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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Okay, Mama's how do you handle reentry? :scared: :blushing::leaving:
  2. I have an up and down relationship with my mil, but we get along fairly well. Nothing like the horrible stories I've heard. Because of a break-down in our initial plans, dh and I ended up living with his parents for the first few years of our marriage (I was 18, he was 20 when we got married.) We didn't get out until ds#1 was 10 months. Our relationship has been better since we moved out. We live 5 minutes away, but we usually only see them at church, occasionally for lunch after church, and on holidays ( don't get me started on the way she "plans" things...:glare:)
  3. Welcome to the forum and homeschooling! I can sympathize with your concerns about not keeping on top of things and falling behind. It sounds like you've half started so you have a better idea of what works and how you'll do more than someone who jumps in without that prior experience. I would defiantly homeschool them this summer, even at just 50% of what you'll be doing the rest of the year, to give you an even better idea. That could help you work out a schedule and figure out how to do multiple kids at multiple levels at the same time. At the very least you might be able to get them back up to a level they should be in their trouble areas. Explore the threads some more. There's a lot of good information on here from people with a LOT more experience than I do :D
  4. :iagree: This is me as well. I don't think it's wrong to try to keep your child innocent for as long as possible, and asking these questions does seem to imply that the child knows what it is and thinks it's going on with classmates.
  5. Would he be interested in getting into woodworking? There's also a kit you can get on Amazon to build a working clock with just paper. If he likes paper models, there's a Cannon website where you can print out a bunch of cool models to build, especially famous world buildings. http://www.amazon.com/Zany-Wooden-Toys-That-Whiz/dp/1565233948/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I1VMO94MVP5SPC&colid=1RQP3USSTK5RN http://www.amazon.com/Make-Your-Working-Paper-Clock/dp/0060910666/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I3W0MHQNMA99O7&colid=1WLIVXSKWO225 http://cp.c-ij.com/en/contents/1006/
  6. Natural Gas Easements--anyone know anything about these? Don't eat as many beans and broccoli. There is also a position that helps...
  7. Not in the minority, I think. I am having a hard time understanding this as well. :glare: It used to be adultery was illegal, and I think it's still on the books in some places.
  8. Half of my kid's closest is boxes and plastic totes of old baby or in-between clothes. I have a small chest of drawers in the other half that as soon as the toddler bed is done being used will be pulled out to make room for more boxes and toys out of rotation. I also keep the little kid toys, swing, matching nursery bedding under the bed. I don't think that was much help, though...
  9. Could you be pregnant? I know some women have enhanced senses of smell when they are. Also, my friend lives in a rented house that had smokers inside before them and she says some weather brings is out of the walls, no matter how many times she's washed them.
  10. His company actually hosts some of the CE classes for free. He gets most of his credits that way. They also hosted an $800 dollar class for an extra license for free, but he didn't get a raise because they don't use that skill/ability very often.
  11. Well, I've read Arguing with (word the forum won't let me use) so a lot of this came as no surprise, but I didn't know about getting paid to take collage courses. My husband is a RDA (registered dental assistant) and he's required to take "continuing education" courses to keep his license, and I think the doctors (dentists) have to do the same, and every course he's taken had to do with dentistry, and he doesn't get a raise for it. He gets to keep his job. Seems to me that should apply for the teachers as well. :glare:
  12. Ummm...I hesitate to suggest this since you have had so many babies that you have probably heard of this and have decided against it...but a nipple guard while nursing was wonderful for me. I, too, had horrible pain nursing, (I couldn't nurse without crying, either) and it was the only way I was able to continue, which was important to me. I got it from the lactation consultant at the hospital. Ds had no problem after the first time or two trying it.
  13. Hey, I just saw that you posted this yesterday and haven't had any responses. I'm sorry about that :sad: I would suggest re-posting in the curriculum board. I hope you're still here, lurking around and learning from what other people have already written. I have a 4.5 yr old and I wish I had as many things as you do! Right now we're doing Right Start A and OPGTR off and on. I'd like to add more, I just don't have it all yet. I would go with what you're all ready doing, and add something new one at a time. You have time, so don't stress out too much. Maybe if your dh sees how well she does and she is bored in "real" school, maybe he'll change his mind. Good luck :001_smile:
  14. My son passed his road test, and will soon be a fully licensed driver! Thank you for the warning! *ducks and covers*:auto::leaving:
  15. LDS Homeschoolers Sorry, but every time I look at this I feel like a dyslexic druggie...
  16. S/O how many threads do you feel you have killed? Over the years of embroidery projects and just plain sewing, I'd have to say somewhere between the 100's and 1,000's.
  17. 2.27. I kinda try to keep it to 2, since I have a tendency to be very opiniated, and I'm trying not to put people off. However, posting on this thread http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=205608 ruins that ambition :tongue_smilie:
  18. We need a broken heart emoticon. This is the second time in 2/3 days that I've needed it. I have to stop reading these. I don't want to have my head in the sand, but I don't know how much more I can take of this! :crying:
  19. Isn't there a (can't spell it close enough for spell check to get) device to help you remember? (order of operations) I can't remember it :001_rolleyes:
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