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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. :grouphug: I want to say something positive, but I can't think of anything. :confused:
  2. Do not stand at my grave and weep by Mary Elizabeth Frye Do not stand at my grave and weep,I am not there, I do not sleep.I am in a thousand winds that blow,I am the softly falling snow.I am the gentle showers of rain,I am the fields of ripening grain.I am in the morning hush,I am in the graceful rushOf beautiful birds in circling flight,I am the starshine of the night.I am in the flowers that bloom,I am in a quiet room.I am in the birds that sing,I am in each lovely thing.Do not stand at my grave bereftI am not there. I have not left.
  3. I looked into linning up the McGuffrey's readers with Hooked on Phonics and with the Bob Books as well as OPGTR and they don't. McGuffrey's isn't as systematic as OPGTR and introduces some long vowels before some of the short vowels. So either they would read it first in the MG, without learning the lesson in order with OPGTR, or you have to wait until after all the vowel lessons in OPGTR, in which case they might be bored with it. Or it could be good review.
  4. Is this new, or old information? Because it wasn't even offered, let alone required at my Califonia HS, and I graduated in 2004.
  5. To make it financially possible for me to stay home with the kids we only have one car. Which means if I want it, we have to get up early and get the kids in the car to take my husband to work, and then in the evening it's a problem because he often works late, and we're stuck at dinnertime waiting in the waiting room for him (he works at a dental office.) We do this on Wednesdays so that I can go to Bible Study Fellowship. Other than that, sometimes I go shoping with ds1 on Saturdays, and we go to church on Sunday. I counted that as "1 day" on the poll.
  6. You co-sleep, so that means you haven't sleep trained him, right? Do you have a particular objection to doing that? Ds1 stopped napping around that age, and ds2 is getting close. How much good do you think the 30mins are doing him?
  7. I have never heard of Geography taught as a separate class. What exactly is included in the curriculum, and how is there enough to fill a whole school year? At my school anything about a country would be included with history/social studies. But there certainly is a lot that we weren't taught (I had never even heard of Tunisia until the news reported that they had a new government.) Side note: I collect coins and I have one from Yugoslavia :001_smile:
  8. Wow, the high school I graduated from 6 years ago gets a 10?! If that's the best there is....scary! Personally, I would have given it a 7, but if it's just based on standardized test scores, there were a lot of teachers teaching to the test...
  9. "When the 1 and 0 are put together they make a new number: 10!" Same thing with any multi-digit number. When they are right next together they're a new/bigger number.
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110224/ap_on_sc/us_space_shuttle "On-board TV cameras showed some pieces of foam insulation breaking off the external fuel tank four minutes into the flight, but shouldn't pose any safety concerns because it was late enough after liftoff."
  11. Along that line of thought: when a baby boy is developing inside mommy, at one point testosterone floods the brain and actually severs a lot of the connections between the two hemispheres of the brain. Literally a physical/mental handicap.
  12. If you've got canned diced tomatoes and tomato sauce you could make what we call Rice Casserole. You brown the hambrger and saute the onion together, then cook it all together in a big skillet with the tomatoes, rice and water. We season it with taco seasoning, and eat it with tortilla chips, or wraped in flour tortillas with cheese. I like adding corn in it too. Also good wrapped in the tortillas with lettuce and ranch dressing (dh doesn't like that variation, but the dc do.)
  13. :lol: :smilielol5: Maybe he identifies himself/boys with all the fun stuff and girls are just to foreign to relate to? :001_smile:
  14. I picked "other" as in "all of the above!" Some I just roll my eyes and sigh, some I think "Its NOT WORTH IT" and then occupy myself on something else, and sometimes I end up writing essays of indignation. The other day one of my "friends" said that people should have to take an IQ test to be allowed to raise their kids or else have them be taken away, and I kinda lost it when she had a bunch of people agreeing, and not ONE person disagree.
  15. Oooooo, wish I could use this, but if I do order, it will be after than :( Thank you for posting this anyway!
  16. My fil's cell phone voicemail tone is Worf from Star Trek saying "Captin, incoming transmission." And I'm only going off world if Teal'c is my bodyguard :D
  17. :lol::lol: Love it! I'm making a t-shirt that says this! I also have one planned for my husband that says "I'm sleeping with my kids' teacher." Unless someone knows a funnier way to put that?
  18. I had another thought. How much sugar is he getting in the afternoon? I know that can effect some kids for hours after they've had it.
  19. I haven't noticed an aftertaste with my muffin cups, but last time my husband thought they tasted like I had Pamed them. I don't know about safety issues, but I do know I can't find them in the same stores that carried them a few years back. Persoanlly, I love my muffin/cupcake cups, but the cheap <3 shaped cake form turned out bad (but maybe it was the cake recipe I was using...)
  20. The age of consent and the drinking are all lower in Europe, from what I've been told, so this might not be as much a barrier as it would be in the US. On the other hand, they might be legally able to do things there that they couldn't do here, and might take advantage of that. And with all the stuff going on over there politically, riots/protests/etc. at this point I would say "no." I like the backpacking across America idea someone brought up.
  21. :lol::lol::iagree: These are all great! And avoiding lice and popularity? Absolutely! I homeschool because we live in California and we can't afford to move :P
  22. I know naps can help with the little ones because without them they are over-tired which makes it harder to fall asleep. Is he eating enough dinner? Have you tried warm milk? (I always hated that as a kid, but yours might like it.) I would work him out with physical stuff for at least 30 min around 2 hours before he goes down to sleep. You don't want to do it right before because it's to much stimulation. Does he take a warm bath/shower at night? Some people that helps, some people (like my dh) it wakes them up. The natural supplement Melatonin helps me with my insomnia. You can spit the pill, you don't need a lot, especially if it's a kid, and with my mil 1/3 a pill works better than a whole pill. Humidifier White noise machine/calming music?
  23. Can it be a no presents only party, just a celebration of the impending birth of your baby? I love all the baby shower/pregnancy games :001_smile: Maybe she could postpone the party until after the baby was born for a christening/blessing/dedication/baptism/we're so happy you're here party. Or, you could request the presents be food you can freeze and then eat after the baby gets here so you don't have to worry about cooking for a while.
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