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Everything posted by LifeLovePassion

  1. Purging is such a process. For me it is peeling off the layers. Just keep circling back to an area and getting rid of more and more. I was forced to get rid of some kitchen stuff when I chose to take out a cupboard to get a dishwasher put in. I haven't missed much that I got rid of. The only thing I can think of off hand is my hand chopper from pampered chef. I got rid of it since I use my chef knife, but now my kids want to cook and well, they can't use my knife. I have a box of toys I took out of the playroom in January, the girls have not asked for anything from it except for once. I changed the subject and they haven't asked since. I just need to get it out of the house and then get another box going.
  2. Reubens brats tonight. Grilled burgers tomorrow
  3. Dd1 will be Kaya, the American Girl doll (costume is about 40% done). Dd2 will be her wolf puppy, Tatlo. It works out as dd1 was a wolf last year.
  4. Corned beef, potatoes, carrots and maybe roasted cabbage. It has been slow cooking all day Yesterday was chicken enchiladas
  5. I wouldn't go with white based on my experience with the pink defender case. It looks so dirty 14 months in.
  6. I'd love your pumpkin pancakes and banana bread recipe, too!
  7. I get what I describe as how one sees after their picture has been taken with a flash. Like I can still see, but parts are missing. That part lasts 45 minutes or so, then I get numb in various parts of my body then a headache, but usually the headache isn't as bad as the symptoms. I take 4 ibuprofen, 2 Excedrin Migraine and go nap for 3 hours. I am usually foggy for about a day. My vision being disrupted is my first symptom.
  8. Egg bake. It freezes well, just portion it out. To reheat, we warm it up in the microwave ar about 50% power. In a 9 X 13 pan dump in a bag of hashbrowns, the aldi bag is the perfect size, I want to say 22 oz. Add in whatever meat and veggies you prefer. We do 1/2 to 1 lb browned sausage,1/4 diced onion,1/4 diced green pepper quite often. Wisk up 14 eggs, SIL has added in chicken stock in lieu of milk and it worked just fine, but you can use just eggs. Add in salt, pepper and any other seasonings you want. Italian seasonings, basil, thyme, etc are good, so is dry mustard. Pour over the hashbrowns mixture. Bake 45 min to 1 hour. Until firm (ccheck with a knife)
  9. I'm sorry, that stinks. The best tip I have heard for free field trips is to require a $10 check per family made out to the group (or yourself if you aren't part of a group) and give it back to them at the event. Otherwise checks get cashed and the only no shows are legit illness or emergency who get their checks back.
  10. Apparently having a migraine is on today's agenda. Ick.
  11. Went out on a walk/jog this AM already. Gotta get ready for the day, eat, brush teeth, etc now. School from 9-10, then an ortho appointment for dd2. Back home and do more school. Lunch put fertilizer down on the yard supper is salmon and rice the girls have AWANA tonight
  12. I am going to start making Halloween costumes. Then we will consider Christmas gifts!
  13. Ford Escape, we love ours. We have a thule rack for camping.
  14. Best pain tip is not to let meds lapse especially the first few days. An abdominal binder (16 inch elastic band with velcro) is your friend.
  15. I love living in MN. In addition to all the great things Woolysocks mentioned, we have an amazing state park system if you like to camp or get away into nature. I love having 4 seasons. Homeschooling is easy peasy, and there are lots of opportunities for homeschoolers, including a PSEO option (Post Secondary Enrollment Option...you can take college classes as a Jr. and Sr. in high school. Books and tuition are free).
  16. Headed out for our 3rd morning jog/walk now. Tomorrow is co-op, so we won't go then. Maybe we can go Saturday morning as a family
  17. We started on Couch to 5K this week. We will be going about 1/2 pace as the girls are doing it too.
  18. Make phonogram cards for lapbook pick and start new read aloud...I am thinking little women Complete Logic of English with the girls Read portion of "The Story" aloud vacuum finalize woodworking plan for bathroom vanity (DH and I will build it out of maple, I'm super pumped!)
  19. I want to get away from Teflon. Is Hard Anodized any better? Or is stainless the way to go? What should I look for? Amazon has them as their deal today.
  20. Inspired by the other thread and recent conversations with DH, both of us wish we had been pushed more towards personal fitness. Neither one of us was into sports all that much, but could have been encouraged to do something personal like biking, rollerblading or jogging. Or do sports on a recreational level.
  21. Not the OP, but I'd love to hear them. I'm in the same boat with my intense 8 yo.
  22. What brand can you recommend? For a 4 pm wedding. To go with this dress...http://m.davidsbridal.com/mt/www.davidsbridal.com/Product_Lace-Cap-Sleeve-Dress-with-Side-Ruffles-XS3393_Special-Occasions-Features-All-Dresses
  23. Time to load the dishwasher, clean the counter, prep supper and maybe make a pie or Apple bread
  24. Today we are going on a field trip to a historical village set up from the 1800's with the early traders and settlers. I've heard great things about it. I should really get to the rest of the cleaning and unpacking from last weekend.
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