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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I remember in school that sort of thing (California public school, need I say more?) When the class was reading out loud, the teacher would stop in the middle and ask us what we thought would happen next. That was a problem for me, because I had already finished the story and was reading another one from the text book :P
  2. I am a totschooler (I like that term, Rosie_0801) and I am grinning :001_smile:
  3. Oops, missed the "few drops" question. I do not think that would be enough to "test" it. Personally I would try 1/4 cup coffee with 3/4 cup milk, to start. But if he does focus better after drinking it (try it several different times) you should go get him tested and not completely rely on this.
  4. This worked for my uncle when he was a kid. My mil and my husband both take caffeine pills to help with their ADD. They both notice a big difference, and the coffee helped my uncle when he was a kid (I don't know what he is currently doing about it.)
  5. What?! Nooooooo! I wanted them to be around when/if I have a daughter! Those are the best for AMERICAN history! They have some of the best dresses and accessories! :crying:
  6. Be the "bad guy" and take the fall (with her friends) for not letting her go. I told a guy once that I wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend, which was true. But then I made the mistake and said that I agreed with my guardian's decision. If she wants a way out, give it to her. That way it's not her rejecting him/the group.
  7. :iagree:I recently witnessed what happens when you break the first rule of girl friends: you don't date your friend's ex! Not a good idea! Maybe she can "go as friends" with another friend, one that also can't afford a limo. (At my prom dinner was part of the price of the ticket.)
  8. "Stop putting the kid's chairs in the bathroom to sit and look into the potty!"
  9. That's because it just happened. The first article I saw said even less. Still scary!
  10. :lol: My younger brother and sister made fun of me in my teens because I couldn't tell you which was Brad Pitt, and which was Tom Cruise. Being able to tell the difference now has not enhanced my life at all. States and capitols is a MUCH better use of memory storage. And my friend has been watching Hannah Montana with her then 3yo, now 4yo, and I personally would never let MY young daughter watch her...
  11. http://www.fox40.com/news/headlines/ktxl-shooting-at-school-injures-one-20110202,0,287476.story Nothing like this has ever happened in our area, that I know of. But boy am I glad that my kids aren't going to be put in situations like that! The school didn't even call the parents about it?!?!
  12. This morning I had to tell my 4yo to stop counting and doing math with his apple slices and JUST EAT his breakfast! We had to get my dh to work on time so that I could have the car today, and he wouldn't just stop and eat.:glare:
  13. I don't think that's fair. So many people are all about "child lead learning" or "child lead potty training" so why not "child led weaning"? (Not that I am advocating the first two.) 8 months old is certainly old enough to begin at least supplementing with grains and fruits and vegetables. I did both breastfeeding and the grains and veggies and it worked very well. He didn't stop wanting to breastfeed, but he got lots of nutrients, was exposed to new textures and tastes (he's still very good about eating fruits and vegetables) and it filled him enough that I got to sleep though the night.
  14. My 20 m/o at the time had blood clots and blood in his diaper for over 12 hours. I finally get him in, and nothing! The doctor thought maybe he had a uti, prescribed an antibiotic, and sent us home. When we got home, more blood in the diaper! I don't know what it is about the doctor's office, but it sure has a way of making me look stupid. :glare:
  15. My 1st went from the soft spout sippies, to the hard spout sippies, to this: http://www.diapers.com/product/productdetail.aspx?productid=52060 My 2nd wouldn't touch the soft OR the hard spout, but instead picked up big brother's rim cup and drank out of that.
  16. "The Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that," lots of Veggie Tales on there, Go, Diego, Go seasons 1-3, some of the Disney moves go in and out of availability, and some cool National Geographic pieces.
  17. I was just reminded of a book, "How to be a man: a book for boys, containing useful hints on the formation of character" by Harvey Newcomb. It was written in the early 1800's, and it is based on Christian character. I have read more of the "How to be a Lady" but I understand the first few chapters are the same. It is availabvle for free download in a variety of formats. The language could be a challange, but it is one I relish (I'm just weird like that :001_smile: ) I will be printing it out for my boys to read somewhere between the ages of 8-10 years old. http://www.archive.org/details/howtobemanbookfo00newcrich
  18. http://www.archive.org/details/texts Love this site! I got the old McGuffey's readers off it, printed it out, and mounted it on black construction paper to use.
  19. I don't think you need to teach your boys that girls are weaker or anything like that. Instead I would say (and will say when my boys reach that age) that they deserve special respect. In "The Dangerous Book for Boys" there is a great part about girls and how they're different, and how they are not necessarily going to like the sort of things boys do (like make invisible ink with urine, though I would have thought that was really cool at that age...)
  20. Okay, thank you everyone. This will teach me not to use my better hand towels for clean up...
  21. ...what's the best way to get them out? It's the only thing I had to clean up the broken hot sauce bottle, and I don't think it's a good idea to put in the washer. What can I do?
  22. :smilielol5:My stomach was feeling bad, and now it hurts even more (good way, though.):lol:
  23. I am in the EXACT same position as you today. I have relatives coming at 4:00 (I need to get off the computer!) And yes, EVERYTHING looks dirtier when people are coming :D And saddly, I notice even more only AFTER they arrive...
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