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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. our previous home only had a bathtub in the kids bathroom. I love baths and put in a 6' soaker tub there... loved it. It wasn't a problem. Our current home has a tub in each of the bathrooms (ours is another 6' soaker). Honestly, I think it's overkill. If kids want to take a bath they use ours anyway and a tub is a major pain to clean.
  2. Agreeing with wapiti... you may be doing too much. Increased bleeding (and redder) is a sign you've overdone it. Take it easy today, drink lots of fluids. If it doesn't seem to get any better by tomorrow call your dr. If you've already been taking it easy yesterday and today and there's been no change for the better then I'd call today.
  3. that would really drive me nuts too.. Thanks everyone for your responses. It looks like I *might* get better service by switching.
  4. I've always done garlic on the spot with a band aide - but doing it with duct tape would be even better. I buy the minced garlic and take some of the juice from that and put it on the band aide and place over top the wart. It's worked great on more than one kid. Garlic has anti-viral properties.
  5. yes, that's another one that happened. Didn't have the meds and wouldn't get them for a day or so... no call to give me a heads up.. Fortunately, it wasn't something we needed to have right then, but still..it's so frustrating.
  6. I'm so annoyed with my current pharmacy. This never happened at our old pharmacy and it's the same company, just different location. But, I'm wondering if I just got lucky before and that it's actually unusual for a pharmacy to call if there's a problem with a prescription. Here's the issue: I called in a refill for my son's prescrip. because he lost the previous (Nasonex) this morning at 8am. Was told by the computer that it would be ready by noon. I went in at 4pm and was told it couldn't be filled because I called it in 4 days early. They told me I have to call my insurance to get an override. I'm miffed that they didn't give me a courtesy call so that I could have dealt with this BEFORE I showed up to pick up the prescrip. It's a consistent issue with them (another time it was because they had written down my child's b-day wrong).... and when I ask why they didn't call me, all I get is a "sorry "from the pharmacy aide. Nothing changes. So will your pharm. call you if there's an issue?
  7. Just to add onto what Milovany wrote: I do not know what a Catholic confession looks like as I've never been Catholic, so it is hard to say what is similar and what is different. Orthodox view confession is therapeutic in nature. We do not come merely to check off a list of things we have/have not done. We come to confess how we have missed the mark. It is a turning back toward God (metanoia) rather than a checklist of sins/transgressions. Of course, the way that we turn from God is through sins - big and small. But, it's subtler than just a listing off of deeds. Honestly, I find it harder than just giving the checklist... because I have to really look inside myself. My priest gives advice and council during confession (not after as Milovany explained). But, not all priests offer advice either. It varies. In my limited experience penance is rarely given. My priest doesn't give me a list of things to do - (ie Lord's prayer so many times, etc.) But, he will encourage me to read my Bible and say my prayers regularly. Once he did have me read one of the epistles and another time he advised me to contact someone who had become estranged from the family. Since we see confession as spiritually therapeutic and our priest somewhat like a physician, we can take his counsel and advice or not - just as we may ignore our doctor's advice.
  8. yup, me too. It's like nails on a chalkboard... very hard to just ignore.
  9. I get it. I'm a singer and music is important. We're having trouble with a new member of our choir who sings very loudly and not with the group (he's on key - but this is *not* a solo!!). It's also very distracting when someone can't do it well. I understand those who support looking past the distraction and thinking about her heart... I really do... but we are supposed to be bringing our "first fruits" to the Lord. Music (just as anything else we bring to church and give) should be our best. I think we do need to have a certain level of expectations. Otherwise we're going to have chaos. Think of the visitors who don't know she's got a heart of gold or has been part of the parish for years and year. All they hear is bad singing and it can be very off-putting. I would suggest that you speak first to the choir director...then to the priest/pastor. Maybe even speak to them together. don't write an anonymous letter. I think that is worse than doing nothing and I don't think it will be well received. I've made an agreement with my husband that once I reach the point where I've got the "old lady voice" that he has to tell me so I can step down from singing in the choir.
  10. I don't think there's anything wrong with being pro-big family but deciding that it's not something you personally want/can do. It's called being realistic.
