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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. School of Rock Secondhand Lions Agent Cody Banks Flubber Hoot Derby Stallion (very good boy movie) National Treasure
  2. You have receive a lot of great advice. The only thing I could add would be be realistic in the fact that this may require several weeks of dedicated time on your part when you first get your pup. The benefits from this will be great. Create a schedule for the pup eat-out-play-sleep-out etc you get the picture. I have always found this the best way to train a pup. My Shelties usually only take a week or so to train this way. For that week I am completely dedicated to the schedule.
  3. I think we spend a bit more because we never eat out. Also groceries are higher here than in say Baltimore or Washington. We live in a resort on the Atlantic.
  4. Ours thought and prayers will be with you today and in the days to come. I am so sorry to hear of your lose.
  5. They are working very well for us. I also have the teacher questionand answers that Sonlight created to go with them.
  6. This is the list I use to coordinate our reading. SL stands for Sonlight. I also use a book titled History Though the Ages. http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/history.htm
  7. We have seen the entire presentation, and we both really enjoyed it. We felt it was very true to the novel. Yes the sisters are annoying, but they are supposed to be. I seem to be able to tune out the music, although I guess I can see your objection to that. Our son watched it with us last night and he thought it was very funny. He especially liked the wit of Mr. Bennet. He thought Lizzy was much prettier than Jane though, and I agree with him on that point. I hope that they can improve on the color quality it the program is ever re-released on HD or Blu Ray. The film quality does leave a bit to be desired, in some ways it does add to the charm though.
  8. I am so sorry for you lose. It is very difficult to lose a beloved pet. We lost our sweet Sheltie suddenly last summer to I know how you are feeling. I would not be overly concerned about catching something. It sounds like you cleaned up well and most diseases do not pass between humans and dogs. Could he have gotten into something outside. From the symtoms it sounds like some type of poisoning or maybe a blockage in the digestive tract. Generally vomiting without other symtoms is a digestive blockage but this just come from you years as working as a vet tech...ie I am not an expert. I would call your vet and let them know the symtoms and ask for their advice. Again my heart goes out to you today.
  9. Hi Jo, We were stationed at Kanehoe and used to go to Bellows Beach. I think Bellows is one of the nicest beaches on the island. I also love Hanama Bay but that would be difficult with children. I am sure you know how much stronger the sun is in Hawaii, remember to reapply sun screen often. I would start getting a burn in just ten minutes there. Also remember pool shoes for the kids as the sand has a lot of sharp coral in it. I love how kids in Hawaii get tough feet and can run around everywhere barefooted, If I remember correctly Bellows some nice shade palms although I would take a tent just in case. I would also get one of those coolers on wheels that can roll over sand. I like to take juice boxes or Capri suns and freeze them and use them to keep the cooler cold. Also they are great as they thaw because they become like slushies. We also apply sun screen before leaving the house so our son can hit the sand or water as soon as we arrive. Although I am not much for pre-packaged snack they do well for the beach...granola bars, bags of chips, cookies, crackers etc. This seem to keep the sand we bring back to a minimum. I take a small trash bag so we can dispose of our trash right in a can at the beach. I also remember getting box lunches in Hawaii and really enjoying them. I hope you have a great day at the beach. We would love to go today( we are within walking distance of the Atlantic) but it is 18 degrees at the moment so I guess it is a bit COLD!
  10. I am rereading Pride and Prejudice for my book club. Yesterday when I was talking to my son I started talking in the style of Jane Austen. My ds of course said "Mom, why are you talking like that? I adore British accents but can't speak in one to save myself. I am great at Scotish though. So whenever I am reading aloud a book, and it calls for an accent of the Bristish Isles in my reading it comes out Scotish.
  11. Ok so I went with Lydia because I have Pride and Prejudice on the brain. I hope you find a name that fits her, she is beautiful.
  12. This is the 5 1/2 hour long version and will be shown in 3 parts starting tonight, part 2 next Sunday and Part 3 the following Sunday. This is the version with Colin Firth.
  13. I sounds like life and great and that is wonderful to hear. I miss you around here, but I can understand the reason. Thank you very much for suggesting Science Explorer for middle grades. My son and I just finished the last book, and we completely enjoyed them. You have been a real blessing to the boards. Best wishes for your and your childrens future endeavors. Keep in touch here when you can.
  14. Grow cube is a lot of fun. Here is a link for the site http://www.eyezmaze.com/grow/cube/index.html Be forwarned this is very addictive.
