'd do Preparing. Add the extensions for the older one if needed.
  10. What a great idea! We do a fiction and non-fiction. Love the idea of adding a science video. :001_smile:
  11. We used Heart of Dakota's Little Hearts for His Glory for most of 1st. If I had to do it again I'd use LHFHG, MUS Alpha, and All About Reading 1. And, of course, continue to read and play.
  12. My youngest uses HOD, but if we didn't we'd still use similar books. I like good, rich living history books. I've heard good things about SOTW, but wouldn't use it myself because we don't study ancients or middle ages until much later in elementary or even middle school. Have you looked at Beautiful Feet? ETA: This would be a great pack for 1st grade. Your library may have many/most of these titles. http://bfbooks.com/E-A-History-Primary-Literature-Pack
  13. Does he read well? Struggle? Find it boring? Why his dislike? If you're positive he reads well and/or finds reading to be boring, then I'd seek out books he finds interesting. I wouldn't worry about the level, the subject (as long as it's appropriate, of course), if it's a classic or fluff. Just let him read. If he struggles, or it's possible that's the problem, then I'd seek out books he can feel successful when reading. Don't worry about the level, just let him read and re-read to build his confidence. For comprehension, I'd start with very basic re-telling of the story. Some people never become avid readers, or the desire flips on later in life, just keep moving forward.
  14. Thanks for the tip! We had stopped using our crayons because they take too long to wipe off. LOVE your school room!
  15. TT has, I think, a 30 day return. You could try it and return within that time if it doesn't work out. Not sure what MUS offers.
  16. OPG works great for a lot of kids. Made my ds cry. The letter tiles for AAS/AAR are the same. We love AAS and the readers, haven't used AAR. If they'd had level 1 when I needed it, or had level 2 now, I would use it. Could be your ds isn't reading to move to vowel teams.
  17. I used a smaller magnetic whiteboard when we started AAS. Recently I switched to a full 3'x2'- LOVE it, wish I had bought it the first time. My oldest put it up with heavy duty Command Strips (one set of 4). It works great, everything is out of the way when working, and we use the board for other things too. I do think the magnetic folder idea is pretty cool, if something like it is needed for whatever reason.
  18. We loved TT for algebra up. My ds did really well with it and I didn't feel like a failure because I couldn't teach it. My younger ds is using MUS, and we love it, but I have no problem switching to TT when/if I need the help.
  19. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the readers! We started with Cobweb the Cat and now have the level 2 readers. They are such good stories. My ds loves reading them. I think they make him feel like he's reading "real" books. A friend gave us the first book (level one volume one) and he's using it for studied dictation. I think it would have been great as a very beginning reader. Are you using AAS? We love it too. hth.
  20. We have a 3'x2' whiteboard and a smaller one, maybe 1.5'x2'. We just hung them in the past couple months. I wish I'd had them sooner. No desire for a chalkboard, other than our small HWT one.
  21. You can usually find them used. Just be certain you get the genuine SM. This is geniune: http://www.singaporemath.com/Primary_Mathematics_US_Ed_s/39.htm This is not: http://www.amazon.com/Math-Practice-Grades-Singapore/dp/0768240018/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1330029335&sr=8-1
  22. I bought it and my ds wasn't interested in it (or any other). You're welcome to it. Drop me a PM.
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