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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. While in college I dated someone that played highschool football with John Elway. They were pretty good friends. I spent one summer with my boyfriend at his parents home in California. We went to several parties that John Elways was also attending. The things I most remember about the parties is everyone is very curious about my Maryland accent. I met Barbara Bush at an officers' wives dinner in Hawaii. It was went Millie was going to have puppies. She found out that I bred dogs and had several questions for me. I told her some on my favorite puppy whelping hints. When the book came out about Millies pups I was thrilled to see she had used at least one of the ideas.
  2. I would select Pride and Prejudice. Then I would read the rest in this order Sense and Sensibility great to read after P & P Mansfield Park not sure why but it seems to fit 3rd. Northanger Abbey be sure to tell her that Auten was explressing her interest in gothic novels of the day Emma I think if is the most difficult to read a follow so you have to build up to it, Persuasion because it is the most mature romance and about patience
  3. I think wow I must be the most boring people on the planet. The Valentines cake I posted a recipe for only had one response and I thought it would be a big hit. So yes I know how you feel.
  4. I am a bit of a nuts about keeping papers, books, cupboards etc organzed. It ia amazing how much time this saves in our day to day lives. Just think about how much time you have to spend looking for something.
  5. We also wanted more, but due to a blood clotting disorder I have it was not a good idea. Lucky for me quite a few of the other local homeschoolers have onlies so I don't think about it much. My ds is happy and has lots of neighborhood friends who all wish they could also be homeschooled. His friends spend a lot of time here so he is never in want of company. One of his friends has 5 brothers and sisters and when ds has spent a day at his house he comes home and tells us he is glad he is an only child. It is funny because his friend has the same house we do and it is vasty different with 6 children in it. I enjoy having an only child and praise the Lord everyday for blessing us with raising ds.
  6. My favorite seasoning to use is a rib rub but other things would work too. We have even used Old Bay The seasoning flavor really goes through the chicken.
  7. This was one of our favorites and we have seen most of what you have listed. You can view samples at the Critical Thinking Press website on their products. I actually prefered Lollipop Logic over the Mind Benders I thought the puzzles were more engaging and that you received more puzzles for your money. Ds still talks about how much fun he had doing them (we did the entire series)
  8. I was just reading Emma and came across this line. "If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more." --Mr. Knightley to Emma
  9. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a father is a daughters first love. another of my favorite Austen lines is... this simiply will not due....but I don't know how you could use that. By the way your dad is the best, sending his girls Austen books, how cool is that.
  10. I have been thinking about you all morning. Sometimes when things like that happen it seems as though time stands still. You can vividly remember everything about the day. I am sure today must be very difficult for you. One of my sons best friends would have been 13 today. When he was 8 he fell through ice on a pond and died. His mom is a close friend and fellow homeschooler. We always make sure she knows that we remember and think about her precious son on this day. My thoughts and prayers will be with you throughout the day.
  11. I didn't proof check when I typed and my brain put an e on the end. The e should be removed sorry
  12. Our best trips are went I do a lot of preplanning. Generally I am the "official crusie director" as my dh and ds like to call me. Make reservations for evening programs in advance. If you wait until you are there they will probably we filled. Our favorites are the evening Ghost tour and the To Go A Pirating. Our last trip we enjoyed a side trip to the WIlliamsburg Winery. They take you on a tour and show you how the wine is made. It is free it you do not sample the wine. Children are allowed to take the tour. Our ds really enjoyed it. The winery is fairly close to Jamestown (between Jamestown and WIlliamsburg) One of our favorite places to eat is Pierces Barbeque It is on the same road as Great Wolf Lodge. It is nothing fancy you order you food at a counter and they call you when it is great. They have booths to sit in and the prices are great as is the food. You to the Williamsburg website and print out the events schedules for the days you will be there (this is part of making a great plan) I would avoid going during the hot summer months, especially if you do not like humidity. As several others have stated the homeschool weeks are great, that is when we go. We have not found a hotel there we would return to, I think this is a resort thing. Basically we just plan to not spend much time in the room, Note we have stayed in cheap to expensive places and this is still our opinion. Why are the heaters in the pools never working UGH! Wear comfortable shoes...you will probably do a lot of walking. Make sure kids break in any new shoes before you go. Have lunch at the Cheese Shop in the Market area near Williamsburg Wow they have the best sandwiches Our sons favorite place is the glassmakers at Jamestown. He spent 4 hours there our last trip...dh took a nap in the car...I read a book on a bench The blacksmith in Williamsburg is another one of his favorite stops. My favorite places are the weaver(George Wyeth sp? house), the printer, the bookbinder, and the kitchen at the Peyton Randolph house. Another must see for use was the archeological dig at Jamestown (national parks section) You will be amzed at when they have discovered there int he last few years. It you go to Yorktown find out when they blast of the cannon (with audience participation) When we went 2 years ago it was a 2pm.
