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Everything posted by LifeLovePassion

  1. I love that, I really do, but the sentimental side of me would miss gems like MIL saying "good luck" in a bridal shower card :lol:
  2. So, I came across some bridal shower, wedding, baby shower, birthday and Christmas cards I had saved. Does anyone have anything creative ways to save them? Do I save all of them? Only the special ones?
  3. We survived the weekend! Got the cold water plumbing done, next weekend will be the hot and install the tub and entry closet shelves (well, that's the plan as of now anyways). Today: E-mail to dd's friend's mom...DONE breakfast...DONE Fold 3 loads of laundry Menu plan the week out Figure out what I need from IKEA, going tomorrow for kitchen command center stuff and closet organization items Figure out what to do with old greeting cards, and do that today to get them out of the living room. E-mail to aunt about bridal shower for future sister-in-law Return DVD bins to basement School...can't forget about school Wash Jeans Clean up spilled miracle gro in the utility room Sewing machine moved back downstairs clean off counter
  4. SIL took the girls to church dh and I continued work on our plumbing project. It took all day (and yesterday) but it is done now. Around here, we look forward to the work week!
  5. I bought plumbing supplies for our home repair (planned, thankfully). Paid to eat out once over the weekend, but we were without water all weekend, so not bad. Last week I went to Costco and did a stock up for food. This week, we have 2 field trips, so I may have to pay for parking. I am also going to Ikea (kitchen remodel pieces, I am doing a command center wall, they have a wall file rack I need). Also I have to buy some fabric bins either at Ikea or Menards. They are on sale this week at Menards, but I want to check on the Ikea ones before I purchase...these are for the new entry closet shelves for mittens, hats, etc. $5 will go to buy dd1's AWANA derby car kit That's about it planned.
  6. Hit some hiccups, no church and sleeping over at SIL's tonight.
  7. About to start on our plumbing project. Church tonight if we are at a good stopping point.
  8. Got school done shoveled the driveway picture project is 90% complete now, I need to sort out saved cards from years past (wedding, birthday, christmas) and decide if I save them or not. Co op tomorrow and some home improvement projects on Saturday.
  9. I am an aspiring minimalist too... I am up for a challenge, but might appear to spend more due to some planned for house updates. One of my best strategies is just to avoid shopping without a list, staying out of stores as much as possible. I am super excited though, spent $70 on bins for the new hall closet storage. We DIY house repairs to save funds, shop used when possible and generally live simply. Oh, I made $23 bringing our old cast iron tub into the scrap metal yard.
  10. Watching YouTube to start the day school bring the tub into the scrap yard (finally! And try not to freeze while doing it) library Finish the picture sorting project (for real)
  11. The hall closet is done (well except actually making doors). I did some kitchen rearranging, have a bit more of that to do. I got some lesson planning done while the girls were at awana. Tomorrow the tub leaves! But I will freeze to do it as the windchill should be around 35 below! School is closed in our district. I am thinking we will go after lunch and it "warms up". I need to also finish the picture sorting project and move stuff out of the way from emptying the front closet to paint it.
  12. Susan, that is funny! I am in MN and it is -7 right now with windchills -20.Local School is still in session though, so it's not too cold yet. Today... work at finishing hall closet organization, decided what goes in there. work on picture sorting project to get them out of the living room School AWANA starts up again tonight
  13. How fun! (Well, except for the sickness.) I love reading about your adventures!
  14. I had a sleep deprived eeg as a teen. A friend stayed up with me, my mom took us grocery shopping at a 24 hour store to pass some time.
  15. About to start the 2nd coat of paint. Dishwasher emptied and loaded with breakfast dishes Got some school done. All be it minimal. The girls are supposed to be cleaning their desks, ha! Got some organizing of my hall shelves done. SIL picked up some bins for me at Bed Bath and Beyond so I can do more after I paint again.
  16. Paint front closet, 2 coats put stuff on new hall shelves! work on school with the girls maybe try again to take in the tub to the scrap yard. They were closed Friday when I tried. Work on privilege/consequences chart
  17. I'm sorry, Amy. We bought plumbing supplies, dh hung hall shelves, I ripped out the old shelves from the front closet to prep for painting next week. Went to church tonight. Tomorrow, finish the hall shelves (had to go back for more special screws...had 6 holes, sold screws 5 in a pack, lame). Spackle the front closet. Maybe do more basement demo too.
  18. Ran a bunch of errands. Looking for stuff for closet organization and a command center wall.
  19. Menu plan Bring load of scrap metal in. Bye-bye Christmas tub! run errands library
  20. Laundry paint 2nd coat in the hall. (Did 2 coats of primer and one of paint yesterday) go to Menards (4th time this week, but who's counting? )
  21. Prep, prime, paint the hall. Get it ready for new shelves/closet at the end of the hall.
  22. Me too. I wouldn't risk it. Goodness, it was stressful enough for me having dd's peanut allergic friend over for a play date where I had cleaned and hid all nut products.
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