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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I discovered there is a reimbursement program in my state for up to $20K to help if there is a spill.
  2. We love our high capacity washer and dryer. Definitely a plus with lots of kids. We had 6 kids - so a family of 8.
  3. I don't know exactly. But, the previous house that we had a bid on did that and it was $1800. There were no leaks or spills and I suspect the tank was just as old as the one on this house. They had converted to gas years before and never removed the tank, so it sat empty in the ground. This is definitely something I'm going to work into the contract, if we move ahead. The thing is, the tank was just filled and I think when you remove the oil that makes it "used" oil - not sure it can be put into another tank legally. I wouldn't want to wait until after we buy the house to remove the tank either.
  4. oh man... that does suck. Praying you get some answers soon.
  5. I don't know, but I'll ask my realtor. I will ask about getting the soil tested. That's a good idea too guys. Thanks!
  6. It's not as bad as all electric heat with a heat pump. I hate that kind of heat. In cost comparisons it runs in the middle. Natural gas is cheapest. Unfortunately, it is not as widespread around here compared with electric.
  7. I agree. However, the heating unit is less than 5yrs old, so we might wait and use the money on other things we want to do inside (like making more storage space :) )
  8. We have noticed that many of the houses we've looked at with basements have water issues. They're all older homes in older neighborhood. We looked at 4-5 more houses in the original neighborhood where we put a bid on the house. Every house, but one, had issues. So you make a good point.
  9. Some of you may remember that I've been looking for a house since Feb. I think we may have found one. Yay! One thing I'm unfamiliar with is that it has an underground oil tank and I've heard conflicting information about them. The current owners still use the oil, so I think that as long as we don't change to something other than oil we're okay. But, then maybe not. What if it starts leaking? If we decide at some time to switch to natural gas (it's in the neighborhood), does anyone know how exorbitant the costs are to having it removed. I had one friend tell me if we ever found a house with an underground tank to run away. She'd heard it could cost upwards of 30K to have it removed because of EPA regulations. Another friend said its about $1800.. and there are rarely any issues. I guess the first order is to find out how old the tank is. The house was built in the mid 60s... but wouldn't the original have rusted by then? The other issue is the house has no basement (and no garage). It does have an attic with fold down stairs. It also has a 12x24 outbuilding that has been used as a workroom. The owner said there's storage up that "attic" of that building. But it's not temp. controlled. It also has a small shed we could store things like bikes and lawn mowers. This issue we'll have to think long and hard if we want to lose all that potential storage space. Right now my garage is pretty full.
  10. They often have very good sales on books. I will usually go and buy up a bunch for $5-10 a piece. Also, you can buy 3 extra credits for about $11. This works well if you want a book that is usually on the expensive side. I used it at Christmas to buy some audibles for my daughter.
  11. Wow... how amazing. So the therapy will reverse some of your symptoms? I guess you're figuring that all out.
  12. Rage Against Dying is a FBI thriller with a retired female FBI agent as the main character.
  13. If you like Herriot, you may also really like Gervase Phinn's books about his time as a school inspector in the Yorkshire Dales... The first one is called "The Other Side of the Dale" I don't know if they're available on Kindle or not though... but they're great fun, especially the first one. I enjoyed the Gilbert Cunningham Mystery series by Pat McIntosh. These should be available on Kindle because I read the 2nd one that way. I loved the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde... They aren't everyone's taste though. Alternative universe. If you like reading you may find these fun. PG Wodehouse is always a favorite for light and fun too.
  14. Thinking of you today and praying. Hugs.
  15. No one can really answer that but you. Since you have a 22yr old you know what is in store for you in the next 10-20yrs regarding raising a teenage/young adult. Honestly, those have been the hardest on me than dealing with babies and preschooloers. I'd love to have another *baby*, but I don't really look forward to teaching another one to drive or dealing with school/friends/boyfriend/girlfriend issues. I watch my 2 grand kids 2 days a week and I really don't have the stamina or patience I had when I was younger... besides, I'd really like MY life back a bit. I'm still juggling little kids with my schedule. For me, looking back, I'm glad I was done at 37. I'm beginning the driving process with our 16yr old. I'm 53 and I can't imagine doing this in my 60-70s... but I guess lots of people do it. Your baby is still pretty young. Enjoy this stage with him/her...it doesn't last long
  16. You don't know how much I would love to do that. Wish we were at least on the same side of the continent. :) Thanks for the invitation...it's like a little hug through the computer.
  17. I'm glad the weather held out so they could get in the pool for a bit. What a creepy experience. yuck. Happy birthday to your daughter.
  18. wow, that really sucks.. how awful. I'm so very sorry.
  19. I've been shopping for a new couch from Wayfair but I'm reluctant without ever actually having sat on it or seen it in person. I've checked the reviews on them, but how one enjoys a sofa or chair is somewhat subjective. One man's firm couch is another man's stiff board couch. KWM. But, I haven't had any luck looking locally either.
  20. This is what I was thinking too. Perhaps there's no way around it given the nature of this project. Hopefully your ds and dd can have a civil conversation about this... but I understand how your dd would feel about this. It's like a betrayal. BTDT.. hugs for her.
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