  11. Is the hospice you are using non-profit? insurance should cover it, that just seems odd to me as a hospice volunteer. Are there other hospice options in your area... maybe call them and see if insurance will cover them. Also, they should have a social worker working with your mom's case. Ask them what kind of home aid you can get (Visiting Angels is one that I've heard of - perhaps your ins. will cover it). Even if your hospice can't do it, they should know about other resources available to you. Agreeing with the others that you need respite care. :grouphug: :grouphug: many hugs for you. It's a hard road you're on.
  12. That bolded part... it is SO so true. Its a good reminder... Lucy - what an awful situation. I hope your sister-in-law escapes and has a good support system to help her.
  13. We must also look at how Christians taught these things historically (ie. things that are questioned today). Many new controversies (for lack of a better word) have been around for quite a long time and have been dealt with already. Mary's Ever-Virginity came up in the 3rd or 4th century. The Antidikomarianites heresy was rejected by the Church as heretical. I think the idea largely died out until many years after the Reformers as both Calvin and Luther accepted Mary's Ever-Virginity. Incidentally, at the same time they had another heresy crop up that was just the opposite... There were a group of people ascribing Divinity to Mary. As you would imagine, it was also denounced. One of the scriptures that we use that prefigures her ever-virginity is in Ezekiel : "Then He brought me back to the outer gate of the Sanctuary, which faces East; and it was shut. And He said to me, “This gate shall remain shut; it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter by it; for the Lord, the God of Israel, has entered by it; therefore it shall remain shut." But, I do think that throwing around scriptures is difficult. All traditions interpret differently and all use different measuring sticks. Teanika uses the plain English text literally. Others use the text with historical praxis & understanding. And yet other will look at Scripture only as an allegory or metaphor. Thus, we will all deal differently with difficult scriptures such as the one you quote. Or John 6, or even I Corinthians where Paul speaks of Baptism for the dead. edited for clarification
  14. as someone who enjoys philology I found it quite interesting. Esp. how words were understood historically - which is at the heart of this particular discussion on Mary. Thanks!!
  15. they messed up. Actually, long waits at the doctor's office is a pet peeve of mine. In this age of being plugged in why can't they give the patient a heads-up so we can either arrive later or reschedule. Heck, If *I'm* only 10-15min. late they won't take me and I have to pay the no-show fee AND reschedule. Seems only fair that we should get the same courtesy.
  16. I love thunderstorms! I agree Tranquility - today's was such a dud after all the build up. We're supposed to get lots of rain and the temps are going to be down in the 70's for several days, so I'm happy. Dawn- oh no! I hope nothing was damaged.
  17. we just bought a b/w laser printer. We spent time considering it, figured we mostly do project papers/letters, etc. Ink jets are cheaper- but the ink was *always* running out and expensive. However, within a month or two I was missing the color option. I think whatever you choose you'll probably find you'll need/want color more than you think. At least that has been my experience. I'm now looking out for a small cheap color ink-jet (since they do color better than laser). that we can have as a 2nd printer. Ugh.
  18. a great accomplishment. Congratulations and keep on going strong. :grouphug:
  19. Thunderstorms in the early morning cool sunny day (70's) the mountains all my children together snuggles from my grandson a bath and a good book being completely alone in the house for hours. sleeping through the night
  20. This. I see it on many listings that delivery is extra. That way you don't get the moochers. I also don't give out my cell on craigslist. I only do that after I've gotten a real person (not a scammer) to email me.
  21. I've done that too. I looked, more than once, but the little car was in just that spot and my van was just so big that I couldn't see it - even after turning and looking over my shoulder. I hope they call soon and you can get it taken care of easily. Don't be so hard on yourself. :grouphug:
  22. Oh, I'd forgotten about The Castle. It is a lovely movie. I enjoyed Muriel's Wedding, but for school kids?? Um.. no. Don't worry .....American's have plenty of movies to be ashamed of. ;)
  23. I looked it up since it got 2 recs' here.. It says it's a horror film... but what you say makes me wonder. Is it a scary/horror flick?
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