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Everything posted by LifeLovePassion

  1. My dad wore a Tux. Our groomsmen wore khaki pants and white button shirts with ties that I bought to match the bridesmaids dresses.it depends on how formal the event is.
  2. I assume they will choose folks from each group from their survey. (like so many who have used an electronic planner before, so many who have never used a planner, etc to get feedback as to how well it works for everyone) It would be fun to be selected!
  3. I make it and love it! I also have done a broccoli, cauliflower. carrot combo. so good! I've added the sunflower seeds for some crunch too.
  4. I have the Samsung replenish. It's kinda like a gateway smartphone. It doesn't have a premium data fee, and it's not top of the line, but it works for me!
  5. Is there any resource that lists the similarities and differences between WTM and CM?
  6. We are nearing the end of Kindergarten. You know the year that everyone says to take easy and to keep it light? Well we have done that successfully! It's been easy going and a good pace for starting with the basics of reading, writing and math. We've added in other things randomly, but haven't had consistency with any other subjects. I am VERY interested in Charlotte Mason/WTM style of learning but haven't figured out how to execute that yet. Here's what we've done/what I have plans for. Let me know what I should change/add/consider if you see something I'm overlooking. Math: MUS Primer is almost done, we'll probably jump into Alpha right away and continue this over summer every few days (same pace as now) Reading: Alpha Phonics...we are SLOWLY going through this book. She gets it, but struggles and doesn't like it. She is also doing Reading Eggs. She has read some readers already too. We will probably just keep plugging away and adding in more readers to make it fun Writing: HWOT. The K book will be done soon. She struggles with letter reversals. I'm not sure the 1st grade book is the answer as it seems like more of the same without stepping it up. I think she'd be bored if she did the next book. (I think even my pre k'er would be bored with the K book since she got it). Do we just start copy work? Like I write a sentance and she copy it? Is there another program or book to look into? Now for the other subjects... Spelling: I picked up AAS. Is that something that is usually started in 1st grade? Or should they be reading a little more (which she probably will be by the time we actually start)? Science: I like the idea of nature study. I'm not sure what else to discuss. Geography: I have Expedition Earth and so far we've done 1 country. I could keep going through that at a relaxed/fun pace of one country every 2-3 weeks. History: I have SOTW, not sure if I should start it or wait a year or 2 until dd2 would be more interested. Art: The girls have sketchbooks and we do projects. I'd like to study art a bit more. Bible: I need more consistancy in this area. I'm not sure what that should look like. Memorize a verse a week? Topical study? Sequential? Read alouds: We are working through Little House on the Prairie and Boxcar Children along with various picture books. Critical Thinking: I really would like to get the Mind Benders books or similar to help dd1 with her logic and sequencing (lack of) skills. How do I organize all this into a schedule? What else am I missing?
  7. Not all of these are free, some have been the free app of the day. Aces Traffic Pack ibird pro 2 Jigzle Gallery 1 Jigzle Gallery 2 istorybooks moon phase spirograph router
  8. Yes, they are fantastic! I've been to one of their benefits and the organization was impressive.
  9. I didn't read through everything, but for the bottle, we started with 1/4 water 3/4 formula overnight, then 1/2 and 1/2 then 3/4 water 1/4 formula. Then we let them have sippys of water. The paci, first we just restricted it to nap/bedtime. With dd1, she actually started chewing on them and was punching holes in them w/ her teeth (they were breaking down) so I told her they weren't safe and threw them away and that was that. dd2 was harder, but once you make the decision...go with it. We bought a replacement lovie for her since she was a big girl.
  10. we have Frontiers for the girls. Who are now almost 4 and 5 1/2. We bought them because they have the highest harness height/weight limit for a seat then turn into boosters. My 5 1/2 year old is tall...I don't remember her exact height but is always in the 90+%. Britax has good safety ratings.
  11. I think I am going to go with the Deft Dante. Now, what color...pink, aqua or green?
  12. I don't think so as ipad integrated a magnets into it's smartcover
  13. now I'm trying to decide if I like a magnet closure (#2 or 5) or if a elastic band would annoy me (#3 and 4)
  14. IDK, the kindle came w/ the app, I should check it out I guess.
  15. the black mcover has some reviews http://www.amazon.com/mCover%C2%AE-Black-Leather-Multi-touch-Display/dp/B006MIDDCG/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1326383258&sr=1-1
  16. JAVO EDGE pro: pretty con: don't know if the front cover will fold completly flat on to the back of the kindle (I had a book style case from target and returned it because it was too stiff and had to be held open) *only one position for propping up Deft Dante pro: rotates when standing so it can be propped either way *multiple propping angles con: color isn't as bright as I'd like it *don't know if front cover will fold flat (I did ask someone on Rav who has it in a thread, so maybe she'll reply) ETA: She replied, yes it does fold flat "I use mine like this the vast majority of the time, so I imagine it is fairly broken in by now. The hinge seems nice and sturdy to me. It rotates very smoothly." MCOVER pro: cheap *cover folds flat *multiple propping angles con: don't know if those corner clips are as secure as a full wrap *only horizontal when propped Acase pro: cover folds flat to the back con: one viewing angle when propped *only horizontal when propped Case Crown pro: bright colors con: one propping angle *only horizontal propping
  17. Yes, mine lags too and it doesn't like google or hotmail But I'll probably keep it anyways
  18. I'm not sure I can justify the cost of audible. Do you know of a free audio book source to try them out, by chance?
  19. after the 1st tri, to everyone. I'm good at hiding it!
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