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Everything posted by mamajudy

  1. DS took the ACT and said that the science and math sections seemed harder than the practice tests he had taken. He didn't feel good about the test at all. Very disappointing. We'll see how the scores turn out.
  2. My kids all took the PSAT beginning in 9th grade for practice. Since they were home schooled since kindergarten, it was a good chance to take a test in a classroom setting, was inexpensive, and gave us an idea of what their scores would be, what areas needed attention, etc.
  3. I guess I was stingy on credits. I only gave my kids who did dual enrollment a half credit for each semester-long course in college.
  4. :iagree: I was blessed with five uncomplicated pregnancies. Yes, there was some discomfort toward the end, but generally, I felt great. I realize everyone is different, but I wonder how much weight you gained and if that had anything to do with the discomfort. I only gained about 20 lbs. My babies were between 8 and 9 lbs. I had no family to help out after the baby was born - it was just me and DH, and I was nursing, so most of the responsibility was mine. I was tired!
  5. We had a pastor once who preached about tithing often. In fact, his first sermon after becoming the pastor was on Malachi 3:8-10, and he made it a point to emphasize the part that says you are cursed with a curse because you robbed God. This was in a church that was doing very well financially, BTW. It's interesting that he takes his family of six on vacations to Disney World and other places quite often, drives new vehicles and lives in an very affluent neighborhood. We no longer attend that church for many reasons, but we did have a problem with giving our hard earned money (our 5 kids never went to Disney because we couldn't afford it) to support this man's lifestyle.
  6. I'm kind of curious, too. My first three graduates never needed them for the state universities and one private university that they applied to. My fourth is applying to the Naval Academy, and I had to write 4 years worth of course descriptions this summer for him. It really wouldn't be hard to do them each year as you go, but waiting until senior year made it quite a challenge.
  7. I am jealous.:) You are so organized. I'm nowhere near ready to begin school yet, and I only have a week to get ready. Best wishes for a great homeschooling year. By the way, how did you end up teaching 3 girls who are not your own?
  8. You're not the only one. My youngest will be a junior this year. Lately, when I look at old photos of the kids, I get tears in my eyes. We did so many fun activities back then, and we loved cuddling up on the sofa with a good book. Now they work independently, for the most part, and I'm thinking about what I'll do in 2 years when our homeschooling journey is over. The years go by so quickly!
  9. I was just thinking of you the other day. So glad to hear that things are going well. If PS is working out OK with your oldest, my thought would be to keep her there and home school the younger 2. How does the oldest feel about it?
  10. I have been a non-income-producing stay-at-home mom for over 25 years.
  11. :iagree: Dh and I decided before we got married 33 years ago that we didn't want a TV in our home. It was the best thing we ever did. We actually spent time as a family, reading and doing fun things, instead of staring at a screen. When the kids got a little older, we did get a TV to watch videos occasionally, but that's it. The kids have grown up with so many interests that they never missed it.
  12. Anne of Green Gables is one of my all time favorites! I absolutely LOVE Anne. It's nice to see so many kindred spirits here. :)
  13. My son (now an Eagle) kept a binder with those plastic pages with pockets for baseball cards. He put all his blue cards in there as he progressed through scouts. It made things really easy when it came time to do the paperwork for Eagle.
  14. DS is applying to USNA for the class of 2017. He just attended NASS session 1 and loved it! Now he's at Sea Cadet Recruit Training, where he's the LPO. When he gets home in 2 weeks, he'll be busy writing essays and getting his applications done for the academy as well as for Congressional nominations. We're in for an interesting year! By the way, are you a BGO or guidance counsellor?
  15. Most people have inconsistencies in their lives. All the more reason to examine our motives for what we do. (Do I really want to have that design or name written on my body permanently? Have I considered the consequences it might have in my life years from now? Is it possible that I might regret getting this tattoo someday?)
  16. Melissa and Tara, The verses you quoted have nothing to do with tattoos. I simply mentioned a verse that some people might understand to be related to the subject at hand, because the question was asked about the religious objection to tattoos. Take it or leave it. They're not MY words.
  17. I have only read the first 15 pages of this thread and more pages are being added as I read. To those who wonder what the religious objection is to tattoos, here's a verse for you: Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. Leviticus 19:28. I think tattoos are ugly. From any kind of distance they look like dirt. Sorry to offend, but it's my opinion, which is what the OP asked for.
  18. There are some great ideas here! I would suggest bird watching. By this, I don't mean just watching birds. Get yourself a good field guide and identify the birds you see. Keep a life list, and every time you see a new species, check it off. It can be very exciting when you see a new bird!
  19. I may have spent $75 for the fabric, lace, etc for my dress in 1979. I made it myself (using the sewing machine my DH had given me as a Christmas gift).
  20. I voted other because we have a TV in our house, but only watch DVDs on it ... absolutely no television. We didn't even have a TV for years. The kids have never missed it. They've been too busy LIVING. By the way, we quit watching TV over 32 years ago, when we got married. It was one of the best things we ever did!
  21. If you are going to a convention, you should check out the Abeka upper level science yourself. Personally, I thought the biology book was beautiful and nicely done. I used it with all five of my kids. As for it not being enough for a "sciency" kid, my oldest daughter loved it. When she first saw the book, she couldn't wait to get started. After graduating from our homeschool, she went to an honors college, majored in biology/premed, graduated with highest honors and went on to Med school, where she graduated at the top of her class. I think that her high school biology course helped her to get excited about science, which prepared her for her university courses and medical school.
  22. This story is sickening. No doubt the youth pastor thought it would be a "cool" activity. I'm afraid if it were my kid I would be pressing charges. I certainly wouldn't darken the door of that church again. But I'm also sure that my family would be criticized by the church leadership for not having enough "trust in God" to protect my child. That is the way these types of church leaders think. Let them think what they want. I am the one who is ultimately responsible to God for my child!
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