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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I've read both sets of series over and over. I've also read the Silmarilian. Wonderful book. As to the friendship: their friendship suffered when Lewis married Joy (a divorcee) which Tolkien, a devout Catholic, couldn't condone (remember this was in the 50s). Anyway...that is what I've always heard was the reason for the fracture in their relationship... but I'm not sure I'd know where to find it online as I've never actually read a book about their relationship. I think if Tolkien was "jealous" about anything it was that he had hoped very much that Lewis would become a Catholic. Instead Lewis entered the Anglican church when he became a Christian. Not that that is really jealousy, but it could have had some effect on the friendship.
  2. sending up prayers for everyone and hoping your MIL's health issues resolve soon.
  3. My dad called the local CVS and the doctors office to see what he could do with the meds and they both said it was illegal to give away the prescription meds. Good to know this might not be the case in every area... maybe we should have looked into taking it across state lines ;)
  4. I get it. When my mom died we also had about 3-4months worth of unused meds related to her transplant that we couldn't donate or anything. It felt like such a waste, especially knowing there are people with real needs in this area.
  5. I wonder about this as well. I have a family member we suspect is a hoarder. This person was hoarding candy wrappers and other non-essential type things from a very young age. There is no known trauma or loss either. The other siblings in the family do not seem to have this...but there are older relatives (grandmother/great-aunt, etc.) who seemed to have had an issue too. The other component is that this person married someone who very clearly has hoarding issues...so whatever may have been "slightly hoarding" in my relative is only made worse.
  6. okay, that's what I thought...but I figured I'd ask just in case I was wrong. Off to the store I go
  7. I think I know the answer...but maybe I'll be surprised. I just found the fresh salmon I bought yesterday afternoon sitting on the counter. I've surmised that it's been there for 24hrs and I never put it in the fridge when I got home. :cursing: I was planning on using it for dinner tonight. I'm so annoyed with myself. What say the hive?
  8. yes, I've seen it and I kind of find the drama annoying. Usually it's ones with a victim/persecution complex..who say they like open dialog, post something that could be controversial, and then when someone gets all dialogy and they make their "announcement". Sheesh, if you don't like what someone says, just quietly unfriend them if you want. Why bring more drama to the table? Some people can be very obnoxious, but I don't get it when someone else wants to add fuel to the fire.
  9. me too... and at the death of Boromir. Boromir is one of my favorite characters because he is severely tempted by the ring, for the sake of his people, but seeks forgiveness before his death.
  10. Sounds like a terrible situation. Praying you sell your house very soon. :grouphug:
  11. Poor thing...what an awful way to wake up. Glad they aren't poisonous too!
  12. They're in China. It will take a long time.
  13. Love this! So true. Thank you SWB and everyone.
  14. I like the french door style with the freezer on the bottom. Or, any fridge with the freezer on the bottom. I also prefer an auto-ice maker but NOT an ice dispenser. Every ice dispenser we've had on a fridge has broken. Our current one has it and it's limping along... The ice melts and makes big chunks which gets stuck. I have to take the thing out and chisel the big chunks out of the dispenser every few days. It's also *loud*. I'd rather just open the freezer and reach in and grab some ice. Way faster and quieter. Otherwise, I'm very happy with my current fridge: Samsung French Door one.
  15. Right now we have a teak Scan table that expands to seat 10 comfortably and we can squeeze in another 2-3. It's very fussy but it was cheap off craigslist. It works for now. My hope is to someday get one of these: http://www.amishtables.com/amish-made-dining-room-tables that way I can buy more leaves as we add more family members.
  16. It's pretty scary how quickly things were escalated by Michael Brown. Does anyone know which witness is M Brown's friend, Dorian Johnson?
  17. how wonderful...a good cry and a few freak out moments are perfectly understandable. :grouphug:
  18. And... I do wonder how much traction this would have made if Cosby was still at the top of his popularity. Then he had the powers of NBC behind him too. It just seems like it would have been near impossible for the victims to get their story heard (and believed).
  19. It's probably too late for you... but I voted. I have special plates I use for holidays. but, I voted to just use paper if that's what you like. I don't really care what other people use. But, if you really don't want to use paper, I'd go with borrowing. I hate shopping.
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