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Everything posted by LifeLovePassion

  1. Planning for the hall and front closets to get shelVing. I will have to paint the spaces first and we need to move the thermostat first. Planning plumbing supplies needed for later in the week. Yay for getting back to home projects. Dh is off until Friday
  2. The girls had to clean their room. I supervised/helped some. Got some things picked up in my room too. Dh feels like crud. But we all made it to our Cirque de soleil show tonight. Made it home, got everyone fed, DH is sleeping on the couch. The girls are playing quiet for a bit before bed.
  3. A new tablet a new giant moleskine for an art journal inktense blocks art journal supplies
  4. http://moneysavingmom.com/2014/12/download-michael-buble-christmas-album-free.html
  5. Prime rib tomorrow with the in laws (delayed from Sunday, we were sick). I don't even know what else we are having as sil/mil did the shopping as we had sickness all last week too. Country ribs on Christmas, I will make jiffy cornbread and a salad. We will do rolls in the morning.
  6. You can do it, Jean. When I have to do them (every 2 years) I always like to tell dh, at least he can't say I am full of crap! Feel better, Lucky Dd2 woke up better, I am giving her a fiber bar for breakfast as I think not pooping while sick hasn't helped her tummy ache issue. Since being cooped up for over a week now, I have the strange desire to go to the Christmas clearance at Michaels. Probably won't though, but do have to try to get to the library. The girls will have another resting day, we all slept in this morning. Me until 7:30, them until 7:50. Hopefully that will help the health around here. I need to do laundry clean my room find the stocking Wrap a couple things dishes clear off the counter clean out boxes from the bathtub in the living room so there is room for presents Fried porkchop sandwiches and fries for supper
  7. I got my list pretty much complete. Shopping was nutso. But I managed. At least I didn't feel like I might pass out while shopping like on Friday. Dd2 perked up a bit today. She ate supper but then said her tummy hurt. She is tucked in now, buy I am praying she will sleep the night and not get sick again. Me sleeping on the living room floor, even with an air mattress, is restless.
  8. Whew. Survived the weekend. Dh aND I both caught the virus dd1 had early last week. Really tired. Made it to Christmas with my family Saturday (they had been warned we had been sick). Dd2 woke up at 2am Sunday puking. She is better this morning. Got the dishes done coffee made for tomorrow going to menu plan the week brave the stores after dh gets home (groceries and last minute items) shower laundry start to feel "normal" again
  9. Get lastpass. We just did. Then you only have to remember one (really good) password. I can send you an invite for a free month. Our IT security guy friend recommended it to us
  10. BLT dip http://allrecipes.com/recipe/blt-dip/
  11. Got ready to go see the Nutcracker. Turned back as dd1 wasn't feeling well still. Another tv/low key day for the girls. I should come up with a project to be productive today.
  12. Good morning. The fever is gone for dd1. Today is a chill in front of Christmas movies day. We are skipping AWANA tonight. I have shoveling to do, general cleaning and then work on a photo sorting project.
  13. Puking stopped, fever spiked up after the puking stopped. So far dd2 is clear.
  14. Managed to get in my elliptical workout and shower in between pukings. So the day has been a success. Cleaned the counter off. Dd2 and I have been working on making our Christmas tree (in case you didn't see in the tree thread, we have our old cast iron bathtub in the living room due to it being heavy and winter, it will probably be there until spring, so no tree this year. The bathtub did get decorated by the girls with snowflakes. I should let them draw on it with sharpies)
  15. This year we went with a Christmas tub. You may not have heard of a Christmas tub before. It looks a lot like the cast iron tub we pulled out of the bathroom for remodeling that we probably can't get out until spring. It is decorated with snowflakes though! Awww, construction joys!
  16. Plans changed as dd1 puked. I will get to unpack from the weekend and do laundry today.
  17. The costco tri ply set also gets reviewed well.
  18. Has anyone had issues with stainless fridges rusting? I have read some complaints on that. Still no clue what we will do...most of the sales end today, so we may just wait.
  19. I think the new credit also works for digital music and video too IIRC
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