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Everything posted by mom2jjka

  1. Dancing Queen by ABBA....how on earth did THAT get stuck in there? :tongue_smilie:
  2. Sorry I can't help, (I have always had trouble with fan and shell stitches,) but I just wanted to say that those are beautiful, and I hope you post a pic of yours when you are done!
  3. ahhh...Cabo. It was the last stop on our Carnival cruise that we took for our honeymoon. What do I remember most about Cabo? Three things: 1) My DH got stung by a jellyfish there while snorkeling, and was really sick for the remainder of the cruise 2) It was absolutely beautiful...except for the used syringes we saw floating in the water on the beach. :glare: 3)They had excellent strawberry margaritas....which gave us 'Montezuma's revenge," because the ice had been made from the local water. (How's that for a 'dis'?) It was also the first place I ever heard the Macarena....about a full year before it hit the U.S. - LOL.
  4. I have a 3 blogs My main one is my homeschooling blog, but I also have a craft blog http://homespundreams.blogspot.com/ and a blog where I keep a few of my favorite photos that I've taken http://mwellphotoblog.blogspot.com/ Back when I was a CPST/carseat tech, I also used to have a carseat blog where I would post safety tips on how to properly use carseats, booster seats, etc. But, when my certification lapsed, I closed that blog.
  5. Yes and no. We go to a fairly large church and have 4 pastors. Two of them are pretty familiar with - One has a daughter that babysat for us regularly, and we know their family quite well, and the other we have taken small-group Bible studies with, so he knows us pretty well too. The third pastor I would have say no, as I haven't has as much interaction with him. (He is more involved in the our church's school.) And the fourth pastor mostly ministers to prisoners, hospitalized members, and shut-ins; I barely know him at all.
  6. Good for you for replacing your carseats! Many people do not know that is necessary after an accident. Also - If you are continuing to use the vehicle that was in the accident - be sure to have the actual vehicle seat belts replaced, as well.
  7. My DS will well up with tears quite often, but they rarely spill over....unless I'm asking him to do something involving writing. :glare:
  8. I love my girls, but I admit, when we had our ultrasound and found out that that our 4th baby was another girl I was a bit disappointed...not for myself, but for my son - as he wanted a brother SO badly, and we knew that this would be our last child. We love her to pieces though, and turns out...she's a perfect fit for our family. God knew exactly what He was doing. ;)
  9. Sam He came to us as "Sammy" and we shortened it, because I thought that was too cheesy. (He's registered, but I don't even remember his name on his papers...Toby something or other...) He's just Sam to us. :)
  10. Stone Fox, The Hundred Dresses, The Rag Coat, Who Owns the Sun, I Love You Forever, but the one that tore me to pieces this year was Let Me Hold You Longer by Karen Kingsbury. I was bawling from the first page with that one.
  11. Georgia is my favorite standard font, but if I'm in a fancy mood I'll pick Monotype Corsiva.
  12. Glad you got it working. The last time we called a plumber he asked us before he started working if we had used Draino. He said he won't work on pipes where Draino has been used as it's too dangerous for him if it backs up.
  13. Just seeing this thread. I'm here...and I'm terrified. I feel SO unprepared. :001_unsure:
  14. I crocheted some hats for relatives, and I made my own kids a set of wooden peg dolls
  15. I am considering adding this to our math line up, but I've never used TT before. Do I need to purchase the textbook, or would we be able to do the lessons just on the computer - figuring out the computations in a notebook?
  16. (From Winnie the Pooh?) If so - we loved that movie. :)
  17. Does anyone have a recommendation for a decent snap device to apply plastic snaps for bibs, cloth diapers, etc. I don't have babies in diapers myself anymore, but I am making some bibs as gifts, and I want to put snaps on them. (I might also try a few diapers for my cousin's baby if I can find time.) I have an old set of pliers for metal snaps - but they don't work very well. I saw the KAM brand mentioned in a few adds - Is that a decent brand? If not...any other recommendations? Thanks!:)
  18. YES! Our HS group went to a performance at a theater today. The kid behind us was coughing horribly and sniffling (grossly) through the WHOLE show. :glare: Not only was it very rude and distracting, but I pray that she didn't spray us with germs and spread whatever she had to my 7 yr old - who has asthma that acts up when she gets a respiratory illness. (Reminder to myself to carry some disposable masks in my purse for her when we got to crowded public events like that. )
  19. Well - it's a little unconventional...but could you just hot glue the house together and then decorate it with the sugar cookie frosting? It might hold better.
  20. This is too funny/coincidental - I found an old booklet of Christmas carols from grade school and it's 'written' in purple ink! :D So I had to explain to my son about dittos and the purple worksheets that we had as kids.
  21. Oh man....Wisconsin is looking better and better. Bring on those below-zero days/weeks/months. They keep the scary stuff away!
  22. My husband makes brownie cupckaes with a mini Reece's peanut butter cup in the middle. I could eat a truckload of them....
  23. We have small bedrooms too. We make the most of the space by using bunk beds, and then putting one of the dressers in the closet (otherwise we couldn't even have a bookshelf in there) The dont' have desks or too many decorative things though. Something else we did was to take off the bi-fold closet doors and hang a curtain over the closet instead. The doors prevented us from pushing the dresser up against the closet - and even those few precious inches count.
  24. I 'lettered' in the arts (drama, band, choir) I still have my letter - along with all of my solos & ensembles medals. (I never put mine on a jacket though. ) My daughter did her first S&E last year, and it was fun comparing our medals - they've changed a little bit in 25 yrs. ;)
  25. My 11 yr old son, without being asked, took over doing all of our laundry! Sorting, washing, drying, and bringing it up from the basement. All I have to do is fold it and put it away. :thumbup:
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