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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. my husband always has. He maintain the 911 system for our city and we can find out more fron the radio. His radio is always on so we hear every call. I have gotten good at tuning them out unless it was a neighbor.
  2. My house runs somewhere in the middle. I used to be a neat freak. I gave this up for homeschooling.
  3. I do this so that we can have discussions about the books. Books that he selects to read on is own I do not read. I do not read all of his scence text etc at time because they come with comprehension questions and I figure the answers to these will show whether he has understood the reading.
  4. I have tomatoes, peppers and basil started. The tomatoes are about an inch high. This is my first time starting things from seeds say any advice anyone one has will be welcome. I have them growing under an old aquarium light.
  5. whatever is the latest great in fad special ingredient. Chipolte (spelled wrong I know) is hot (yes pun intended) I would play around with different fresh herbs and spices to find a great and unique combination.
  6. you will have to read the other thread about bread starters to get the pun
  7. Rainbow has been one of our favorite science programs. My ds loved the textbook and the fact that it came with everything we needed. We liked it so much we will be starting Rainbow Chemistry soon We tried Apologia General after Rainbow and just did not like it. The text was boring and the labs didn't add much for us.
  8. We are currently using a combination of level 7 and 100 and have read most of the books in the previous level. Of course they have added book since we did certain level. That always makes me want to run out and get those books. One of the only books we quit shortly into it was Dark Frigate.
  9. Given you history with the nasty stuff I would absolutely trash it. Out of sight out of mind.
  10. It sounds like the timing is perfect. I will say a prayer for your confidence and success.
  11. My ds read all of these, and I read them too. They are wonderful.
  12. Dr. Oz is the docter that is often on Oprah. My dh's doctor just told him to start using one. Dh says it is not to bad although he has not been using it long enough to see results.
  13. What an incredible amount of emotional and physical stress. Please take care of yourself as well as you can though all of this, I know it is hard.
  14. Basically I followed Sonlight, but I added in some more difficult readers and had my ds do the test you can order for Peace Hill Press.
  15. I was very impressed with the quality and content of Real Science 4 Kids. My ds wants to go into Physics with a concentration in Micro Electronics so Chemistry is very important to us.
  16. My son and I thought this was great. We recently used it as a quick review before starting a more difficult Chemistry program. I am glad we did.
  17. Although it is because usually a week after I order I realize there is something I forgot to get Grrrr. I now sit on my finalized order for two weeks to make sure it is right.
  18. This is something I would not miss. My ds is not that interested in art to to partcipate in program give by suc a wonderful instructor is opportunity I would not miss.
  19. I ordered for the first time from them this year. The seeds are sprouting well (100 actually) and they shipped quickly. No instructions on the seed packets so you will have to know what you are doing. They have a very nice and descriptive catalogue.
  20. Our neighborhood has a grass cutting service so he can't make money by cutting grass, but most of the homeowners don't care for outside work (many are elderly) so he does weeding for several of them. They usually pay him more than he asks for.
  21. Red Sails to Capri by Ann Weil have not read this Ginger Pye by Eleanor Estes we enjoyed it Paddle-to-the-Sea by Holling C. HollingYES! wonderful Seabird by Holling C. HollingYes! also wonderful Gone Away Lake by Elizabeth EnrightOne of my sons favorite books he has read it multiple times Thimble Summer by Elizabeth Enrightvery good The Perilous Road by William O. Steelegreat history By the Great Horn Spoon by Sid Fleischmanfantastic in our opinion Bruchko by Bruce Olsonwe did not read this I thouhgt it was to mature at the time, I may have him read it now Sadako and the 1000 Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerrvery good, made me cry The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Parkmy ds loved this and has it in his book box of favorite books The Master Puppeteer by Katherine Paterson - have not read this Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze by Ed Youngvery good The Shakespeare Stealer by Gary Blackwoodanother of my ds's favorite we ended up reading the whole series The Second Mrs. Giaconda by E.L. Konigsburgloved it! The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Justeranother one in my ds's book box Love it Banner in the Sky by James Ramsey Ullmanhave not read this yet Lots of books on your list were some of our favorite Sonlight books. Although I don't dislike many Sonlight books except Dark Frigate just couldn't into that.
  22. my ds has gotten pretty good at fixing his own healthy snacks he has braces so he uses crackers instead of chips English muffin pizza whole grain bread with asaigo cheese and put under the broil for 4 minutes sliced apple with peanut butter black bean dip with club crackers salsa with club cracker sandwiches made with turkey pepperoni and cheese on whole grain
  23. cook from scratch don't eat out pay in cash never never get into consumer debt if you want something and it is not a need just a want think about it for several weeks before purchasing it. shop at yard sales and thrift stores take care of things you own and they usually maintain their resale value get books on bookmooch and paperbackswap get DVDs on DVDswap drink water do home maintenance yourself grow a garden
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