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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I understand getting overwhelmed by a big job and feeling helpless. But as long as there is a proper place for everything there is no excuse. I'd give her a time frame "Clean it up by _____" and what ever is left on the floor is Mom's to keep for as long as necessary.
  2. These are awesome questions! If you don't have/haven't heard of it, he sounds like the kind of boy who'd like The NEW Way Things work by David Macaulay :001_smile:
  3. My brother in middle school built a flame thrower with a large squirt gun as his science project. The experiment part was which flammable liquid worked best, and which material worked best as an ignition source. I am pretty sure he wasn't allowed to demonstrate at school, but he was allowed to present his findings. Then again, with schools worried about violence by unhappy kids, it may be best not to give the other kids any ideas.
  4. :iagree: That's what the website said. I kinda thought they were setting Todd Packer up to replace him, but now I'm thinking it could be Gabe. :iagree:Only thing I've ever liked him in. I loved the "I brought you flours" bit :D
  5. I have the instruction to make one, but is it a one-time only thing? Does the paint water-proof it? I want to make one that can be used lots of times. Is there something I could coat it with? :confused:
  6. :grouphug: I'm bumping you up so someone with more experience than me can see this and hopefully answer :001_smile:
  7. Because you find out all the (bad) things you didn't know about before. Because an annoying habit is okay now and then, but on a day to day basis it adds up and starts to grate on you. Because no on is perfect.
  8. I got it at Sam's Club. FYI, if you're a member, and the price has a 1 for the last cent on the price, that means they are at the lowest they will sell that item. These trench coats have been going down from $45 to $40, etc. until yesterday for $20.71. They also had red, deep blue, yellow, tan & black, as well as the purple. And I want that t-shirt :D
  9. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=256195 http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=254658 http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=251323 http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=247978 http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=247481 In case you missed some of these, here are some threads to help you :lol:.
  10. :iagree:Lol, same with me! This is my Year of Purple. My last Christmas ornaments were all purple (I do a different color theme every year.) Two out of the three shirts I've bought this year were purple (jewel tones are the best for my skin coloring) and yesterday I bought a purple trench coat!:D
  11. :grouphug: It's been (still is) one of those days for me as well. :banghead:
  12. They won't honor your previous training??? When I left my classes they said that all I had to do was present my most current belt to whoever I trained with next to recieve credit for the time spent in earning that belt. :iagree:This was my experience as well when I was taking classes.
  13. :Angel_anim::Angel_anim::Angel_anim::party::Angel_anim::Angel_anim::Angel_anim::thumbup::thumbup1::grouphug: This is wonderful, wonderful news!
  14. I understand the Storey's Country Wisdom bulletins and collections are very good. Here is just one: http://www.amazon.com/Growing-Using-Rosemary-161-Publishing/dp/088266607X/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I311720O5FVEXS&colid=2LIY50COP06DE They are inexpensive and also available on Kindle.
  15. :iagree:EVERY time I clean the house I can never find anything afterward!
  16. That's awesome :D A few months ago my 4 yo ds1 corrected my dh when he said spiders were insects. ''No, insects have 6 legs, spiders have 8 legs!"
  17. oops, and now I only have 2 more minutes on here :leaving: And there's a countdown! Nice...
  18. Ooooo, thank you! I have NO self control when it comes to computer time! The only thing that broke my facebook games habit last year was to give it up for lent (we don't really do lent in the traditional sense, but I thought I'd use it as a tool.)
  19. WTM is defiantly NOT dvd or box curriculum! You should defiantly try to check out Well Trained Mind at the library. My kids are still preschool age, so I can't offer you any opinion of Sonlight, but I am sure there are plenty of moms on here that are. Have you tried searching for previous threads concerning Sonlight?
  20. :grouphug: I am sorry, I do not have any useful advice, but I didn't want to be yet another "view" but no reply. Hopefully this will bump you up so someone who can help you will see this.
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