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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I've never used the funnel.. I just squat in the woods. I did go backpacking once during that time of month. Take some brown bags (like lunch sacks) and put your feminine hygiene stuff in there... you'll have to pack it out. Take a trowel - like a gardening trowel, for #2 to dig a little hole and fill it back up again. Honestly, it's really not as bad as it sounds. It just what needs to be done. However, I hate to be sweaty. I esp. hate to go to sleep sweaty (and it's not really good if you're backpacking in colder regions). What I do at the end of the day once it's dark... take some water and warm it up and give myself a sponge bath using a hand towel. For me it makes all the difference in the world.
  2. Ugh. I totally get your feelings. We used to have a pool at our old house. Some kids seemed to think that because we'd invited one over from the neighborhood to play in the pool, that it our pool was fair game for everyone. They'd stand at our fence (yes, really) and talk to the kids in the pool. Honestly, it was a terrible liability - I don't know who can swim and who can't. Why am I playing life-guard to the neighborhood? Where are their parents anyway!!?? It was hard to be the "bad guy" and I always felt like the mean neighbor. :grouphug: I hope you find a good solution and that parents will be understanding.
  3. I couldn't watch all of the video... it's kind of disturbing.... who in the world thinks these models exude "happiest day of your life" bridal?? Maybe for Corpse Bride. The comments were great!
  4. No Sheila's in our extended families - I guess we're all a bunch of underachievers. ;)
  5. I'm in the middle of watching this and it is good. Love most any documentary Werner Hertzog does.
  6. Your husband sounds a bit like a rebellious teen who is flipping the bird at his parents. The problem is, he's not 15. He's an adult and a parent. I have a good friend who is a Christian and married to an atheist. He would not think this kind of behavior is cool. Being an atheist should not mean morally bankrupt (thinking evil is cool, exposing kids to anything, etc). As a Christian myself, I'm sorry that you have rejected Christianity. But, as an Orthodox Christian (formerly a Prot) I no longer believe the Bible is the only source of wisdom for Christian living (Sola Scriptura). I don't believe there has to be an either/or.... but, that's a different thread.
  7. Get a squeegee and wipe down the doors after each shower. It does help with buildup. Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/OXO-Good-Grips-All-Purpose-Squeegee/dp/B000CCDBRK/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1397471425&sr=8-10&keywords=window+cleaning+tools
  8. That's odd, because I was clearly told in my hospice training that discussing a patient in an area, *such as a hallway* was a violation because the conversation could be overheard. It's probably best if she report it and let them decide if it warrants further action. And, OP - I completely get going to Urgent Care first too. I ended up in the ER last night with an asthmatic child. Getting her treatment took 4hrs whereas, if the UC facility would have been open, we could have been done in less than 2. I called our PCP and he said go to UC, but sadly they were closed. We went to a satellite emergency room, which was nearly empty...but my dd came out of the ER hating hospitals and their waste. I can't imagine how much worse it could have been at the big, busier hospital ER. She's had two negative experiences at the ER treating an asthma attack. It's going to be very hard to convince her she needs to go, if there's a next time.
  9. This is me too. I couldn't do a tiny house with my dh. He'd drive me bonkers. I need my space.
  10. We take claritin here. I also take pseudophedrine as that helps on really bad days. My dd, who has bad asthma, also gets an allergy shot in the spring and fall. She's on singulair too. We tried allegra but it didn't work for us. Edit for stupid auto spell
  11. thank you for the update.... continuing to pray :grouphug:
  12. I agree... my MIL told me that very thing many years ago. Now it's happening to her (87) and it makes me sad to see.
  13. I don't know the answer, but I've become increasingly dismayed at how people seem to be aging. What happened to the idea that people mellow with age?? It just doesn't seem to be the case in the ones we know personally.
  14. me too... but this is so sad. How terrible to lose a child. I remember one of her sons had a bad bout of pneumonia or some other bad lung infection many, many years ago (like 15-20). It seemed like it took many many months for him to recover, IIRC. I wonder if this is the same son. I didn't really keep up with her so I don't know if the "infection" was actually dx as something more serious later on.
  15. thank you everyone. Needed to just vent. Now I think I'll curl up to some Winnie the Pooh. I don't know why, but there's always something comforting about those books.
  16. sigh. just very sad and frustrated about some things happening. I think if I say anymore I'll break the board rules.
  17. Kathryn, I don't have any diabetes information to share, but I'll be praying for you and your appt. tomorrow.
  18. I completely agree with this. It may not be that God isn't there touching you - it may be your depression is overwhelming you. But, you also don't say from what kind of Christian perspective you come from either... perhaps there's something there you're not finding. Gosh, there's so much I could say and I don't know that this is the place to say it... but I also had a similar exp. as Milovany. I often felt that something was missing from my Christian experience. That "longing sigh". It wasn't until I started studying about the historical church and found it wasn't some happy, clappy feeling type of experience for most/all early Christians. It helped me to know that and to find Orthodox Christianity, which acknowledges that suffering and hardship is very much part of our Christian journey.
  19. That is so very sad. How awful for the family. Didn't she recently have a 2nd child?
  20. I use Flickr with my Samsung. The photos are good, but like Nmoira says, they don't take good action shots.
  21. We have a Samsung French door model and really like it. The only thing I don't like is the ice dispenser. But, that's been true of any other fridge we've had with a dispenser. I like having an auto ice *maker* but the dispensers always seem to be the first thing to malfunction.
  22. so very sorry. hugs and prayers for strength.
  23. I got my first baseline mamo in my late 30s when I started the pill. My dr is big on pushing mamos, but I disagree with the frequency, since there is no history of breast cancer in our family. I still think I go too often but I go about every 2yrs just to appease the dr.
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