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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I don't know how it works.... I used to be able to post photos but they changed the way it's done. Tried your FB link, but it didn't work either... said I don't have access.
  2. Cards and letters are great. At my kid's camp you can send food.. but they say *no nuts* period. They'll throw away the stuff with nuts because of the issue with allergies. I also sent photos of their nephew because I knew my kids would love that and love sharing the photo with their cabin mates. However, my kids go to a 2week camp.
  3. Oh yes, they're only really good a temporary solution until you get the other product. Good luck and I hope you're able to stay cool!
  4. I'll be judgey too... that stinks. I'm sorry your kids didn't get on the team.
  5. In the meantime it's easy to make some temporary ones. Just take any cloth, bandana or hand towel. Dip it in cold water, wring out excess and drape it around the back of your neck. It really works! Also, putting your feet in cold water will help a bit too.
  6. praying for successful surgery.
  7. poor guy... so glad you took him in. Hope he feels better soon.
  8. My almost 14 yr old has had several bouts of croup as an older kid. The last time we dealt with it (Easter time???) the neb didn't help. Took him to the ER. Doctor there dx. him with some kind of laryngitis type viral infection that was obstructing his airways (he also had lost his voice). Anyway, one treatment of steriods and he was like a new person. I'd recommend going to the dr. too because what you may think is croup may not be croup.
  9. welcome to the Grandma Club.. it's pretty awesome.
  10. so glad they caught it. It is crazy that he was walking around with those numbers.
  11. What a great ending!! So glad it turned out so well.
  12. I haven't homeschooled in 5 years and I still enjoy coming around. Yes, there is another site I frequent related to homeschooling.
  13. You can call your insurance about having the car kept only in storage and I think the insurance will go down until you need to use it regularly. We love having an extra car for our teen drivers to use... however, I'm not sure I'd keep one around for 2-3yrs until they started using it. But, I think you will end up wanting one eventually.
  14. We moved to a neighborhood because of kids 4yrs ago... it has been a big mistake. All the kids are either bullies or too young/too old. My son had brothers who were friends off and on for 2.5 yrs and then they moved to England. He has one friend and she sometimes likes to create drama. Ugh. It would have been better if we'd stayed in our aging neighborhood and worked on friendships outside of the neighborhood... my son is still just as lonely. Quill... I feel for you. If I knew the parents then I'd probably be less inclined to worry, but it sounds like you don't so it does make it hard. I totally get it that you don't want to be dumped on.
  15. Is this for a young person or adult? Also, what about podcasts or audio things? Would any of that be okay. But, I'm going to think outside the box a bit - how about going back to the early church writers. There's some very good writings within the first 400yrs of the church... and much of it is surprisingly accessible to today's audience. Justin Martyr's Dialog with Trypho is quite enlightening and he was writing circa 150AD.. widely available online - it's not that long either. On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius is also quite good- it's also less than 100pages long... if you buy the book with the forward by CS Lewis - it is FANTASTIC. Honestly, just the Lewis' introduction is worth the price of the book
  16. This is very timely as our current vacuum is giving up on us and I've had a Roomba on my Wish List forever. Maybe *this* time I'll plunk down the money.
  17. I can tell you what I've listened to via Audible that I've enjoyed. Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wrecker Dangerous Animals Club - by Tobolowsky - esp. good for workouts because each "chapter" can be a bit stand-alone. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Gaiman
  18. Yes... cutting her hair off just takes public shaming by parents to a whole new level of awful. What a senseless and horrible thing he did.
  19. I got rid of almost everything several years ago. However, I just can't let go of the phonics program that I used with all 6.... cannot.let.go. There were several items in the "never used" pile. Those had zero sentimental value so it was actually pretty easy to let it go. I knew that holding on to any of it for any length of time would continue to decrease any minimal value it had as a used item. I'm pretty pragmatic sometimes :closedeyes:
  20. very easy to do...esp. since this is a more distant soon-to-be relative. But, it is one reason I have 2 emails... one for known junk (charities, most online shopping, etc. etc.) and then my personal email. It really does help me separate some of the wheat from the chaff.
  21. thanks for the update... continuing to pray.
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