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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :001_smile: We have been doing it for a week now, and I am thrilled with the program. I have gone through the book myself, and I am very impressed. I started at level A, and I'm glad I did. Whoever mentioned that it was good to lay a good foundation with the basics, even if my ds flies through it, was right. We are having a lot of fun, and having a daily *official* curriculum makes it feel like we are finally *officially* homeschooling! So thank you to everyone who commented, gave advice/opinions, and encouragement. We have been blessed by your help.
  2. :lol: For my graduation present my friends bought me a 10lb chocolate bar, which I had talked about in the past. Unfortunately, it was dark chocolate. I just couldn't eat all that dark choclate. Milk chocolate is a lot easier to eat (for me, anyway.) I ended up throwing about 3-5lbs away. I know I could have eaten it all (over time) if it had been milk chocolate. Hmmm, maybe it is a good thing that it was dark chocolate after all... :001_smile:
  3. Everything in my linen closet is folded nicely and organized. But it is also half empty because the rest is unorganized and making a mess somewhere else in my house (in the dirty laundry pile, in the clean laundry pile, in the "mountain" pile that my ds4 made...) :tongue_smilie:
  4. We are conservative Christians living in California. When ds#1 was 6 months, we started hearing about new laws requiring certain things be mandatory to teach in ps that we REALLY disagreed with. And then we started remembering our own ps experiences. I looked around, and dh bought me WTM and The Well Educated Mind for Christmas. I read it and was convinced we could do it. I read parts to dh, and he said "Why weren't we taught this?" We looked at costs and realized we could save more money with me staying home than I could make working and paying for daycare, 2nd car, etc, and we haven't looked back since.:001_smile:
  5. 4 read-alouds: Book of Virtues (that thing has a LOT of stories in it!) Bible Chronicles of Narnia The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night (also know as Arabian tales) 3 curricula: OPGTR All the Math You'll Ever Need: A Self-Teaching Guide The NEW Way Things Work (not technically a curricula, but a good book to learn from) 2 reference books: SAS Survival Handbook, Revised Edition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation Kingfisher History Encyclopedia 1 home school book: WTM (because I don't have any others)
  6. I was planning on using that very thing as an incentive to get my oldest to go in there, but it wasn't needed. Experience makes the best teacher! :D
  7. What I have heard about Montessori schools was that they didn't have good discipline/didn't believe in punishments.
  8. I read an article that said that guys actually hate those suppose-to-be-sexy words on the butt.
  9. I know there's a statistic out there about how many times the average collage student changes their major. I don't remember the number, but I think it was over three. A year. Why do they think younger high schoolers will have a better idea of what they "want to be when they grow up?" I can see this focusing a few individuals, but I can't see it working for the whole school.
  10. Fish oil and Speech Issues? Well, normally you'd be on a stage so I don't think that they could smell your breath, but you might want to avoid mingling in the crowd afterward.
  11. what do I need to know about a septic system They smell REALLY, REALLY bad! :ack2:
  12. HOD, MFW, etc. What am I missing? A, B, C, E, G, I, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y, and Z.
  13. Queen's Homeschool Supplies Aren't her kids a little old for homeschooling? Prince Charles is in his 60s!
  14. Do have a favorite foreign fruit? The french peas from Veggie Tales (I looked it up, they count!)
  15. Stupid kid tricks!!!! My 4yo is teaching the other kids in bible class to "roll over". Does that count? (True story btw :lol:)
  16. A question for those who can fruit I can't fruit, but I can banana split!
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