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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. It is just well...nice. Mr. Darcy seems a bit out of his element, how do I deal with a distressed female, but then he has is stellar pleasant/formal manners to fall back on and he does it very well.
  2. IF I had to guess I would say 20-25 A lot them are small logic type games.
  3. 1. I have met and spoken with Barbara Bush True and she is a lovley lady 2. I was born in England False I would like to go there someday 3. I played the flute with a major symphony orchestra True The Baltimore Symphony when I was younger 4. I can type 60 wpm False and don't ever plan to try 5. I first husband was Tony Orlando True although not THAT Tony Orlando
  4. His hobby of greatest interest at the moment is guitar.
  5. doesn't have enough posts to count. Makes you rather left I would think. Actually I do understand why they set it up this way though.
  6. My ds just didn't like it. I know lots of people rave about it though.
  7. I find this the most difficult to grade and or correct. It just seems very subjective to me. For this reason, we have used My Access for writing some years.
  8. 1. I have met and spoken with Barbara Bush 2. I was born in England 3. I played the flute with a major symphony orchestra 4. I can type 60 wpm 5. I first husband was Tony Orlando
  9. I find the biggest waste of time is trying to find things so I try to stay very neat and organized, our motto a place for everything and everything in its place.
  10. although we have not used the other program. One thing I can say about Chalkdust, that you might want to consider, and that is that it has great resale value.
  11. ie if it is published by a Christian publisher it probably has Christian content.
  12. That's a combination . Actually I wanted to be a music therapist but an inability to carry a tune derailed that in the freshman year of college. I was never really happy as a business major(it was my mothers idea) although I was a straight A student.
  13. My ds and I think this is great. Thank you for posting it.
  14. then he would show up when I was nearly finished and dance around go "I get to put the last piece in." This from someone that was 10 years old than me.
  15. with the translation for Cumbria being valley I think it has a nice sound to it. My heritage is greatly Celtic, and I enjoy hearing the words, names etc spoken by someone especially skilled speaking at speaking them (I am not!) Best wishes on your quest for a name.
  16. Well you told me just what I wanted to know. I am going to replace Cholera with PS I Love You. I can't take "ick" male characters. My current read "The 64 dollar tomato" is laugh out loud funny!
  17. The book is on my 888 reading list, but I am thinking about replacing it with PS I Love You. It is going to be interesting to see what my actually read list is compared to my original list:p
  18. DS is very into MASH at the moment. His favorite character is Wincester. As I type he is playing the MASH theme on the guitar. He doesn't know the actual words to that song. Before Valentine we where in a Hallmark store and he found a musical card that played the MASH theme and he thought it was neat. I thought it was strange who would want to give a Valentine with the music from a song titled Suicide is Painless. Then I figured like my son most people don't know the title or words to the song. We did the play in highschool and that is how I know it.
  19. Mine was The Flintstones, and I especially like the Great Gazoo(sp?) I would rush home to finish my homework just so I could watch it.
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