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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. My 4yo put them there. He matched the letters together. It's a game we played when he was 3 that taught him his letters. :001_smile:
  2. :lol: Maybe you can convince him to do a AAAAAAB pattern: Brushing, brushing, brushing, brushing, brushing, brushing, not brushing. :D
  3. I come from a large family (50+ decendents from just my paternal grandparents) which is largely dominated opinionated, controlling women. They belong to "THE Church" and if you don't go you're not doing what God wants you to do. (We go to a mainstream Christian church.) And I hear it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME we get together for Thanksgiving (every other year.) And then on my mom's side you have my Grammy and my Aunt who you do NOT disagree with if you value your sanity. They didn't talk to me for over a year once for my foolish lapse of honesty :glare:. And my grandmother-in-law has said repeatedly that I shouldn't have another child because I couldn't handle it (because she only had one and barely handled it) even though they all know we really want a daughter. On the other hand, my father's side supports homeschooling because 80% of them do it.
  4. I just wanted to show off what I got to make the whole house a learning place! The kids keep going up and down the stairs singing the ABC song, and now even my 2yo knows the names of the planets :D They're a great size (the sun is bigger than my hand) and they are restickable and don't take off the paint. And there are a TON of different ones. The minute I find out I'm pregnant with a girl (not pregnant right now) I am buying SOOO many off the pretty girly ones :D http://www.amazon.com/RoomMates-RMK1029SCS-Alphabet-Stick-Decals/dp/B000FT2STW/ref=pd_ys_iyr_img
  5. :svengo:Thank you, boscopup. You have helped me a lot today, and kept me from complete melt down. I am completely :scared: stressed out about picking a math program because I feel like I have to do it RIGHT NOW before he becomes bored and turned off because he's not being challenged.
  6. Okay, I must be looking too hard at this, because I've been looking at the Right Start website all day and I didn't see either "Essentials" or "Earlybird." Do I have blinders on?!
  7. I'd go back to that doctor and tell him to stop discouraging parents! :001_smile: Yeah for your daughter's awesomeness!
  8. :smilielol5::lol: It took me two days to get through this! It's a masterpiece! Ibbygirl, how many levels did you go up after posting all these?!
  9. Somehow I missed this. Thank you! Thank you everyone for the feed back. I think I will go with this. Now I have to chose A or B. (And convince dh to spend $50 more than we originally thought...)
  10. THANK YOU for everyone for your answers. I needed this input. wapiti, I did try to search the forums using Right Start, but all I got was people looking for a way to start homeschooling. But I will try RS. I looked, but it wasn't on the abbreviations list, so I wasn't sure what to search it as. ETA: I found a good tread searching RS. Thank you!
  11. Thank you, boscopup. We've only done math with manipulative so far. Mostly using identical blocks to add and subtract up to 10. He knows numerals. He can look at a number and give you that many blocks, and he can look at a number of blocks and give you the number card. He can't write though. Thank you, EmilyGF, for the WTM update. I wasn't going to get Edition 3 until ds started 1st grade, but maybe I'll get it now...
  12. Right Start Math was recommended by family members who homeschool when I asked them about Saxon Math. I looked over their website, and I understand their philosophy, but I'm hesitant to try it, especially at the price. It's not in WTM (yes, I know I can go outside the book) and it doesn't go through high school. Please, if you use/have used this curriculum, tell me what you think about it. I am looking for a math curriculum for my 4 year old to start with this or next month. (The Saxon Math Assessment test placed him in Math 1.)
  13. :smilielol5:I had to wipe the tears out of my eyes! :lol::lol::lol: Imagine having to memorize that!
  14. EEEEWWWW! Ours gets mildewy smelling :( And I can't keep it open, because the whole downstairs of our 990ft townhouse is open, and my 2yo loves sticking his head in there. When it gets bad, my dear, wonderful husband runs it empty with bleach a bunch of times. (I can NOT stand the smell of bleach. It makes me sick.) Of the 3 years we've lived here, I think he's only gone to where you went once. I'll see if he's willing to do it again this weekend.
  15. :blushing:Probably. That makes a lot more sense. Is the homeschool version on the same website? It was very confusing to me. I had trouble finding things, and it took me quite a while to find the prices!
  16. I looked through the Virtual Sampling of Saxon Math Grade K today. My 4yo saw what I was doing and asked "What's that?" and then started answering the questions on the pages I read to him. He knew a lot of it, but there were still some new concepts, and he could always use the review. Then I looked at the teacher's guide, and it looked like it was all for classrooms. My question is: do I need the teacher's guide for this low a level? Have you bought both and then not used the teacher's guide? Or did you get just the workbooks and feel something was missing? Thank you in advance!
  17. Today I feel good that we finally got to go to the zoo for my 2yo's birthday trip!
  18. For me, it was love at first sight. But I had to walk past him quite a few times before he noticed me :D We met in high school and started "going out" when I was 15 and he was 17. I wasn't "allowed to date" until I was 18 (my Grandmother's version of a date was the two of us going somewhere by ourselves.) But we went to shaperoned, group school dances, and later on I got to hang out at his parent's house. We had talked about getting married, and we had already picked out our 4 kids names (They're the same boy names we used years latter :D) and I was shopping with him and his parents at Walmart. I looked over coyly, pointed at one and said "Oo, I like that one." and moved on. He later went back and got it. He proposed on our first "official" date, looking at stars cuddled under a sleeping bag. It was wonderful, except I had an ulcer and I just wanted the night to be done! :001_rolleyes:
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