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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I do not have a favorite child. Certainly I am closer to some of my children than others. But also, some personalities get along better than others. It doesn't mean I love one child more or less than another...it's just the nature of the relationship with adult & almost adult children.
  2. Are you breastfeeding? I was told (11yrs ago) that you should not go full induction while breastfeeding. I waited until my youngest was 6months old and not breastfeeding exclusively before starting. I would think that only being 7weeks pp would mean a lot is factoring into your lack of weight loss, but I'm no expert. Also, meds can really mess with it too. Don't be discouraged... just wait.. enjoy your baby. :grouphug:
  3. Here's hoping and keeping my fingers crossed.
  4. You are not over reacting - it is totally unacceptable for him to say that to anyone and most especially a child. :glare: Read to your son from the Parable of the Sheep and Goats and talk with him about the criteria Jesus uses for judgment.
  5. I'm sorry your dealing with this and I'm sorry your mom is not being more helpful. :grouphug:
  6. Elizabeth reminded me that I didn't take into account the social issue of going to church. I'd be very lonely for church too if I couldn't go for a long period of time like that. Mrs. Basil - Can you find a Bible study or women's study during the week at one of the local churches for fellowship?
  7. No you actually helped a lot. These are some of the things I'm figuring out too. Through the sites you gave me I found this site: http://www.air-purifier-power.com/ This guy's reviews are very thorough and helpful too.
  8. yes, talk with your priest. He may have some options. I would also get his blessing to go to a non-EO church first. If I couldn't go to an EO church I would definitely up my Ancient Faith Radio listening. On Sunday mornings they used to stream a Liturgy. They probably still do. Find out when it's on and listen. I've done it when I've stayed home with a sick child (or been sick myself). I'm pretty sure it was live and I could hear the Epistle & Gospel readings for that day - which was nice. In the mornings you can also do a reader's service with you child. It would also include the readings. Then you could read the story of the saint of the day to your child. I have "Lives of Saints for Young People" put out by Synaxis Press (it's a series and it's wonderful).
  9. Juliana - I have a question concerning the Winix. The model you shared says it's for a large room up to 350 sqft. My daughter's room no where near that size. Is that the size purifier you have? I noticed that on the rating system they are were all rated using the same size room (can't find what size the room was though) - so the ones designated for a smaller room have lower ratings than those with larger size rooms (obviously). It makes me wonder about the system.
  10. I'd appreciate any advice too. With my teen dd it's very hard to get her to clean her room and then when she does it stirs up ALL that dust and she's miserable. Which HEPA air purifier do you use?
  11. :iagree: Let him know you are reading the texts. That may stop them in their tracks.
  12. I grumpy right there with you. I feel *exactly* the same way. I mean I do want my kids to have fun things to do, but they make SO much more work for the parents. Both my kids' private schools have a "family picnic" :ack2: When the kids begin to tell me about this stuff, they say to me "Mom, don't get mad but....." Yeah, they know me.
  13. It's pretty terrifying actually. Thanks for sharing. As hard as it was to read, it is an important message
  14. I heard about these on one of the NPR talk shows too. They said many more people showed up for that than for the riots.
  15. I am not a gift person. I'm a doer (or helper) and I like it when people DO stuff for me. i.e. when I come home after being gone and the kids have done the dishes for me instead of leaving them in the sink for mom to take care of :glare: But I also love to help and do stuff FOR people.
  16. I was thinking from this article that apparently being in band makes you gay - good grief! :confused:
  17. Ya know, when I first saw the picture I also wondered... But, I didn't want to judge (especially from a photo!). But, it was the first thing I thought of.
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