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Everything posted by mom2jjka

  1. Oooh you all are making me paranoid. I was going to have the student books for America The Beautiful spiral bound, (we have some loose pages,) but maybe I'll just 3 hole punch them and put it in a binder. :glare:
  2. :iagree: I grew up believing that I had 'accepted Jesus as my personal Savior' at a young age. But the more I studied the Bible I learned that we cannot participate in our own conversion or our own coming to faith. We can only come to faith in Jesus by the work of the Holy Spirit. To receive faith is, from start to finish, a work of God.
  3. It literally made my 9 yr old cry. :001_huh:
  4. I'm 41 and I don't hear a thing. :confused: (But I have suspected for awhile that I am losing my hearing)
  5. Please be aware that not all police and fire fighters are trained in child passenger safety. Unless they have taken classes and are SafeKids certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians, their advice can be downright dangerous. :(
  6. 3.5 is generally too young/immature for a booster. I would also recommend the Nautilus or another combination seat such as the Britax Frontier, Diono Radian, etc We have both a Nautilus and Frontier - my daughter prefers the Nautilus. (It has nice high straps, too. She's 7.5 and still fits into the harness)
  7. We go back to our car and 'tailgate' picnic for lunch and dinner. We usually just do sandwiches, fruit, pasta salad, etc, but I have even seen people with little gas grills making hotdogs and burgers. When we get into the park we buy one or two bottles of water - which we refill at the bubblers throughout the day. I have also occasionally brought those little individual packets of Crystal Light to turn the water into lemonade.
  8. My kids get either a Mc'D's milkshake or a Grande (non-caffeinated) Frappuchino when they mow the lawn....It's their preferred method of payment, which is fine with me. :001_smile:
  9. Hermit crabs are fun and inexpensive to care for. We have 3 of them and I love them, BUT.... did you know that with proper care they can live 15-20 years? :001_huh: (I sure didn't, or I never would have gotten them!) Also, they are nocturnal, and they are quite noisy as their shells bump into the glass sides of the aquarium when they roam around at night. ALL of my kids have asked to have the tank taken out of their bedrooms because the crabs kept them awake at night.
  10. Sigh - yes the cost is outrageous. My kids were both around $7000 a piece...and I've still got 2 more who need them. :(
  11. That is very sad. I did like his paintings. As far as Winnie the Pooh...that is horrible, but it was the Disney version of Pooh...(And sometimes I'm of the same opinion as Kincaid as far as that is concerned. :glare: )
  12. I have three daughters, also. I love that first paining you linked to! This painting is a favorite of mine, but it also only has two girls http://www.oilpaintings-sales.com/oil-paintings/william-bouguereau-two-sisters-84598.html
  13. Reynald/Reynold Reginald Royce Royal Winston Wesley/Westley Tanner Peyton
  14. Throw frozen chicken breasts into a crock-pot, cover with BBQ sauce, teriyaki, or your favorite marinade - cook on low for 6 hrs and serve over rice.
  15. I agree. I found an (older) article that talks about that. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2008/05/court-smacks-autodesk-affirms-right-to-sell-used-software.ars
  16. Best thing I ever did for myself! My back and neck pain is gone, I don't get as many migraines, my posture is better, and my self-esteem has improved so much. I can buy normal bras and clothes that fit, and I can actually run and play with my kids! Mine was covered by insurance, but I had years worth of documentation from doctors and chiropractors saying that my pain was caused by my bOOks. The surgery is no piece of cake. I wont' lie - It was agony for the first few days afterwards, but once I was past the initial pain...I was thrilled. I say go for it - you will NOT regret it! :D
  17. My DH lost his job 2 months ago, and my original plan for science and history for my rising 9th grader (Exploration Education's Advanced Physical Science and Notgrass' Exploring World History - w/ literature) has been put on the back burner. I need to come up with a 'plan B' - and it needs to be pretty cheap because I have 3 other students to buy for. (We are Christians, so I would like materials that present info from a Biblical worldview.) Any suggestions? We do have the Biology 101 DVD's. I understand that those are not a full Biology credit, though. Maybe I could 'beef them up' with other books? Also - a thought I had for history - I wondered if I could maybe do Streams of Civilization and add appropriate literature? :confused: Thanks in advance for your help.
  18. I have been there. My daughter was 11 before she slept in her own room. We.tried. everything. (and I do mean everything) Attachment parenting, cry-it-out, melatonin, 'monster spray', praying over her and her room, bribery, counseling, even surgery (thinking her adenoids/tonsils were causing sleep apnea) Not one thing helped. Then one day something just 'clicked'. She made it through one night, then three, then a week - and she's been fine ever since. She has the occasional 'bad dream' where she'll come to us for reassurance - but she always goes back to her room and goes to sleep. Praying you get there soon.:grouphug:
  19. Are you opposed to abridged versions? My 12 year old is reading the 'Junior Classics' version of Frankenstein right now and enjoying it.
  20. In the past, she has seen a pediatric neuro (and she had months/years of speech, PT and OT.) He did say at one point that he suspected Rett (which is on the spectrum) We did not go through with the testing, but I'm starting to wish that we had. :001_unsure: Thanks for those ideas. And that chair looks fantastic!
  21. My 9 yr old (apraxic) DD has a new 'quirk'.... She constantly HAS to be tumbling/rolling around on the floor: sommersaults, 'bicycling' pose, headstands.... If it were just occasional it wouldn't bother me - but the frequency of it with her is a little worry-some. If she is in the living room, she is tumbling non-stop. If we watch a movie, she's doing it all throughout. We have told her it is distracting and asked her to stop - to which she replied, "I want to but I can't." She told me the other day that "It's addicting and I have to do it." Do you think it's a sensory or a stimulation thing? Do any of you with SN kids have 'tumblers' like this? Do you think this is something that I should be concerned about? (I have also noticed that she's back to toe-walking again. Several years ago she wore AFOs to prevent it, and she seemed to have greatly reduced it for awhile, but I've noticed that it's getting worse again.)
  22. Another former CPST here and I agree with the consensus of the other techs that this is not a safe option for transporting your child. As to the 'we did it and we survived just fine' comments...there are many things that the older generation thought were okay, but turned out to have horrible consequences, (asbestos and Thalidomide just to name a couple.) But now that we know better, we have moved on to safer options. Child passenger safety should be no different - yet may people are 'stuck' with the outdated notion that child safety seats just aren't all that important. :(
  23. We are using the lit selections from Notgrass ATB plus Abeka 8th grade Lit.
  24. For weight/length/distance measurement, yes... but I do want to keep temperature measurements in degrees Farenheit, not Celsius.
  25. Oh my goodness! He is SO cute! (And based on that photo...I would call him.... Bunny.) :lol:
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