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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. Wow I have been searching for weeks for something like this, thank you so much for posting this. I even already own several of the books Wahoo!!!
  2. OK so often certain members of my household get out the George Forman Grill. Usually to prepare a greasy burger of other highly mess producing food product. I never get it out as I do not like how food prepared in it tastes. The problem is they never clean it. It is left on the counter is all it messy glory for me to deal with. Cleaning this is at the top of my gross out meter. I have at times let if uncleaned for days hoping they will get the message, doesn't work. I have even left little notes on it like please clean me. They must think I leave these notes for myself, because they still don't clean the stupid thing. So if you see a George Forman grill come flying out of a house on the Eastern Shore of Maryland rest assured it is ours. I feel much better now!!! ***Update*** Since I first posted this I have clean the ultra gross grill and put it away in the cupboard with the following note If you Use me Clean Me! If you do not Clean Me I may dissappear Signed --- I mean it I will keep you posted
  3. I know that is not exactly a movie, but it is a DVD and it is a blast to watch.
  4. This is were I would but a dog training course. The class probably is not long enough to be a credit by itself. Other topics we cover in life skills are keeping a checkbook, getting a loan, meal preparation, etc.
  5. 1. I feel that one on one instruction will result in high quality instruction - it has. 2. If we find an area of particular interest we can explore it indept - we have - ds loves electronics and is especially talented at it. 3. If he has trouble with a particular subject we can do extra work on slow down the pace - this has worked wonderfully with Algebra
  6. I have found it is better to just let people like that talk, because they usually don't listen very well. Sorry you had to have an experience let this, especially in that situation.
  7. I really think a guy will win this year. My favorite is Michael Johns. Second favorite is the dread locks guy although why can't any of us remember his name.
  8. Great minds just think alike I have also been reading a lot of Jane Austen. I picked up Becoming Jane, the book the movie was based on , at Barnes and Noble last weekend. I plan to read it next.
  9. You have chosen a beautiful name for you dd. It sounds like you have a wonderful family. It would scare me to think of my dh doing the laundry :eek: I am so glad to hear everything is going so well.
  10. I am currently reading books number 28. Dangerous Journey (ds also reading) 29. Master Cornhill read aloud for history studies 30. The 64 dollar tomato The 64 dollar tomato was not on my 888 reading list. I saw it yesterday at the library on the new book shelf. It was calling to me. I currently have tomato seedlings sprouting in varous locations in our house. I guess I will have to create a new catagory - I plan to call it either Just because :D or books from the library new book shelf ;)
  11. My ds did very well with My Access. His writing was greatly improved by the end of the year. We used all the topic I considered relavent to middle grades so we are not using it this year. I will use it again for highschool.
  12. I recently read a softcover unabridged edition of Pride and Prejudice with a scene form the 2005 movie on the cover. The book has notes to explain things like dowries, entail and lots more. Each chapter had 2-3 notes. I suggest reading this type of edition. If you would like the ISBN number let me know.
  13. all other subjects are considered electives Our electives this year are music foreign language logic civics geography art life skills
  14. Black Horses for the King Fire Bed and Bone Red Hugh Otto of the Silver Hand - this is fantastic The Great and Terrible Quest Along Came Galileo
  15. I would love to find this movie. I checked it out on ebay and the last DVD that sold their went for $94.00 Eek!!! this movie must be great and hard to find.
  16. As many of you know I have an auto-immune disease called Sjogrens that is destroying my tear glands amoung other things. I can still cry a bit at really moving or sad stories. I have to put drops in my eyes all day long as I make very few natural tears. Artificial drops are not nearly as good as real tears. my personal belief is the more I can exercise my ability to really cry the better for my tear glands. So bring it on...what movies or books make you cry? The last movie that made me cry was August Rush.
  17. This is part of growing , maturing, learning to get along in the world. She can work to fix it or be miserable. I would not help her. She perhaps will ask your advice as to what to do and I would freely tell her, but knowing most girls her age she will probably not even ask. I had a difficult roommate in college. I was of a different race than her and she did not want me in the room. She made my life miserable. I was too far from home to go back. I quietly used the room as little as possible and moved into a sorority as quickly as I could.
  18. Yes the name Mrs. Readsalot fits me and my family. We read a lot of books. I used to try to sell as we finished them on Vegsource etc. Then I decided to sell them all in seperate auctions at one time on ebay. I keep them in ABC order as we finish them and then do massive ebay listing. It usually takes me about 4 weeks to get all the auctions ready. I work on them while ds is doing seatwork or practicing his guitar. This year I may have close to 400 books because ds is getting ready for highschool level and I really went through our shelves and decided to sell lots of great elementary level books. At the moment I am literally surrounded by boxes of books in our den. I will probably have the first auctions starting April 1. I have about 50 start each night until all the books are listed. I start every book at 99 cents and offer free shipping if you buy a certain number of books(probably 9 books this year) This will provide me with enough funds to purchase all of our school materials for the next year. You are well to check out how I do a listing by ebay name is booksbay
  19. Ds has started a collection of Twinings boxes. This is part of his fascination with all things British.
  20. I found this cute website with games of the depression http://1930.mrdonn.org/Chapter11.html Just of hand I would say jacks, hopscotch, hide and seek, card games, jump rope etc.
  21. In your situation I would go with raised beds filled with organic compost (if you can get it)
  22. My ds loves cars. I got him the book The Beetle and Me and I can't even tell you how many time he has read it. He also likes to invent things so books like Henry Reed Inc. were a big hit. Gone Away Lake is also a favorite because it is about the joys of summer vacation.
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