  15. We also happen to be studying this at the moment. The Joy Hakim book Story of US Making the Thirteen colonies has an excellent section on it. Basically Separatist were a more extreme Puritan. Puritans did not want to leave the Church of England they just wanted to clean it up (more onthat in a minute) The Separatists left the Church of England. Now what it the Puritans not like. When Henry the VIII started the Church of England he kept the ceremonies, symbols and pagentry of the Roman Church. The Puritans didn't like it. My ds just wrote a report on the Puritans and he found lots of incorrect information about them. This seems to be a confusing topic in history. Separatists settled Plymouth colony. The Puritans came later and the Seperatist did not want them in the colony so the Puritans settled in the area that is now Boston.
  16. Snowflake Bentley is a beautiful book and I am sure it will inspire some science ideas. The book is a true story of a man who was determined to take pictures of snowflakes. You could hand out sheet for starting rock candy crystals at home. You could cut out snowflakes. Most crystal projects take time and would be difficult to do in an hour library program. You could take inexpensive microscopes and let the kids look at slides through them.
  17. He kicked me at the ending and after that we banned all dead animal stories in our house. Seriously we banned them. I also cry at the end of most Patricia Polacco stories. Now here is the funny part for me. I like just about anything that will make me have a good emotional cry. You see I have a rare autoimmune disease, called Sjogrens, and it has nearly eistroyed my tear glands. I have to put drops in my eyes all day long and these still are not as good as real tears. Trust me all be very grateful for something you probably never think about...the fact that your body makes tears all day long. I can still cry but it doesn't happen often. So bring on the best tear jerking movies, books etc that you can think of.
  18. You are very lucky to have someone that is willing to take her. They sound like a wonderful home for her. I know it is difficult to make a decision like this, but sometimes it is for the best. I am not a dog training expert so I don't know how difficult it would be to get her to stop attacking the chickens. It does sound like a behavior problem though. Since there are no chickens in the possible placemnt home the problem will stop. I hope this works out well for you whatever you decide.
  19. Carney Elementary School 1st Mrs. Black 2nd Miss Hudson 3rd Mrs. Horn 4th Mrs Vostler 5th Mrs. Norwood 6th Miss Mattingly I don't remember the principal names, I know their were several throughout the years I was there.
  20. Personally bookmooch and paperbackswap are two of my favorite internet sites. I have found an amazing number of good books at each. Most libraries have a used book table, this can be hit or miss. Goodwill stores tend to have a lot of used books on all types of subjects. Ebay is excellent if you are looking for something specific at a good price.
  21. I remember them well. The centipedes, giant flying cockroaches, Bufa toads, mongoose, and various assorted lizards, and they call it paradise. Actually I loved living in Hawaii and thought it was beautifull. I lived on the windward side of Oahu in Kahaaluu. Their was a beautiful, large lizard that would sun itself on my mailbox everyday. I was always happy to see it on top of the mailbox, because I was terrified of opening the mailbox and having it jump out at me. Enjoy your adventures in paradise. Oh and when you go to climb Diamond Head take a flashlight.
  22. I have the same problem when I take antibiotics(although I am fine with the swollowing pill part) The meds make me sick though. I have to take probiotics with antibiotics. Basically the antibiotics kill the good and bad bateria in your body. The killing of the good bateria can cause you trouble with your stomach. You can get probiotics in yogurt(although you do have to eat a lot of it) I take it iin a pill...but I am sure you don't want to hear that.
  23. I am reading Emma by Jane Austen for my own personal enjoyment. It is a delightful book and I am enjoy all the spar mements I get to read it. I am reading aloud The Iron Peacock to my 14 yo ds. It takes place in Mass. in 1650 and it about Scotish workers(indentured servants) in an Iron operation in a Puritan town. We are both enjoying it very much. Ds is reading The Light in the Forest so I am also reading it. It is a wonderful story about what happens to a white boy who was kidnapped by a Native Tribe and then released years later. Last but not least I am reading the Bible in 365 daily reading segments. So far I have not missed a day which is great for me. I have tried this before and always seemed to get sidetracked or distracted and end up missing so many days it is very difficult to catch up.
  24. Usually an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. As part of my 888 reading list I am also including books I am reading aloud to my ds(this would be another hour a day) I do a lot of personal reading on the weekends.
  25. We love everthing about our local library. The staff is friendly and helpful. I can order books, movies etc online and they call me when they are available for pick-up. I can renew materials on-line. They have wonderful and interesting special program which all members of our family enjoy. It is a small library in a small town(where they filmed the movie Runaway Bride)
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