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Everything posted by LifeLovePassion

  1. The north Shore of Lake superior in MN is a beautiful area
  2. Not much. I am still sick. I guess it is pay back for him being sick on mothers day. Although he will have to run dd1's birthday party. It is mostly family. And his sister will help get a cake , and giving the friends a ride home.
  3. Any sort of huge sensory input would probably diffuse things a bit. (Hug)
  4. Chewy tube if they bite themselves es or gum if they can be trusted to spit it in the trash when done
  5. Dd2 is still sick. Dd1 is at day 2 of safety camp. I am tending to dd2,binge watching friends on Netflix. Making a grocery list for when she is better.
  6. The Adventures in the Northwoods series by Lois Walfred Johnson take place in NW Wisconsin and parts of MN. Some Little House on the Prairie books mention it.
  7. If you have a sibling getting married locally aND your are in the wedding. Who is invited to the rehearsal/dinner? Your spouse? Your kids? I am curious if my expectations are in or oUT of liNE with normal practice .
  8. We pay $54 for 2 weeks (M-Th) of lessons. 45 minutes long. About 1:8 ratio,sometimes less. EtA.Whoops,ours is lessons,not a camp.
  9. Definitely a colorful English cottage garden and swing.
  10. Come home from vacation. Unpack the vehicle mow the hay field. ..aka foot high lawn start laundry Sit on my comfy couch and not something that hurts my back
  11. I'm in this club too. You are not alone!
  12. Check out the ICAD challenge at http://daisyyellowart.com/ It statted June 1
  13. If the chickens vanish, I'd think their joy food would be gone too. And I am firmly in the no urp rugs side of things. Urp belongs in the toilet
  14. My girls recently discovered the According to Humphrey series. It is stories about what goes on in the classroom according to the class pet hampster,Humphrey
  15. Taryn Rose. I got a pair for my brothers wedding I am in this June. Got them off of eBay.
  16. The spam museum is off of 90 in southern MN Eta...oh no,it's closed so they can move until 2016
  17. We are done with "regular" school for the year. I want to keep the girls engaged and doing some basics most days (keeping flexibility for vacations, camps, etc.) They just are getting into Harry Potter. DH is reading the books aloud. We are on book 2. So far, I am thinking... Robe sewing Wand Making Herbology, making a book of native plants, maybe things in our yard Potions...some simple science experiments Defense against the Dark Arts...Bible of some sort. Transfiguration...Art or tinkering or could be a science experiment Care to share ideas? I want to work in penmanship/copywork somehow and math, but need fun names for it.
  18. This thread had me giggling and I woke up Dh
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