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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. Yes I think posts will get buried here. I posted about Mansfield Park now being available on You Tube and only 4 people ended up viewing the post. I know when I had posted about another of the Jane Austen movies being on You Tube(on the old board) a lot more people viewed the post. I think that post that do not required or get comments will tend to get buried. The up side of this is that the threads people have the most interest in willstay more active.
  2. Wow I had not really thought about this. We use plain sheets so this has never been an issue. I guess we are boring that way. Our ds does not like a top sheet and does not use one. He does has 4 comforters though.
  3. Deep Water. I can swim in a pool fine, but I am afraid of deep water and this keeps me off of boats. Not a great thing when you live within walking distance of the ocean.
  4. Your refrigerator has items in it marked "Do not eat science project in progress." The "art" on your walls consists of world maps, Leonardo Da Vinci drawings, State birds, and handwriting charts Your evening meal is often planned around whatever time period or culture you are studying Your family vacations are to Williamsburg when everyone else is going to the beach.
  5. What a wonderful story. I am sure they are wishing they were there when you opened it. LOL Just when you think you have the IL's figured out they throw you a curve.
  6. We live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
  7. I agree with another poster that Laura did change dates and ages at times. Here is an interesting website that may provide some answers http://members.tripod.com/~PennyN/
  8. I grew up in Baltimore County Maryland, but now live on the beautiful Eastern Shore of Maryland (no comments about how we talk here please - remember I can only hear you with my good ear) I planned to homeschool my son before he was even born. He is now 14 and I am still as passionate abouthomeschooling as I was at the beginning. We use a mix of SOTW, Sonlight(mainly reads and read alouds for history), Chalkdust Math, Sequential Spelling, Winston Grammar, almost finished Igniting your writing (next will be Format Writing), Prentice Hall Science Explorer and Discovering Science in...series books(currently doing garden book), Rosetta Stone Spanish, Wordly Wise 3000, Pentime Handwriting. I especially liek to use History Through the Ages to organize our history studies and we also use Amy Paks timeline stickers. I recently order Amy Pak American Revolution and Colonial studies set and they look wonderful. We also do a lot of hands on science work. Currently we are doing Mr. Circuit 2, building a solar and also a fuel cell car, and Zome geometry studies. I enjoy reading a lot, and I do a lot of reading. I am currently on book 15 in my 888 reading challenge. I also like to watch Jane Austen movies so you know what I am doing on Sunday nights at the moment. The only blog I read on a regular basis is Ree's Pioneer Woman I have been married to my dh for nearly 18 years. We currently live near the beach, but we plan to retire in the mountains.
  9. I have sjogrens and sometimes get block saliva glands. They hurt and are swollen. Usually warm compresses help to relieve them. I would still call your dentist to be on the safe side.
  10. Because I have changed it in my setting it appears for all threads that I select. It only takes up about 1 1/2 inches at the top of the screen and it is a huge help to scan the responses. If you wish to bypass it you just scroll down the page and you see all the respones as you normally would.
  11. For those that like the visual aspect of the old boards you might want to try hybrid mode . First you will have to select a thread that interests you. Then to the right near the top you will see Display Mode click that and then select Hybrid mode. Then at the top of you display you will see a history of the thread that appears like the old thread used to look and you can see at a glance who has posted to the thread and just select which responses you would like to read. For what it is worth I really like the news boards. The amount of options and capabilities are amazing. I am enjoying playing around with all the features and learning how to use them.
  12. Here are th ebooks I have read so far 1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 2. A Walk with Jane Austen 3. Austenland by Shannon Hale 4. Persuasion by Jane Austen 5. Lost in Austen by Webster 6. Surviving Jamestown by Karwoski 7. The Serpent Never Sleeps by O'Dell 8. Eating the Plates by Penner 9. Landing of the Pilgrims by Daughtery 10. Potomac Captive 11. Riding Lessons by Gruen 12. Dogsong by Paulsen 13. Bridget Jones Diary by Fielding
  13. I am reading the Jane Austen book the week before they are presented on PBS. Mansfield Park will be a long one for me to read in a week with our other school reading etc.
  14. I thought the presentation last night on PBS was excellent. I did read the book during the past week and although their are some differences they were mostly minor. In the book Catherine does not ride alone with Henry to Northanger. Also the "dream" nude scene and Isabella sleeping with Captain Tilney are not in the book (why do they have to add this material)
  15. I also signed onto the boards to post a reminder. I was able to finish the book this week and am looking forward to seeing the program. It will be fun to compare reviews tomorrow.
  16. We have just about finished all of the Science Explorer books. We are also using Exploring science in the Garden as the moment. We thought the Science Explorer books were wonderful and really appreciate Ria posting about them.
  17. I this your avatar is wonderful, and it makes me smile everytime I look at it.
  18. My ds just finished Potomac Captive, and he loved it. This is not an exceptionally difficult book. This story is fantastic though and he and I both really enjoyed it. It is a true story of Henry Fleete who was taken captive in Virginia in about 1623 by a Native American tribe. My ds is more of a science kid than a reader. He loves to build complex electronic projects and gadgets. When it comes to reading, I look for books that he will enjoy, and they hopefully will encourage him to be more of a reader.
  19. I use the SOTW as a spine and also us the AG. We use Sonlight books for readers and read alouds and I get their IG for the book reviews and questions etc. We have really enjoyed studying history chronologically.
  20. We have used lots of spelling programs and Sequential Spelling is the only one we have continued with for over a year. We are now on book 5 and it is working great for my ds.
  21. Hoping for snow went to Sams this morning Hoping for snow watching dh sleep on the sofa(he worked 14 hour days all week) Hoping for snow Reading Jane Austen's Mansfield Park Hoping for snow I should clean but dh sleeping on sofa is a good excuse not to Hoping for snow cooking meals for the week walking on the treadmill for an hour Ohh and did I mention we are hoping for snow.
  22. Although I use the water miser cycle so it is probably a bit short than a regular cycle.
  23. We have not seen a good sledding snow in 3 Years!!! We live within a mile of the ocean and usually just get rain. Inland from us can have 3-5 inches and we still just get rain. My ds wants to see snow so badly.
  24. It were me, I would go with Option 1 no question about it. I prefer new homes, though this does sound like the best of what is available for your family. Also with a new home you get a one year builders warrenty. We have found this is a very valuable asset in a home purchase.
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