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Status Updates posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. When will I ever learn? Put the diaper on the baby IMEDIATLY after the bath. Snuggling a naked, wrapped-in-a-towel baby is going to result in a wet lap. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. theYoungerMrsWarde
    3. Peaceful Isle

      Peaceful Isle

      yup, been there! Mine tried to pee on his bed once he got away!

    4. Mrs_JWM


      Mine pooped on the bed three days after she was born. We commemorated the event in Sharpie, and my now-eight-year-old thinks it's hysterical when I turn the mattress. Stay dry! :)

  2. At Dh's company's Christmas party ds4 out of the blue announced to Dh's boss "My Mommy makes BABY MILK for my sister!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Belacqua


      Heh. And how did Boss respond?

    3. Mommy22alyns


      Aww, that is cute!


    4. theYoungerMrsWarde


      I think he said something like "oh, that's good."


  3. I never considered myself to be an intorvert or extravert, but after having my very first Thanksgiving in my own home with no guests, I'm thinking I'm an introvert.

    1. Mrs_JWM
    2. lovinmomma


      After having ours with friends instead of family... I'm thinking I might have an introvert side to me. Hidden in there somewhere really really deep. ;)

  4. This year I feel like pulling a Walmart and skipping Thanksgiving and doing two months of Christmas. :P

  5. I just used the Bible and a Magic School Bus episode to explain the basic concept of String Theory to my almost 7 year old, BEFORE I finished my coffee.

    1. melbotoast


      Can I come to your homeschool? :)

    2. mlbuchina


      Me, too? Pretty please? LOL

  6. Happy (American) Citizenship Day!

  7. Lady Bug is 1 month old now (1 week gestationally) and is taking 3 oz at a time! Probably 5.5lbs now. :)

  8. Apparently posting about pee or poo in a historical setting and not a potty training setting is breaking a rule? Really?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. theYoungerMrsWarde


      Actually it was a thread asking about Saxon math, only the title was "Is anyone a Saxon guru?" so I shared some ancient Saxon facts I got from Horrible Histories as a joke. The post got deleted, no message or reason given as to why. Though if you want to know more about what people did before toilets, search Horrible Histories on youtube.

    3. nmoira


      Hmm. That is odd, especially given some of the things discussed around here. :(

    4. Reflections


      How odd. As if they couldn't take care of it in the thread itself. Or send you a pm. Must be a twitchy mod.

  9. New avatar with all THREE of my children!!

    1. melbotoast


      What a sweet picture :)

  10. Baby's feeding tube is out! Nurse said she could be coming home in 3-5 days!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mominco


      How awesome!Your baby is beautiful,btw!

    3. PollyOR


      Great news!

    4. LivingHope


      Wonderful news. Please keep us posted as we pray for your wonderful baby.

  11. Overheard Ds6 saying to someone: "Our Mommy isn't feeling well; she's too pregnant." :D

  12. Yesterday Ds6 told me his favorite number is 64 because that's the biggest number of items you can have stacked in Minecraft. I am raising a geek! :)

    1. FairProspects


      Nice! Ds was the only kid at camp this morning to correctly identify the Dr. Who theme song. I was so proud! Geeks unite!

    2. theYoungerMrsWarde
  13. Pregnancy hormones are weird. I had a tuna fish sandwich today. When I opened the can it didn't smell like fish to me, it smelled like my instant coffee mix. I've had a bunch of burps thanks to the acid reflux and they all taste like instant vanilla cappuccino. ????

    1. vikingmom


      oh man, what a nice burp to have:-)

  14. Finaly had the ultrasound today and it's a GIRL!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. theYoungerMrsWarde


      lol, this is at 22weeks 3 days and there was a VERY clear shot, so I'm going to risk it ;) and buy a ton of PINK!


    3. Tress


      COngratulations! Girls are fun (I have four :-)

    4. catz


      YAY! Go buy yourself some pink. :)

  15. It's really hard to stalk the UPS guy when you're not the one who made the orders, so you don't have tracking numbers :(

    1. Unicorn.


      I stalk mine by listening for the truck, and watching as he drives by. He's just that cute! lol

  16. LOL! Ds6 just read that fly maggots "eat decaying plants or flesh." He looked at me puzzled and said "like zombie flesh?" (Too much Minecraft?)

    1. Freckles


      haha! That's funny.

    2. ladyinthegarden


      LOL! Hilarious...We have a Minecraft addict as well.


  17. Wow, that's some strong wind out there! And did I just hear THUNDER?! So much for playing outside today.

  18. I can't share on facebook yet, so I have to state here that my husband is WONDERFUL for going to the store this late at night so I can have a major pregnancy craving-a roast beef, cream cheese, raw spinach, and horseradish-mustard sandwich. ♥ I think I need more iron...

    1. Onceuponatime


      That sounds delicious and I'm not pregnant.


    2. Mrs_JWM


      Congratulations! :)

  19. lol Ds6 just saw on Dirty Jobs two alpacas mating while the farmer and Mike watched. Ds6 watched for a moment and then said "they're stacking camels!"

    1. Dmmetler


      My DD says the frogs are "hugging". Uh, honey, not exactly....

  20. Today my heart swelled as ds6 excitedly took his first communion

    1. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Yippee! I had that pleasure w/ds10 last month!

  21. Pretty sure my entire family thinks I shouldn't have gotten pregnant again. Oh well, they'll love the baby when they get to meet him/her.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tress


      Don't listen to your family. Congratulations!!

    3. RebeccaS


      Congratulations!! I get it. I had 3 in 3 years. Then, we started fostering and we've adopted once and taken in foster babies. So, I'm dealing with it in a similar way. :)

    4. fourisenough


      #4 caused similar reaction in our family members. Now, of course, they couldn't imagine life without her. Hang in there!

  22. You know you've been spending too much time on Pinterest when you hover over a picture and wonder why there's no "Re-pin" and "Like" button. :P

    1. Robin M

      Robin M

      LOL! So get it.

  23. Ds3.5: "I love you more than cake and chicken nuggets!"

    1. Element
    2. Oak Knoll Mom

      Oak Knoll Mom

      That is true love right there.

  24. Tagless (printed info) shirts are great! But now ds3.5 won't wear hand-me-downs with tags on them. :(

  25. Ds6 just drew for his draw & write (his own idea) the Northwestern (from Deadliest Catch) throwing pods overboard and crabs in the hold. "With Captain Sig at the wheel."

    1. caroljenn


      Haha! Love it! My favorite was Capt Phil- I was so bummed when he passed away! =(

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