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Status Updates posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. Need to start getting school planned for next week but I'm too lazy today

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jenL


      Lol! Me five!!!

    3. ILiveInFlipFlops


      I'll be your "me six!" I have the next term's lesson plans to enter and book lists to write. And I just don't wanna!

    4. sassenach


      Me seven! Blah.

  2. Is it too early to get rid of the Christmas things?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Critterfixer


      Yep. Mostly because it's too cold to go up in the attic.

    3. Belacqua


      I'll give them until the 28th, but then...b'bye!

    4. ILiveInFlipFlops


      LOL! We have this fight here every year. I'm yearning for my small living room in its normal state. Everyone else is hoping Christmas will never end. I usually lose!

  3. Is there a decent Audio book for Lord of the Rings?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Down_the_Rabbit_Hole


      Thanks, I will check these out.


    3. SEGway


      Another vote for Rob Inglis. Fantastic voice artist!


    4. quark


      One more vote for Inglises, my precious! :)

  4. Ahhh...that first sip of coffee

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SorrelZG


      I'm contemplating a third cup ...weighing the pros and cons ...

    3. quark


      Go for that 3rd cup! I don't want to be the only one lol.

    4. freeindeed


      Nothing better than coffee. And absolutely go for that third cup!

  5. Tired of trying to sell my curriculum here, I am now an ebay seller

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Miss Marple

      Miss Marple

      Amazon is also a good place to sell. Homeschoolclassifieds has been good for me as well.

    3. RootAnn


      Since the change in the Classifieds, I confess to not looking often on either the buyer or seller side. (Although I do have something listed on there right now.)

    4. Down_the_Rabbit_Hole


      Everyone says homeschoolclassifieds but I only got inquiries no sales

  6. Anyone want to send me a 3"-6" river rock, all round edges and smooth...will pay shipping for it. Pretty Please.

  7. There is a social group for practically everything except one for people who are not in a social group.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WTMCassandra
    3. Dana


      You could start an anti-social group ;)


    4. *Lulu*


      I'd join that group.........except I am opposed to joining things. :P

  8. In 4 days we have had icy rain, heavy fog, thunderstorms, almost 60 degrees, and now snow

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SewLittleTime


      It's been weird. Pick one winter or spring.


    3. unsinkable


      Ditto. It's 67 now. Low tonight is supposed to be 27 and snow!

    4. SorrelZG


      Even the plants and bugs are confused.

  9. Black Walnuts...I absolutly hate these things!

    1. kubiac


      Please pack all your little enemies into a box and ship to me in California. I love 'em and will crack 'em open by driving over them with my car. :)

    2. Down_the_Rabbit_Hole


      If they were not so heavy I would. Just yesterday I picked up enough to fill a large trash can and the tree is still loaded.

    3. kubiac


      Alternate plan: Temporarily borrow a herd of swine and trade walnuts for a side of bacon! :D





  10. Why do Doctors thing 100yr olds don't want medical intervention?

    1. Momof3littles


      I think it is hard because they see them come back with something else a week later, a month later, and so on, over and over again. That doesn't mean that it applies to all individuals, but people in medicine tend to take on that POV as they see the trajectory end up similarly for many patients.

      Any luck with a patient advocate?

    2. Down_the_Rabbit_Hole


      No. They pretty much say the same, "Well, she is 100 yrs old". It is because of this attitude of not wanting to do much with a 100 yr old that caused damage to her kidneys which is now causing more problems. It is a mess.


  11. Might get a snowball thrown at me but....I am looking forward to more snow this week.

    1. Karen in CO

      Karen in CO

      Snow is great, and we need the moisture.

    2. Chelle in MO
    3. Word Nerd

      Word Nerd

      Hurricanes and tsunamis would bring moisture, too, but I don't want a blizzard any more than I want one of those. ;)

  12. I want another week of winter vacation

    1. jenL


      You are not alone. I'm procrastinating on here. I should.not.be.

    2. Unicorn.


      Add me to that list!


  13. Dorky mom here. Bought me a new vacuum and am as giddy as can be.

    1. Belacqua


      Ooh! What kind did you get?

    2. Tenaj


      I'll join you as being dorky then because I get a new washer and dryer on Saturday and I'm giddy, too.

  14. I want to sit in front of the heater, knit and listen to The Hobbit, but my dd wants to finish school, what have I created?

    1. Live2Ride


      a glorious beast :)

    2. Lizzie in Ma

      Lizzie in Ma

      I like your idea better. ;)

  15. dd still in pj's is out playing in the snow because she just has to before it all melts

    1. Χά�ων


      Nothing wrong with that :)

  16. Found a typewriter for $2, now I need to find Smith Corona H ribbon and correction tape that wont cost a fortune



      I think I got the best deal on Amazon.com

  17. Still dark at 6am but dd had to go play in the snow

    1. mom31257


      That would be wonderful! It's raining here. I gave ds marshmallow shooters for Christmas and he can't even go out and play with them!

  18. Getting itchy to start buying next years curriculum

    1. tuzor


      I have already started. My husband keeps giving me funny looks.


  19. I live in a college town...I see the future and I am afraid

    1. dirty ethel rackham

      dirty ethel rackham

      Gee, I hope nobody judged the future by my stupid college behavior. I'm grown up now, I promise:D.

  20. Hospital refuses to offer anymore care for my 100 yr old grandmother BECAUSE she is 100yrs old

    1. Momof3littles


      Have you asked for a patient advocate? If you haven't, start there.

  21. It is official, I am ready for spring

    1. lynn


      I want cold just a bit longer, they Spring and Summer can come.

  22. I can now understand why some animals eat their young.

    1. Kalypso


      I have recently come to understand this too.


  23. I want normal to return to my house.

    1. jenL


      Amen to that! My mom and step-dad leave tomorrow, and I am looking forward to having my house back. I love them, but I NEED normalcy right now.


  24. Valentines Day Chocolate and my morning coffee...mmmmm

    1. SorrelZG


      I cannot believe I didn't think of that myself.

  25. My Grandmother is 100, oh the things she has seen.

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