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Everything posted by Plagefille

  1. Not unreasonable. One hour a month is very minimal. Plus you allow them to pay a fee to get out of it. I was in a similar co-op when my oldest was in 1st grade. I just signed up at the beginning of the year for my times and my husband made sure he was available to watch my 2 and 4 yrs old for those times. It worked out fine. Granted my DH had a little bit of flexibility in his job.
  2. We are! We always do a big show in the spring. We are doing Dance Evolution. Basically dances through out history and into the future.
  3. Yes, my DD is more language arts oriented. I decided not to use it with my son because he dislikes reading. I may or may not use it with my youngest. We will see when we get there. I used mostly stuff off Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers to supplement. We also use Zaccaros books. Mostly the 5th day is for fun, review, mental math, and any topics I feel need to be done. We focus on weak areas and topics that were missed between Singapore 5 and JA. I do also own Dolciani PreA and Jacob's Algebra which so far I have only used as a reference for topics.
  4. We used the whole series. My DD loved it. She loved the notebooking element and was very sad when she finished the last book a couple months ago. Each book took most of the school year. We used the books 4 days a week and supplemented with various other books on the 5th day. I think it is best to use the whole series if you are going to do it. The only topics we needed to add were Pythagorean Theorem and circumference/area of a Circle. We have been reviewing Algebra topics and will be starting Jacobs Geometry soon. We really liked the curriculum. I liked that he explained multiple methods for solving problems. The books are reading heavy and can be done independently. My DD was independent by halfway through the first book.
  5. My DS and DH are like that. Name brands last a little better than Walmart/Payless type brands. But they still don't last as long as I would hope. But they are both super active, so it makes sense. We don't have a particular brand, just usually good running shoes. I usually buy shoes for them from discount places like Ross, TJ Max, or sales at Big 5. I usually spend the same as I would have at the cheap places.
  6. We are very confused on the same topic. It does not explain how to know what a phrase/word is modifying very well. In fact, no grammar program we have used has really explained it well. Grammar is my weakest subject. I was never taught it in school and all the programs we have used have not explained this modifying stuff well enough for us to understand. If someone has a program that would really help with this, we would be very grateful.
  7. I live that close to my Mom and there is NO WAY we could buy weekly, unless it was her coming to us. We do not have the time. Average is probably monthly, but sometimes it's more often and sometimes it's less. At this point my mom comes to us more often than we go to her. When my kids were younger we were able to visit a little more often. I don't feel you can expect more than holidays. But every other month seems reasonable. Are the in-laws going to visit the child? Maybe they are each other more often then.
  8. https://www.amazon.com/Scratch-Programming-Playground-Program-Making/dp/1593277628/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1523870183&sr=8-1&keywords=scratch+programming+playground This is my son's favorite Scratch book.
  9. Lights out between 8-8:30 in Elementary. 9 hours of sleep seems low for that age. Mine still sleep 10-11 at that age. My older kids still have to be in their rooms by 8:00 now, but can read for a little while.
  10. So, I have no idea how they can make him guard that long without breaks. Here, state laws says lifeguards have to have a 10 minute break from guarding every hour. Also, at my dh pool the guards do a lot of cleaning, like scrubbing tiles, vacuuming the pool, etc. But the pool your ds works at sounds like not enough people come in that would make it dirty enough to clean regularly.
  11. Math - AOPS finish Algebra and start Geometry English - WWS 1, Vocab from Classical Roots, various reading books, Finish Reading and Reasoning 1, MCT Grammar of Literature Science - RSO Biology 2 History - Not sure. Younger DD is doing SOTW Ancients, Older DD is doing History of the Ancient World, so he will do some of both? Whatever fits best? Maybe outline some Kingfisher? I have Human Odyssey too, but I don't think he'd enjoy it much. Art - Artistic Pursuits with sisters Computers - Java Programming: thinking of using Simply Coding's course with books. Also, 4-H Python Programming club Logic - The Basics of Critical Thinking Latin - Lively Latin 2? Maybe switch to Visual Latin. He liked the sample, but I didn't.
  12. We just did this program in the fall. You could probably just get the teacher's manual. The problem is that the answers are written in, so you would need to cover them up or ask the questions aloud. BTW, I am planning on just buying the teacher's manual from them for the next two books.
  13. I use the grade they would be in if they went to school. After all, most if the time grade level is used, people just really want to know their age. I guess we will pick grades to match when they are ready to graduate high school. I have them do school work based on where they are at academically, regardless of whatever "grade" they are. That said, my late Fall birthday DD has always worked a grade level ahead and says she wants to graduate a year early. We still call her her age based grade and I figure we will decide for sure to skip in 11th grade or there about. I also call my early summer DS his age based grade, even though he is many grades ahead in some subjects. He is so set on playing sports in college that we may never be able to adjust his grade to meet his academic level anyway. Being younger in sports is usually a disadvantage. I guess we will see where he's at in a couple of years when he is high school age.
  14. 1-3 would be my first choice, then 10-12 would be my second choice. I agree with saying no parents.
  15. We LOVED SSL 1 and 2, but we have floundered since then. We really haven't loved anything we have tried. Tried LfC, Minimus, BBLL, Visual Latin... We are back to Lively Latin. It's going well this time. Maybe they were too young the first time. Just wish SSL continued... LfC was not a good continuation for us.
  16. May later change this to 9th. Late Fall birthday so may graduate a year early. Math- Jacobs Geometry English - Finish Writeshop, Jensen's Format Writing, Excellence in Literature, Vocab From Classical Roots Science - RSO Bio 2, with added ... History - History of the Ancient World Latin - last year? Maybe start French Logic - James Madison Critical thinking Art - Artistic Pursuits voice, theater, dance
  17. I spent very little in early elementary. We used mostly free curriculum and things we did buy I bought used. Digital books are a good option too. Many are free.
  18. Funny, but I kind of think Suzuki is the opposite of classical methods. At least from what I've read. It seems more whole to parts not part to whole as discussed in TWTM. But I have not done Suzuki. I have used other methods. I just adjust to how I want to do it. I don't know all the methods well enough to give you any ideas. I teach my kids from the same method books I used growing up.
  19. This happened to us before. I accidentally mistyped a number one year. No one said anything that year but the next year I typed it correctly and it was rejected. I had to mail our tax return in. I can't remember if there were other things I had to do.
  20. Legos Coloring books Extreme Dot to Dots Crafts/Art Computer Programming (Scratch is a great place to begin) Board Games Play school, play church Dolls Write plays Dance Imaginary sports (plays by himself acting as two college teams) Bike rides Play piano
  21. We LOVE the Phonics books by Frontline Phonics. The best books we used. The family I nannied in college used them because there were written by thier grandfather. Later when I had kids I bought them used online. I had to buy the whole curriculum pack, but I only ever used the phonics readers not the instruction. I just did a quick search and it looks like they may be harder to find. Here is a link I found. http://www.homeschool.com/resources/frontlinephonics/
  22. We are doing it with ages 8-13 this year. My oldest is supplementing with a few things, but mostly because we get through it quickly and I feel she needs more to do. Mostly she is just doing outside reading. I think the program is fine for these ages. Like someone else said, there are many suggestions in the curriculum for extra learning.
  23. This sounds fun. I think we will use some of your ideas. We can definitely use a fun few weeks right now.
  24. We don't. In fact we don't even bother with the tooth fairy anymore. As soon as the tooth is out of their mouth, they throw it away and we hand them a dollar.
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