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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. That explains it. Brekke's queen Wirenth rose to mate for the first time too close to Kylara's Prideth, and they both went between while fighting in chapter XII in Dragonquest, the second book in the series. In chapter XIV they try to get Brekke to re-impress another queen because she's almost catatonic with grief. Her firelizard stops it from happening, but it snaps her out of her catatonia. Moral of the story: don't try to re-impress. I bet Todd would have done it though. (Yes, I know what a nerd this makes me look like... :D )
  2. I wouldn't touch them with a 6 ft pole! I read a preview and a discription of the plot that was just...uggh. No thank you! And he really wrote that about a boyfriend? Wow, someone must think he's God's gift to women...
  3. I LOVE those books! I own most of them and I read each of them about once a year :D PS. Second dragon? What was your precedent for re-impressing? Didn't Brekke teach you it's a bad idea? ;)
  4. I'm so young no one calls me "Mrs. Warde," but I've wanted to be a "Mrs" since I was a little girl. The "younger" part is not a slight on my mil, it just distinguishes me from her.
  5. I have boxes and boxes of stuff from when I was a teen. Random collected items, papers of stuff that has something funny/important/future applications/etc. I start to go through it, and I get bogged down reading EVERY single page so I know if I can toss it or not, and that takes so much time that I just end up putting the "keep" pile back in the box, unsorted, to be gone through again a year later, and the same thing keeps happening over and over... And then I have a ton of stuff people gave me that I couldn't say "no" to but never use, but I might have use for it someday....and a ton of craft stuff...boxes of yarn that was given to me but I hate the colors of and will never use...an Encyclopedia Britannica from 1939... more books...yikes I need to clean!
  6. This is great! Thank you for sharing this. Now to find a place to write this down so I don't forget it when I'll need it...
  7. Is there nothing his parents could do legally to have it expunged? And I add my vote to the he-will-probably-remember-this side.
  8. :mad::angry::cursing::banghead::crying: I am so tired of being outraged! I need to stop reading these stories for my health....but I don't want to be an ostrich. My heart aches for this boy and his family. His father is/was deployed, and now they have to deal with THIS? Shouldn't "don't further tramatize the 6 year old" come under "do no harm?!" :glare:
  9. That sounds kinda like gestational diabetes to me. I would absolutely call the OB. Anything out of the ordinary could be a symptom of a problem.
  10. :iagree: But there are soooo many pretty journals out there! :D
  11. I asked my dh when he got home, and he said the CAP guys used to make fun of the SC because they were really disorganized.
  12. I write in a journal that I keep on my nightstand. I usually do it at night while I'm in bed before I go to sleep. It can help a lot. I wanted to be a write-in-a-diary-every-day person since I was a kid. But I'd write my whole life story the first day, and then nothing to write the next day :001_rolleyes: Then sometime in February I picked on up and I've been writing in it off and on. You want it to be secret? Can't you tell your husband not to read it ? :001_smile:
  13. :lol: Around here we've only used glue sticks with ds1 so we haven't had any glue eating...yet :D
  14. :iagree: I get mad at people who borrow my books, and then return them with the corner folded over :glare: I sticky note all my points of interests, questions, notable quotes, etc. But in a digital age? How do you even mark your place? I don't have an e-reader, can they bookmark a spot? Can they mark multiple spots?
  15. My dh was in Civil Air Patrol, and both his parents were adult officers. He was in for...5/6 years I think (?) He reached a certain rank by a certain age and received the Billy Mitchel award. Because he received that award, when he enlisted in the Army he was immediately promoted to E2 and was paid more even in basic training. I do not know if Sea Cadets has a similar program. But from what I know from my dh's experience, a lot depends on the individual group as to how organized/ambitious/active they are. I would attend several meetings at with both groups before picking one.
  16. I would like a good answer to this as well. I have bi-polar 2 (not to be confused with regular bi-polar) and anxiety problems. My father is mentally unstable/delusional/thinks he's a prophet of God. He had a traumatic head injury at age 18/19, but it is possible he had symptoms before that. My Grandmother has something, but it's hard to say if her "checking" is OCD or memory problems, and she's paranoid about people breaking into the house/watching us through the windows, and doesn't trust doctors or medicine (she has been diagnosed with kidney cancer, with a huge tumor, but refuses to undergo surgery to have it removed or be treated.) However, she had 5 kids, who have a lot of kids, and all of them are "fine." My husband has ADD, inherited from his mother, but his sister is fine (I think.) My fil, who sees dysfunction/issues everywhere thinks my 4yo ds has ADHD, but it seams early to me; he could just be really energetic.
  17. Caffeine. In coffee or supplement/pill form. In our local CVS it's labeled as "Stay Awake" next to the sleep aids :001_rolleyes: It is very effective for both children and adults. Both my dh and mil use it with very good results. Neither one of them responded positively to prescriptions without bad side effects.
  18. OCD is an obsessive disorder, right? I have similar issues, and the more time I have to think about something that might be negative, the more I obsess/over thing/get anxious about. I go over how it might happen so many times that I start dreaming about it, and afterward I sometimes get the reality mixed up with the scenarios I got worked up about. I also have anxiety symptoms; tightness in my chest, loss of appetite, dizziness, high blood pressure. I don't know if any of this applies to your DD, but anxiety does set off more OCD, if that's what she has. It's used as a calming ritual. I still think it should come from you and not the doctor, but I wouldn't tell her until that morning or the ride over.
  19. :iagree:Bear Snores On is a GREAT book. It's full of fun onomatopoeia. It's my almost-2yo's favorite book, and I've read it so many times over the years that I have it memorized, but it's one of those books that is still fun to read every time. Especially if you do different voices :D
  20. :lol::lol::iagree: Yesterday my 4yo ds had to tell me to "Calm down, Mama!" when I was "talking back" to my husband. Nice to have the perspective :tongue_smilie:
  21. I would ask a local daycare provider who does it out of her house. It seems like you should be charging daycare rates, not babysitting rates. Also, I don't know what the rules/laws are where you are, but here you're not suppose to have more than a certain many of kids, especially with an under-2 y/o. My friend charged extra for kids under one because she had to watch less kids and they need more attention.
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