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Everything posted by mamajudy

  1. Maybe he should run for office. Our politicians seem to have this down to a science. :leaving:
  2. I have to agree with Chelli. I loved the Kiera Knightly version! It was beautifully and artistically filmed, and the soundtrack was wonderful! Yes, the Colin Firth version was good, and followed the story line more closely, but I enjoyed the KK one more. I suggest watching them both!
  3. My 17-year-old DS has been shooting skeet at the local shooting range for maybe 5 years. They have a youth team that meets every week, and they are quite good! Some of these kids, including DS, can hit 98 out of 100 skeet on a regular basis. They even beat the local sheriff's team at a charity tournament! :thumbup1:
  4. I think that many of the opinions I'm seeing here are based on our own communities and what we see around us. But there are certain areas with certain demographics where, believe it or not, the parents really don't care about education. And as for those parents who grew up with it and therefore send their kids to school, just give it a generation. Too many parents and their kids don't understand that education can be an equalizer - it can be a way out of their current situation. They blame society for their woes instead of taking personal responsibility. And I can't imagine how many foolish teenagers would quit school to have a good time and never graduate (kids who have great potential, but are too immature to make wise choices). Besides, we desperately need educated and informed voters!
  5. I need to get my recipes organized, too. One thing I do that works great is to tape my most-used recipes to the inside of the cupboard door above the counter. All I have to do is open the door, and there they are.
  6. Do what's best for you and your child. Dual enrollment and online classes have become so common among homeschoolers, that it's becoming a rare thing for a student to be entirely homeschooled (at least from what I'm seeing). And it's setting a precedent that causes misconceptions and misinformation. My children who were entirely homeschooled had no difficulty getting into college and doing well, both academically and socially.You sound quite competent to teach your child through high school. "Everybody else" sends their kids to public school, but you don't. You are doing what you feel is best, and if that means not doing dual enrollment, then that's your business - not everybody else's. BTW, my dh teaches at a community college and has WAY too many dual enrolled sudents. He says most of them are not ready for college-level work. He can't stand those classes with immature high schoolers who think they are in a high school class.
  7. Unicorn, your son sounds like my son. He has wanted to be a military man ever since he was very young. We would go to the library, and he would take out books about the military. When he was in first grade, he joined Cub Scouts because he saw the pictures of boys in uniforms saluting the flag. Scouting was actually a great thing to get involved in. He spent cold nights sleeping on the ground, learned many skills, and developed his talent for leadership. This is when I learned to let go a little and not worry about him all the time. If he forgot to take something on a campout and suffered discomfort, well, he'd remember next time! He is now an Eagle Scout. When he started ninth grade, he joined the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps. He had so many fantastic opportunities in Sea Cadets! Two weeks of boot camp, summer trainings all over the country, training with the Coast Guard, flying in a Black Hawk, sailing on the USS Iwo Jima, and on and on. He is now the Leading Petty Officer of his division of over 100 cadets. I would definitely recommend your son get involved in Sea Cadets, Civil Air Patrol, or JROTC in high school, if possible. My ds is a natural-born leader, so we directed him toward becoming an officer. This year, he applied to the US Naval Academy, and was offered an appointment to the class of 2017!
  8. Our local museum of art has Saturday morning classes throughout the school year and a day camp in the summer (5 - 2 week sessions). They offer both merit and need-based scholarships, and are excellent classes. Two of my children have attended for years, studying drawing (including figure drawing both male and female nude models) and oil painting, ceramics, printmaking, and digital art. My daughter is now a studio art major and works as a teaching assistant during the summer art camp. Perhaps your local museum has classes.
  9. AMEN!! Funny, how many of those outspoken proponents of gun control have their own armed security guards.
  10. :grouphug: Just prayed for your little one and your family.
  11. You should definitely check out The Lively Art of Writing. It's just a little book, but it's packed with instruction. The whole focus of the book is the essay. And it's inexpensive!
  12. Just an update. DS received a cà ll from our Congressman today - he has been accepted to the United Staes Naval Academy class of 2017!
  13. It sounds like you have the academics covered. But I would encourage you to take advantage of homeschooling by learning in other ways besides textbooks. Part of the beauty of homeschooling is the freedom you have to explore things that really interest your children. Learning can take place all the time - not just during "school hours". Our kids at one point became interested in birds. That year for Christmas, they asked for field guides and a trip to a national park to go bird watching. The kids started life lists of birds that they saw and became quite expert at identifying various species. We built a pigeon loft, and raised racing pigeons. One daughter started hand raising lovebirds...you get the idea. Find out what they are interested in and go with it! You'll be amazed at what they (and you) will learn!
  14. It's no different than having teens in your forties. Kids keep you young! Do you really want to be an old fuddy duddy when you're only 55?
  15. It is taking me a while to get used to the new format, but I think this chat board is a good idea
  16. There are so many great ideas here! I have to agree with those who recommended more family activities. Our kids have always looked forward to Christmas, not because of the gifts, but because of the traditions that we have established over the years...making paper chains with wrapping paper for decorations, sleeping around the Christmas tree some night before Christmas, driving around to look at the lights and then coming home for cocoa, making mini gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. The list goes on. As your children get older these things will mean so much more to them than 20 minutes of opening presents on Christmas morning!
  17. If homeschoolers use the homeschool code, they receive their scores at home. We have always gotten ours the first or second week of December.
  18. :iagree: To be blunt, it's none of her business. It's your child, not hers. And Persephone is a lovely name.:)
  19. DH was in college in Boston at the time. He still talks about it, and we have lots of photos.
  20. DH Saturday Me Wednesday DD Wednesday DS Saturday DD Friday DS Friday DS Sunday No c-sections
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