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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I have a hard enough time when that sort of thing shows up on crime shows (Bones, CSI, etc.) No WAY would I watch it on purpose! Giving them ratings keeps it on the air and tells the "Mothers" on the show that what they are doing is okay.
  2. :iagree: My husband's grandmother gave me something of her's she called "lingerie" :eek: that I'm not sure if she actually wore or not, but I could not figure out WHY on Earth she thought I would ever wear anything like what it was, let alone a second-hand from her (she's in her 90's!) I was poliet, since it was a Christmas present, but when we got home both my husband and I were like "no way!" It put it in the dress-up box for ds's friend who is a girl.
  3. :iagree:I would try for all summer, not just a month. I don't know the OP's religous leanings, but it sounds like ACE (or is it PACE?) would be helpful for the middle grades at the very least, perhaps for the higher grades, with additional projects/research? It solves the kids-working-at-different-levels all at the same time, and the what-if-one-student-falls-behind-the-others, and it is a lot of self-taught, at least that's how I remember it from 7th & 8th grade. The biggest problem with this course of action is it would cost a LOT to start, and if you don't continue with it, that's a LOT of money "wasted."
  4. Ds 4 inventive, helpful, LOUD :smash: Ds 2 curious, dancer, snuggler :grouphug:
  5. Ohhhhh. Okay. Hmmmm.... Well, parents with higher IQs may have higher paying jobs which in turn can support a single-income lifestyle that makes homeschooling possible. But I don't think that represents a high percentage of those on this forum. Parents with higher IQs may have had worse experiences in public school, which could lead them to not want that for their kids. From a personal experience, I think people with more average IQs might be less likely to homeschool because they think they can't possibly teach their own kids/don't have enough confidence in their abilities. For that reason, I could see the ration of higher IQs/average IQs being less on the average side.
  6. Dose the GATE testing in ps count? I don't remember the GATE testing (second grade) but I remember the tests they game me afterward because I scored high enough. It was the first time I was asked "Is the glass half full or half empty?" Same with sunrise/sunset, etc. I thought they were crazy :willy_nilly: because how could you tell? I finally said the cup was half empty because the only reason I could think of for putting water in a glass was to drink some, and then put it on the table (in the picture.) Therefore it was partially emptied.
  7. I think it might be based on the original testing when they first started it. If I recall correctly, it started in the French public school system, and was mandatory.
  8. :iagree:I cringe (inside) when my inlaws buy the boys those big boxes of cheap crayons from the dollar store. Maybe if I made them color with them they wouldn't get them anymore...
  9. My grandparents keep bees and they know a lot of the science. I can ask them to e-mail me their sources, but it might take a week for them to get back to me... Plenty of anecdotal evidence though, too.
  10. Okay, thanks:001_smile: And thank you for the new word to add to my forum vocabulary: "necroposting"...
  11. I "resurrected" one today (how old is too old?) because I searched what I was looking for first and someone had already asked, but no-one had answered. I thought it was better to bump the old thread than start another new one. Should I have not done that :confused:
  12. I know how you feel. I remember when there were only 4 girls :001_smile: From just the pictures it looks like the clothes will be beautiful!
  13. :lurk5: I would like an answer to this as well. I'd like one that works with phonics/learning to read. I have a ds who can't use a mouse and I'd like to see how he'd do with the touch screen (I'd have to use my friend's.)
  14. :smilielol5::smilielol5: I'm crying over here! I laughed so hard my dh upstairs had to know what I was laughing at, and then he cracked up, too. :lol:
  15. :iagree::iagree: We live in a rented townhouse with neighbors who smoke outside all throughout the day (I don't know what they do for work, but they're out there a lot.) I have to check before I tell my kids they can play out there. I can not imagine what it would be like if marijuana was legalized! Getting my kids high? No way! We'd become hermits first, except we still need to get air from outside :glare:
  16. Are YA books too dark? No, my books aren't that dark, but then again I do use a flashlight when I'm reading them...
  17. :party: Thank you! Now if only we could move... :auto:
  18. Yeah, an excuse for more purple in my house! :D It's me and 3 guys (including dh) and I just don't get to use my favorate color like I want too. I read that people who have a lot of pink in their life tend to be happier. But it was included with pictures of movie/tv/music stars wearing different shades of pink, so take it with a grain of salt :001_smile:
  19. Does your husband care how much you weigh? You tell your husband how much you weigh?! :svengo:
  20. So...Anthony Weiner.... I could be wrong, but I don't think he's a member on here. But I hear he's on twitter....
  21. I was thinking along similar lines, thank you for looking it up. I think I read somewhere that orange increases hunger, but I can't site a source. I really like the 3 walls cool/learning wall warm idea! Hmmm...purple and brown?
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