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Everything posted by mom2jjka

  1. We have used R&S and I really like it a lot UNTIL they get to the hardcover texts. I thought they were quite 'dry' and some of the words in them seem very outdated (ie - Negro :glare:) My older two are giving Soaring With Spelling a try this year, and it is going very well. (Actually, my son who was consistently getting words wrong on R&S has made perfect 100's on his past five SWS quizzes, so I'm thrilled!)
  2. I need help looking for science. I'm looking for a middle school science program for my (dysgraphic) son that does not include a lot of writing, (and isn't super expensive - under $100 would be preferred.) :o It must be from a YE/Creationist view point. We have looked at (and ruled out) ACE, Abeka, BJU, AIG/God's Design, and Apologia.... What else is there? Thanks for your help. :-)
  3. This thread makes me so glad I don't eat eggs - LOL. I can handle them as an ingredient...but not a meal. (shudder)
  4. It depends. Here you can count it only if it is 'finished' livable space and up to code, (meaning it must have an egress window or another acceptable fire exit)
  5. Yes, weeks! We put ours in the basement and I could still hear it all. day. long. (and I was about ready to make my DH go sleep in the basement next to the dumb thing because he was the one who bought it for our DS. :glare: ) We did one batch or rocks - The other batch is sitting unused in the box because I refuse to listen to that again. :tongue_smilie:
  6. Mine is in my sig. I also have a craft blog http://homespundreams.blogspot.com/
  7. DD13: teacher DS11: video game designer and a band director DD9: author DD7: beautician
  8. Math: TT Algebra 1 English: Undecided (CLE, R&S, Analytical Grammar, ACE) ??? Literature: Notgrass lit. selections with select Progeny Press guides Vocab: Word Roots Writing: Wordsmith, (Possibly IEW) Science: Exploration Education Physical Science (advanced) History: Notgrass World History (Also includes literature and Bible) Electives: Home Economics, Violin / Orchestra, Music Theory (ACE), Health/PE, and possibly a foreign language (need to choose one)
  9. Oh my goodness - thank you SO much for your post! You have no idea how much you encouraged me today. (and how your last statement sure hit the nail right on the head! ;)) I had not even thought about it in the reverse way like that, but yes, I can completely see how that could happen now.
  10. My DD(age 9) has a diagnosis of apraxia, but I have always suspected something else...I just don't know what. She has many similarities to CP, but her MRI did not indicate that was the case. She goes through periods of regression, and during this time her speech and motor skills are affected - (Her tremor worsens, she gets extremely clumsy and is prone to injury, she reverts to toe walking, very difficult to understand, extremely emotional.) Not only that, but her other skills seem to come to a stand-still during these times. Schoolwork is more difficult, she has trouble sleeping, and she gets extremely emotional. She has had a full neuro work-up, but the doctors are stumped as to what could be causing the regressions. Do any of your kids with apraxia (or other disorders) go through similar regressions? I want so badly to know what is causing this. :(
  11. My middle daughter (age 9) has global apraxia. She has speech issues and tremors - as well as a bunch of other 'quirks.' HOD is working well for her, as is R&S and ACE (she does best with mastery-based programs.) She does work about a year behind grade level in all subjects, however.
  12. Thank you for the links. :) We really don't do parties, and no co-op....I like the idea of maps and presentations though. I know this is a really nice gift...I'm just not talented when it comes to thinking up stuff like that. (I didn't know there were forums, though- so I'll have to take a peek there.)
  13. Help! I was gifted a Cricut machine for Christmas. It's just sitting in the box. I have NO idea what to do with it. I don't scrapbook. I don't make cards, or invitations or gift tags or anything else like that. I'm quite practical. Give me a ball of yarn and a hook and I'm good....but paper... I don't have a clue what to make....:confused: Is there some way I can tie it in to homeschooling?
  14. Those are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing them!
  15. We do not. This article does a pretty good job of summing up our reasons why... (ETA: I am not affiliated with this religious organization...I just thought it was a good article;)) http://www.mountainretreatorg.net/faq/christian_seder.shtml
  16. We are doing ATB, too, and we are also looking for options insteat of Across Five Aprils. My DD says that she is tired of all of the "boy books" in ATB, so we wanted something from a girl's perspective for a change. Right now she is reading a short biography about Clara Barton, and then I have these books on hold from the library http://www.amazon.com/Behind-Rebel-Lines-Incredible-Edmonds/dp/0152164278/ref=sr_1_10?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1327512849&sr=1-10 http://www.amazon.com/Gentle-Annie-Story-Civil-Nurse/dp/0590435000/ref=sr_1_47?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1327512951&sr=1-47 http://www.amazon.com/War-Within-Novel-Civil/dp/0689843585/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
  17. WELS/Northwestern Publishing has Christ Light bible curriculum. It's very good (but not cheap)
  18. Can I suggest a soft cotton or bamboo? Those are my favorites for baby gifts.
  19. Google "Post Tubal Syndrome" I wish I had read up on it before I had the surgery. :glare:
  20. This saddens me. Because of statements like this, children are being trained with a mindset to choose what 'looks better' over what is safest for them. Have you ever watched crash test videos of a boostered vs non boostered child? They are eye opening. Take a good look at the 'dummy' in this video. He is the size/weight of an average 10 yr old. (Notice especially how he 'submarines' and where the shoulder-belt portion of the belt hits him :( ) My kids are petite. My oldest DD rode in a booster until she was almost 13. My son will be 12 next month and he's still in a booster. I could care less how it looks. I care that they are safe.
  21. Age doesn't matter (other than maturity level to sit properly) height doesn't matter (4'9" is not some magic number) what matters is proper belt fit. Does your child pass the 5 step test? http://www.carseat.org/Boosters/630.htm Until a child meets all 5 criteria they are safer in a booster. As a carseat tech we were taught that every step up in carseats, (or lack thereof,) is a step down in safety. Also there is a big difference between an adult with a small frame and a child. (An adult's bones have ossified, therefore their frame is stronger and better able to handle crash forces.)
  22. I like it. My husband is part Scandinavian, and we considered both Leif and Anders at one point for our son.
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