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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. :grouphug: I've been realizing that I post waaaaay more about my kids on facebook than any of the other parents, friends or family. And I don't get a lot of responses. I am starting to wonder if people are thinking I'm bragging too much/looking for validation. I see it as trying to make people laugh or smile, and updating the (smaller) half of my family where these are the only great/grandchildren. Maybe your family is feeling the same way? My mil loves to brag to people about the things the boys know because we're homeschooling, but I used to get a lot of comments about how she was never "lucky" enough to be able to stay home. At one time I thought that maybe she thought that I was judging her for not staying home (I never did. I understand the situation they were in.) And at other times she has stated that she wishes she could have stayed home. Maybe she is jealous? She has self-esteem issues. Maybe your mother is feeling similarly, and dosen't want to face those feelings, so avoids hearing about things that makes her feel that way. I sympathize with wanting to share all the awesome things our kids do. Maybe you need to wait for her to ask. And that may take a while...:grouphug:
  2. No one has mentioned the writing requirements of a collage class. Can he write at a high enough level to be able to turn in classwork? At the cc I went to for a little while, everyone had to take a "Collage Writing" class first semester, even if you scored high in the entrance exam, because the other classes need you to write your papers a certain way. You should probably get information on the written requirements before you sign up.
  3. I snacked on vitamins as a kid, too. And I feed them to my younger brother and sister :D :lol::lol::smilielol5: My friend's mom left him at the store playing an arcade game (he was 2nd/4 kids at the time.) She didn't realize he wasn't there until 2 stores later.
  4. Didn't read the other replies and I don't know if this applies, but our doctor said that if it has a hair growing out of it :ack2: then it's healthy.
  5. :lol::lol::iagree: That really is no business of the doctors' and there is no way I would ever answer if it came to that. ETA: Things like these sorts of issues with daughters and doctors make me go back and forth about if I really want a daughter or stick with my boys...
  6. I had my last baby at age 23 and wouldn't want to have one after age 30. I've always wanted to be "done" having all my kids by the time I was 30. I wanted to be a young mom with enough energy to keep up with them. However, I wasn't expecting to have my last kid before I was 25! We would like one more, but with almost dying both times, and ds#2 having to be born at 32 weeks, we're not sure if it is wise to try again. I was putting away all our baby toys and things a few weeks ago, and I was misserable at the thought that I could be "done." We're praying about it.
  7. That's just me saying/typing it wrong :tongue_smilie: I told him a question is something you say or ask to find out something. I'm not sure how I'd use that to explain a sentence.
  8. Do you mean different from what's in The Well Trained Mind book?
  9. I'm working with OPGTR and HOP. Unless I missed it (which is completely possible) I can't find what I'm suppose to tell ds4 what a "sentence" is, even though I'm suppose to tell him that sentences begin with words that are capitalized. I answered "What is a question?" confidently on Sunday, but I don't know how to explain "a sentence." And looking up in the (online) dictionaries did not help. He's been "reading" sentences (we're still on short "a" CVC words) without commenting on the capitol letters and punctuation, but I don't want to move on without explaining this. Help!
  10. :grouphug::grouphug: Personally, I'd break off contact for a while, give yourself a rest, and let her think about what her priority is: being "right" or having a relationship with her grand-kids. But that's just me.
  11. :iagree: My mil did this all the time and it drove me nuts. Then the pastor mentioned in a sermon that saying that exact thing was saying that you don't trust the person you're saying that too. She apologized to us and stopped doing it for a while, but she's started saying it again... :iagree: My dh will ask where it is, I tell him, he "looks" and can't find it, I go over and find it in 5 seconds, exactly where I told him it was. :smilielol5:
  12. I'm so jealous! Here "laminating" means clear packaging tape and a lot of time and bubbles :glare:
  13. Yes, it was Microcosmo. For the record, I did not gasp and cover his eye. I said the ladybugs were giving a piggy-back ride and the snails were hugging. I'm not trying to keep my ds4 ignorant, and I do not want to pass on the idea that s3x is bad. I guess I'm just not ready for those conversations. And I really don't want him acting it out. He knows animals eat other animals, and once "feed" his stuffed fish and stuffed eel to his stuffed sheep :001_rolleyes: I was inappropriately exposed to adult "relations" at a very young age. I guess I just want to keep him him from thinking about it as long as possible. Thank you for all the responses. The point about the kids growing up on the farm is well taken.
  14. :lol: When I first heard this joke, it was a hot dog stand. I laughed so hard tears came out. Love this one :D
  15. With the passport questionnaire the method, witnesses, doctors, any religious happenings accompanying the birth were required, as part of proving that the applicant was indeed born in the country. I connected the two as possibilities because they sounded similar, that's all.
  16. When I first read this a while back, it made me think of the new questions required for a passport. I think in that case it was to determine if you were a citizen, but didn't have a birth certificate. California has a large Hispanic community, both legal and illegal. With the state's budget problems, perhaps they are trying to screen for children not in the state legally?
  17. Thank you for all the stuff to think to about. I think the main reason I'm concerned is that almost everything ds4 watches ends up in his play, and I really don't want him acting that out. I'll try again in a year...
  18. What do you do when animal mating comes up on nature shows with your kids? At what age are you okay with them watching it by themselves? I ask because we were watching a documentary (?) on insects and within the first 8 minutes had both ladybugs and snails doing it ultra-zoom in, slow-motion, fills the whole tv screen. It was rated "G." Would you consider that to be "G" ? Would you be okay with a 4 year old watching it? At what age would you be okay with it? I stopped it after the snails. I didn't want to watch it, let alone let my ds4 watch it.
  19. does this exist? As long as the board monitor doesn't delete it :001_smile:
  20. why were the early days of history called the dark ages? because there were so many knights!! what do you call a rock group with four men that don't sing? mount rushmore!! why couldn't dracula's wife sleep? because of his coffin!!
  21. what do you get if you cross an adult with a moan? a groan up!! what do you get when two peas fight? black eyed peas!! where did the smart butter go? on the honor roll!! what did one firefly say to the other firefly? you glow girl!! What did the cat say when he was told a bad joke? Are you kitten' me??!? who made up fractions? henry the 1/8th!! what did one snowman say to the other? do you smell carrots?? why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? in case he got a hole in one!! what happened when the grape got stepped on? it let out a little wine!!! why did the king go to the dentist? to get his teeth crowned!! why did the pony cough? he was a little horse!! what happens when frogs park illegally? they get toad!! why was the broom late? it over swept!! why couldn't the sesame seed leave the casino? he was on a roll!! what did the big chimney say to the little chimney? you're too young to smoke!! why did the tomato blush? he saw the salad dressing!!
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