  13. We enjoyed these last summer. One character uses a bit of bad language, the D word to be exact. The book didn't need it to be great, but it is there nonetheless. This should be coming out in the movies this spring. Lynn Redgrave reads one of them and she is wonderful.
  14. Yes the shows can be political. It is a beauty contest and subjectively judged. Even with the standard you get judges that are more into how a dog moves or how good it's head is. That said when it comes to group judging it gets more difficult. Each breed is judged against its own standard and the standards vary greatly some are quite short and others are rather long. The one for the Shetland Sheepdog is quite long and difficult to achieve. Also certain breeds have larger numbers of breeders dedicated to improving the breed and have done a better job of achieving this goal examples would be the poodles, German Shepard, a few terrier breeds, the Poms and several of I can't think of at the moment. Also when a breed has a dog that reaches a high level of perfection it will be used a lot for breeding and thus this breed tends to improve overall (this accounts for a lot of the German Shepards success) Yes I too wish we would see some other breeds at the top.
  15. When you have posted a certain number of times you reach different levels.
  16. You can just buy the questions for the Joy Hakim books from Sonlight . Her is a link for them http://www.sonlight.com/120-02H.html They are great!
  17. Pride and Prejudice (always a nice read) and lots of copies available PS I Love You I have not read this but it is on my short list Marley and Me Laugh out Loud funny especially if you like dogs Jane Austen Book Club (minor se*ual themes but not bad) an Agatha Christie most Jane Auten books are easy to fine on Bookmooch A Wrinkle in Time Life of Pi A Tree Grow in Brooklyn The Princess Bride I tried to think I ones that would be available on Bookmooch
  18. I watched it last night and it was wonderful. What moving proformances. If I find out who suggested I promise to try to figure out the leave a positive reputation points thing and leave you one. As a side question how do you leave a positive reputation points for someone?
  19. OK so I am serious and somewhat kidding about reading Jane Austen. Reading her books does make you want to fall in love all over again and since dh will be one who fill the bill it may help. I also think that at times our lives become routine and lack the spark that attracted us to dhs in the first place. My dh and I try to do nice things for one another when they are not expected. He will bring home a bottle of wine and agree to watch a chick flick with me. I will make him hot wings and agree to watch football with him(you have to know how much I dislike football) We also call each other during the day (maybe once a week or so) just to say I was thinking of you and miss you. We leave each other notes. But probably the number one thing that helps us it to hold hands, hug, well simply to touch each other often when we are not in an intimate setting. I think to stay physically connected is very important. Last but not least wear something sexy to sleep in, if you feel sexy you might be more in the mood.
  20. When my was 13 he went through a phase like that too. Thankfully he has moved past it. One help for us was giving him more control over his work. He gets of list of what has to be done in a day,...and done well. When he has finished to my satisfaction he can play his guitar, ride his bike, play with friend etc. I can't even imagine having so many ages and developmental stage to deal with. We are also in Maryland and man if it is going to be so cold the least it could do is snow. Then they could play off a little steam. We live in Ocean city and hardly ever see snow. Even if we do hills are few and far between around here to go sledding on. Think Spring! Did you take today off for election day? We did!
  21. I think the book ideas go beyond History through the Ages, especially for picture and younger books. The question and example narrations are excellent. We don't do many of the coloring pictures, because at 14 my ds is beyond that, actually he was never into coloring. We do a lot of the craft and since you would not be doing those you will not get as much use out of the book as dome people do. In addition to craft their are also games and acting out the story exercises you might be able to use.
  22. I found this on the internet D.O. - Doctor of Osteopathy. Very similar to an M.D. Osteopaths generally get the same residency training as M.D. physicians. Their medical schools include additional training in physical manipulation techniques somewhat similar to chiropractic. My family doctor is one and because of that he was able to relocate my dislocated rib.
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