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Everything posted by mom2jjka

  1. I recently bought a pair of these - http://www.zappos.com/the-north-face-thermoball-micro-baffle-bootie-shiny-tnf-black-tnf-black They are not very pretty, but they are seriously the warmest (and lightest) pair of boots I have ever owned. I was able to go sledding with my kids in below zero weather and my feet were toasty warm ( while they all complained of frostbitten toes)
  2. We have given DS models (that he and his dad can build together.) Not only are the models collectible, but he builds special memories working with his dad to put them together. We also give him a book every year and write an inscription on the cover.
  3. Mine is my cat - wearing a doll hat that my DD put on her. (I can't believe she let her, or that she left it on long enough for me to grab the camera!)
  4. Oh dear - sorry about your table, but glad it wasn't worse and that you all are safe. I wonder...the burned part apperas to be on 'leaves' in the table. If so, I wonder if just that section could be replaced? (Maybe you could contact the manufacturer and find out if you could order just that portion?)
  5. Definitley agree with everyone above that a vet visit is in order, but also wanted to mention that animals are incredibly perceptive and empathetic to our emotions. Your dog could be grieving right along side of you for your friend - just showing it in his own way (and I am so sorry for your loss.)
  6. Knit. Crochet uses more yarn and usually isn't as warm because of all of the the holes/spaces.
  7. Oldest was a C-section - and I had 3 successful vbacs afterwards. (including 1 induction and 1 forceps delivery) My OB told me that the risk of rupture from a vbac was much less than the risk of infection due to surgery. However - now even though that is still his stance, our hospital will not allow vbacs any longer due to insurance regulations, so check your local hospital's policy on them.
  8. When you get to the point where you stop increasing, and just continue with single stitches all the way around, it will begin to take on more of a typical curved hat shape. Also - that pattern looks odd to me with the 6 at the beginning of each line. (?) When I make hats I usually do whatever number of stitches the pattern calls for in the ring for the first row The second row is double that, and from there on out, to increase in size, it goes something like this: 2 stitches in one, then1 single stitch - repeat this pattern until you finish the row and join w/ a slip stitch (2, 1) 2 stitches in one, then 2 single stitches - repeat the pattern until you finish the row and join w/ a slip stitch (2, 1,1) then 2,1,1,1 2,1,1,1,1 2,1,1,1,1,1 etc. until you reach your desired crown size, and then from that point you just do one stitch in each stitch around until the hat is finished. (does that make sense?)
  9. My 10 yr old daughter has this! I have thought it was just because she is on the autism spectrum. It is so bad and the rest of us are miserable because she will rage and tantrum. She has to have seperate mealtimes and no one is allowed to eat near her. We can no longer snack during movies or on car trips, and the rest of my kids are so upset with her. She can't handle going out to eat anymore. I am desperate to find help for her, but don't know where to turn.
  10. Thank you both. Yes, she is very much still a concrete thinker. I do like the idea of using music, as that has worked well for memorization in other subject areas (both for Bible memory and the MUS skip counting CD's) And she is not really quick to pick up patterns, but color coding words would be fantastic!
  11. My 10 year old daughter, who was recently diagnosed with ASD, is having a very difficult time understanding grammar, specifically parts of speech. She is an excellent reader and speller, but she does not see how words can be compartmentalized into categories. Nouns and verbs she can handle - but it gets trickier when it comes to helping verbs, and then she is totally lost when it starts talking participles and prepositions. We have tried numerous approaches (R&S, GWG, CLE - flash cards, oral drill, etc.) but the lightbulb just isn't on. Will it ever come on? Is this an age/maturity issue? An ASD issue - (she tends to taking things very literally) ? She would like to go to college someday, (she wants to be a librarian,) so I feel that grammar is important for her to continue in. Any ideas on how I can help her?
  12. I highly recommend K-Toos. They are GF/DF and taste much more like real Oreos, and they come in chocolate or vanilla. (Our local grocery store carries them)
  13. Yes! My son is a fantastic reader, but has dyslexia and dysgraphia. His spelling and grammar are greatly affected, but he also has issues with things like tying his shoes, remembering the months of the year in order, memorizing multiplication tables, or even our home address.
  14. Mine is pretty neglected these days, but I hope to revive it once school starts http://cityon-ahill.blogspot.com/
  15. I am so glad you posted this. I have had terrible pain for the past month from PF.
  16. I was terrified every night that soldiers were coming to get me. I could hear them marching every time I laid in bed and it was really quiet. (It wasn't until years later that I figured out it was my own heartbeat.)
  17. My son is signed up for church camp next month, but I am also concerned as to what he is going to eat all week. (He is allergic to wheat, dairy, beef, pork, turkey, fish, shellfish and spinach - and the menu for the week is things like hot dogs, spaghetti, pizza, salads, pancakes, bacon, etc.) None of it is safe - not even the salad because it may contain spinach. :sad: I will be sending a cooler of precooked food that just has to be microwaved - chicken, rice, fruits and veggies,and gluten/dairy free baked goods. I am hoping that by using a microwave it will risk any contamination that might occur in the preparation. I am also PRAYING that the camp is not nut-free, (or at least that there is a set-aside place for him to eat things like a power bar or apples w/ peanut butter) as those are some of the few foods he can have. One thing that does give me some peace of mind, is that the camp has a full-time nurse on staff who is familiar with food allergies and Epi-pens....but I'm still a nervous mama. :001_unsure:
  18. Just wanted to mention a couple other resources for those looking for a gentle intro to Chemistry. Pacworks - Integrated Physics and Chemistry http://pacworks.com/newpac/?page_id=109 You can either do all 12 workbooks for the full course, or you can separate it and do just the chem portion (Chapters 1,3,5,7,8 and 11) Another option is the Chemistry 101 DVD set from Westfield Studios. http://www.the101series.com/chem/index.html These two options provide a good basic coverage of the concepts without being overwhelming. (Perfect for students like my 'artsy' daughter.) ;)
  19. Hooray! I wish the cookie dough was dairy free, too, though, but we have found that the Betty Crocker box mix is pretty good.
  20. My DD is just finishing 9th. This is what she did.... Math: TT Alg 1. Science:Pacworks - Integrated Physics and Chemisty (plus an outside lab class) HIstory/Geography: 1/2 of Notgrss World History - Creation to Reformation (*she'll finish the second half next year) 1/2 of Pacworks World Geography (*ditto above) English: ACE 9th Grade English (which includes some Lit) 2 Progeny press guides to accompany the Notgrass EWH Lit. selections Wordsmith Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary 8 (she was weak in this area - but has caught up this year) Electives: Bible (Notgrass EWH, a devotional, plus several other books on apologetics/worldview) Intro to Logic - (The Fallacy Detective + The Thinking Toolbox) Intro to Spanish (The Learnables) Violin lessons String Ensemble/Orchestra PE
  21. Very cool! (I keep hoping for a cello....maybe someday. ;) )
  22. My mom was not feeling well/thought she had pneumonia so went for a chest x-ray. It was lung cancer.
  23. My kids are not really athletically inclined either, but I still encourage health and fitness. I give PE credit for things like bowling, rollerskating, swimming at the Y, and using our stationary bike or the Wii Fit.
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