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Everything posted by jenangelcat

  1. The hospital where I used to live had an amazing cafeteria. They had a proper chef running it. However, the patient food was still the bland, nutritionless crap that is so typical of hospital food. When i had my first child, I had a c-section so had a longer stay. When released they gave me a prescription for iron pills because mine was really low. I tossed the prescription and went home and ate some real food instead.
  2. I don't consider plan r to be modern at all. There is a style it resembles that I can't remember the name of. it's very hippy 70's. I quite like it. I think it would look better without the added length of the attached garage. Don't like plan s. Too long and hallwayish. IMO it has no style style.
  3. we did. They were expensive and most of them died. Thanksgiving dinner was great but not sure it was worth the expense. I've heard lots of stories about how fragile and stupid turkeys are and found them to be accurate.
  4. I don't live in a particularly trendy place but I do read a lot of fashion stuff. Pretty much the only trend I've picked up is the fit and flare dress. I'll be hoarding them this summer to wear once a different dress shape fills the stores. I am happy to see that stripper style shoes are on their way out. They make feet look enormous.
  5. Sleeping Giant or Kakabeka Falls in Thunder Bay for camping. There's a cool general store in Wawa I always stop into on the way through. If I was going to Sudbury I would stop in at Science North. I remember that being really cool when I was a kid. Then I'd stop in Ottawa and never leave.
  6. I did that once. I was distracted by a crawling baby. The needle went right through the nail and out the other side of my finger before snapping off the machine.
  7. there was a follow up to the letter. http://gawker.com/5990745/dad-overhears-sons-plans-to-come-out-assuages-his-fears-with-heartwarming-letter-of-acceptance
  8. I would never buy a mini van again. As soon as i pay off the loan for our kia sedona, it's going on the market or to the dump. We have an extended cab silverado and it's a million times better. It fits all three kids (dh says it seats 6) plus there is lots of storage space. There was hardly any in the van. It's also a much sturdier vehicle. When i get my license i want a kia rio. We had one before and it was awesome. Hopefully i can fit three kids in the back!
  9. Isn't it time for everyone to start lusting over Johnny Depp and cupcakes?
  10. Here's some blogs for fashion inspiration. Most of them have how to type articles in addition to outfit posts. http://www.wardrobeoxygen.com/ http://girlwithcurves.com/ http://youlookfab.com/ http://www.alreadypretty.com/ Some have mentioned finances and that can obviously be a big barrier but thrift stores can be a good source. Also, after spending years buying cheap clothes that fall apart after a couple of months I find that buying cheap can be a false economy. Now I save up to spend a little more money than I did before and buy better quality clothes that'll last me a couple of years. Learning to sew can help. My $20 thrift store machine did me well for a couple of years before dying (which is why I'm currently using a tailor).
  11. designers can't make clothes for every single body out there, it would be impossible. Even celebrities don't wear clothes straight off the rack, they fit the widest part of their body and get the clothes tailored. I just had two pairs of jeans and a skirt tailored for $35. Imo if a person seriously wants to make the effort to avoid frump and change the way they dress, the best way is to research your body type, find what style attracts you, try on lots of clothes and tailor what doesn't fit. Fwiw i'm 5'3, 150lbs, with massive boobs, hourglass shape, cut my hair once a year and i can't wear heels. Oh and not even remotely wealthy. i've spent two years compiling a wardrobe after my last pregnancy and i can consistenly look good, even while mucking the barn.
  12. i'd reside the house. It needs doing badly.
  13. Kittens? I'm an everything in moderation kinda person so I don't consider any food evil and I don't feel guilty for what others would consider indulging. I'm not eating anything at themoment but I am drinking a rum cooler mixed with pop.
  14. Customer service has gone to the dogs over the past decade and I see no difference in those that are tipped. What happened to having good work ethic or doing your job well because you get paid for it? My first job was in a grocery store and everyone that worked there was polite and friendly to the customers. They got greeted and sent off with "have a nice day". These days you're lucky if the cashier even looks at you. It's not just service industries either. We run a construction business and it doesn't matter how good you are with your employees they automatically believe that they deserve better and do the minimum possible to avoid getting fired.
  15. Everything everyone else plus OKCupid. All the 20 somethings seem to be on there.
  16. More seafood and sushi. That's about it. Although the sushi is a laziness issue. I can't be bothered to make it.
  17. I did for the first year we lived here and now I definitely do not. If I thought our house could sell and we could find something elsewhere I'd move in a heartbeat.
  18. Slightly off topic. Was dieting mentioned in the Junie series? My 7 year old told her 5 year old sister that she should go on a diet. When I asked her where she got it from she said it was one of her Junie B. Jones books.
  19. This is the recipe I use. They always turn out fab. I credit the milk and the egg.
  20. I don't like sage greens as they look really depressing to me but I think you're other colours are fine. I absolutely would not go with super bright colours as your primary paint colours. They take effort and a certain personality (along with the rest of your stuff) to pull them off.
  21. I didn't read anything last week. It was a bad week. Then my ipad charger cord died so I'm on a forced break from Swann's Way. I started my paperback copy of Wuthering Heights. It's been a much easier read than Jane Eyre but I cannot stand the love interests. I realized that maybe the reason that I don't like these two books is because they are romance novels.
  22. We raised them for about 2 years and quit. I was the only one that liked the meat, we had tons of trouble keeping the babies alive and they even when kept for an extra month or two and feeding them lots, there was never a lot of meat on them. We raised the big white ones.
  23. My husband had this fear for the longest time. I'm not sure when he got over it. It was linked to his childhood as well.
  24. Yes I read the whole book. I don't count books that are in progress. If I'm in a reading mood and I really enjoy the books I'm reading I can read several a week. I'm a fast reader and I have about 5 hours downtime in the evenings to do as I please.
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