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Everything posted by mom2jjka

  1. First of all (((HUGS))) to the OP. I know that if I bought a special present for my baby's first birthday and it got destroyed before his special day - it would destroy a piece of my heart, too. :( I would use that bit of information right there. Let your friends know the emotional aspect.... I would say to them, "Our son's first birthday is coming up and we had planned to make it a very special day and give him that table. I know accidents can happen and that Nate didn't mean it, but since DS's special gift was broken my husband and I were wondering if you could possibly help us out so that we could get him another table." Praying that you are able to resolve this issue.
  2. Unfortunately we don't have CC's around here. :( We do have technical colleges - but that's about as close as we get. Thank you everyone for the replies - there are some great ideas, and I'm making a list to give to DD and ask which ones she has the most interest in.
  3. We are going to use either Abeka or Total Health (as an elective) for .5 credit - but I am having her take it at the same time as A&P, since both will cover major body systems. I am also giving her .5 credit for A&P under science, and we are using Pacworks A&P, plus some of the books from Masterbooks "Pre-med" studies http://www.christianbook.com/advanced-pre-med-studies-pack-volumes/9780890517673/pd/517673?dv=c&en=google-pla&event=PLASHOP&kw=backorders-40-60&p=1167941&gclid=CJ6unr3Np8ACFcRzMgodGGYAag
  4. Those are all good ideas - thank you! I will run them by her and see if she prefers any of them.
  5. My DD took IPC/Physical Science in 9th, and Biology in 10th. First semester this year she is doing Anatomy & Physiology (and Health,) but we need something for science for 2nd semester for this year. She plans to take Chemistry next year in 12th - do I just have her start that? (I would like her to get a full 4 credits in science though.) Any ideas?
  6. Thank you, Heidi. That sounds promising! I did come up with a back-up plan if I don't find anything else. I discovered these books hiding on the kids shelves, and I think I can devise an environmental science/nature study course for her using them, (and supplementing with books/videos from the library.) The Nature Connection workbook is especially interesting (DH picked it up at a used book sale, and I hadn't really given it a second glance - but now I'm glad I did!) It has all sorts of nature journaling pages, weather charts, and astronomy guides for each season. And the font is big and kid-friendly, so that will appeal to her better than a textbook.
  7. Okay - I've been browsing at Currclick, and I was wondering about maybe doing some science lapbooks. Has anyone used those with success with a dyslexic child (or is it too much writing?)
  8. I can read to her (as long as we can find a quiet corner of the waiting room - which we usually can) Unfortunately our therapists office does not have wi-fi for the clients. Be we could look into that for our days at home. I like the idea of audio backing up what she's reading.
  9. I still need to find science for my youngest for this upcoming year. She is 9 going on 10 years old, but because she has pretty severe dyslexia, it needs to be written at about a 2nd grade reading level. It also needs to be something fairly portable (no lab supplies or big TE's for me) because we'll probably still be running to therapy for my other daughters, and doing school in the waiting room a couple times a week. (I would prefer Christian curriculum, but I'm open to all suggestions at this point. And she does not want ACE, CLE or Lifepac - so I'm stumped.) Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  10. Thanks! She has been playing acoustic guitar for over a year now, and she is really excited about having her own electric. :) And counting it as an elective is a great idea - especially since we are short on those for this upcoming year. Should I just call it 'guitar building' on the transcript?
  11. This is very short, (we are just using it as an add-on for biology,) but it gets the basic job done http://www.pacworks.com/anatomy_physiology.php
  12. My daughter is taking this class at our local technical college this week. http://www.guitarbuilding.org/workshop-details-for-students/ I am unsure as to whether or not to include it on her transcript, or to assign credit for it. The college is not offering any credit - but that doesn't mean that, (as a homeschooler,) I can't . The class is 80 hours so I was thinking maybe .5 credit, but under what category? Science (and if so does it count as a lab course?) Woodworking/shop? Or would it be better to just count this as an extracurricular activity?
  13. It's funny, because my grandma cooked mostly by memory, and she rarely wrote down recipes (and if she did it was only ingredients - not instructions.) She had a killer sugar cookie recipe, but when she died none of her grown kids knew how to make them. Her ingredient list for them called for 'Oleo', and before Google, no one could figure out what that meant, (later found out it's just margarine, LOL.) Anyways, because she was my babysitter when I was growing up, I watched her make those cookies a million times, so I knew just how to replicate them - her secret was to 'cut' the margarine into the flour like you're making pie crust. I've since shared this with my aunt, and she was amazed I knew how to make them like Gram. And I'll teach it to my kiddos, because this is an heirloom worth passing down. ;)
  14. I've tried several - but do you know what...I always come back to plain, cheap Covergirl. It's the only one that doesn't feel greasy or heavy to me, it's under $10, and I can get it at walmart or the corner drugstore when I run out. http://www.walmart.com/ip/10319473?wmlspartner=wlpa&adid=22222222227000012196&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=42118422670&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=34819039270&veh=sem
  15. Praying for him. I have a child who is just beginning their 'mental health journey', and it is scary. I imagine the stress of something that huge is very intimidating. Gentle (((HUGS))) to you both.
  16. For me it was the artwork. I know many love it, but I was underwhelmed
  17. No, but I am also considering this for my oldest, (who did an OT survey course this year,) so I'll be watching with interest.....
  18. We have paired AAS with CLE language arts (which is heavy on phonics in the younger grades) The combination of the two is the only thing that worked for my daughter. However, I will say that she has to work behind grade level ( she is 9 and just finished the 100 level of CLE) We had tried it when she was younger, and she just was not ready for it. Now she is using it with great success. This past year she went from only reading BOB books, to being able to read The Magic Tree House books.
  19. We have 2 cats and 2 boxes, and it's funny because they usually choose to use one box for #1, and the other for #2. Cats are weird. :lol:
  20. How about Lacey (from Cagney and Lacey) or Olivia (from Law & Order SVU) or Ziva or Abby (from NCIS)
  21. I have always wanted to visit Iceland. It sounds so beautiful. That is really interesting about the average build there. My son is extremely skinny (BMI of 14) and we have been sent to numerous doctors and nutritionists over the years. His paternal heritage is Norwegian.
  22. My DD saw the Kenneth Branagh version of "Much Ado About Nothing" and was hooked. From there she moved on to Caesar, Midsummer, R & J, Hamlet, the sonnets...she can't get enough now. :)
  23. Yes! We have actually been pretty horrified at the language in 80's 'teen' movies. I didn't remember them being THAT bad! We watched Ferris Bueller recently and I was absolutely stunned at the amount of swearing. :(
  24. There are also the WELS Lutherans (Wisconsin synod) who tend to be the most conservative of the bunch. Here is s link that explains our doctrinal beliefs and answers other Q & A's http://www.wels.net/what-we-believe
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