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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. 48 :glare: Anyone know where the list of stat rankings of public schools is? Because I'm pretty sure my state is in the bottom 10 in that, too. My in-laws have been talking about moving to Idaho for years. Can anyone on this thread tell me what Idaho's hs laws are like?
  2. :lol: Once I bled through all my layers and my son then 3 saw my "owiw" on my but and kissed it better :ack2: My sons have NO sense of boundaries. They walk in on me on the potty all the time (lock is broken.) I've just said that "sometimes Mommy needs a special diaper," and thankfully ds4 hasn't decided that he should have "special diapers," too.
  3. I haven't seen an answer in all this to my question. If removing the foreskin is "genital mutilation" to an extreme that even a religious exemption is unacceptable, what about medical exemptions? My son was born with hypospadius and the doctor needed to use some of the foreskin as part of a surgical correction. If it is unacceptable to cut it off, for any reason, then what would you have had my son's doctor do? This isn't a procedure where you could get skin from another place. I think the statistic is 1/1,000 boys is born with this. What would you do for those boys? "Sorry, we don't think it's okay to mutilate your genitals under any condition, so you're just going to have to live with this correctable birth defect for the rest of your life."
  4. I know, and I belong to the "pro-(circumcision)choice" group. I just feel that the assault on a Jew's integral religious right at the same time as the withdrawal of American support of Israel is more scarry and isn't being mentioned enough. The article didn't say, did they make surgical exceptions? I know there are cases of stricture when it's necessary. Also, my ds2 was born with hyposadius, and they needed to use the foreskin as part of the corrective surgery. Would they ban that as well?
  5. Unless I missed it, no one has talked about the fact that they are allowing the MAJORITY of the GENERAL POPULATION to decide whether or not to ban something that is an integral part of being a Jew! That this is even allowed to be voted/decided by the VOTERS is an abomination! This discussion shouldn't be about whether or not it's good to circumcise or not. It should be about the fact that 7,500 (edited word because I don't want my post to be deleted) thought that they had the right to decide that Jews don't get to raise their sons as Jews.
  6. Which stall do you gravitate towards? The ones with the pretty horses in them :001_smile:
  7. A different "other" option: the one that is against a wall on one side so I only have to worry about the other side. In elementary school I had some mean girls stand on the toilet and peek over and laugh. :glare:
  8. Hawaii-which island? It's the biggest one, also known as "The Big Island."
  9. Ewwwww...WHY did a guy starting to take off his thong show up?!?! There was also cake, President Putin, and a military graveyard. Am I at the same place as you guys?
  10. Why, Oh Why, Do Libraries have to Weed Books? Because they choke out the new growing books that are suppose to be there. :001_smile:
  11. What is the going rate for a pet sitter? One treat every time your pets sits in the beginning, but once they're trained you can just say "good boy/girl!"
  12. Yes, another iPad question Shouldn't this belong with the bOOK shelves threads?
  13. Trying to avoid bitterness Don't eat baking chocolate, brussel sprouts, or black coffee :ack2:
  14. Quick grammar question: Answer: it's suppose to be "Quick grammar question?"
  15. How long do you usually leave people on your IGNORE list? No list necessary. I'm so good at ignoring people that once I start I completely forget about them :D
  16. As part of my funeral I want some sort of missionary/gospel message. Aka: "This is what Anya believed, and she wants you to hear it at least one more time." It is my meaning of life and if my funeral is what it takes to get someone to come to Jesus then I'll take it! But I don't think it should be required.
  17. Normal? Who cares about normal? :001_smile: I have seen this a LOT. My in-laws have a refrigerated AND a freezer (they buy a lot in bulk.)
  18. I love these :lurk5: I'm not sure if this counts, but yesterday when dh and ds4 were making a sandcastle in the new sand table my ds4 first insisted on first building a foundation and wanted to "add re-bar so it can withstand shocks!" (He jumped up and down so we knew he knows what "shocks" mean.)
  19. My grandparent/guardians did not let me stay by myself alone. When I got married (at 18,) I started having panic attacks when I was left alone. Please let your dc do this. Have a friend aware of the situation for back up or something, but let them do this. But also make sure they are prepared.
  20. Today while building a sand castle with dh, ds4 insisted on first building the foundation, and then wanted to add "re-bar so it can withstand shocks." (He bounced up and down when he said "shocks" so we know he knows what it means :001_smile:)
  21. I did this at the age of 13. I LOVED babies (still do) and I was very good with them. There were always one or two other ladies, and no one ever had a problem with it. At our church there is a young lady of 12 or 13 years who assists with her mother when it's her turn in the nursery. She is very sweet and helpful, the kids like her, and I've never had a problem with it.
  22. Okay, not "dead," whatever you want to call them. No-longer-on-earth-saints, dose that work? :001_smile: I know Catholics do not believe that they have to go through a priest for everything. But to do it at all seems (to the outside observer) to be placing something between you and God, which is the opposite of "personal" imho in this context.
  23. :iagree: I did this with both my babies because they were so small I didn't want them sliding around. If it helps, it's what the nurses in the NICU (neo-natal intensive care unit) do, too.
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