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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Those are great stories! My mother never spoke of her family. I found out she had three brothers and sisters I'd never heard of after she died. Clearly, they were not a close family. :glare:
  2. I was wondering the same thing. I assumed it was because the poster didn't want to be recognized.
  3. We would be doing complete books, although I hadn't decided which ones. I just found this post by Lori D. and I think my question is answered. :) Thanks!
  4. Next year, dd2 will do History and Language Arts at home, and will be taking AP Biology, AP Stats, Spanish 3, and Band at ps. We're doing the 4 year history cycle, so will be doing Medieval History next year. I don't have the reading list and details worked out yet, but will be using Teaching Company videos and some Kolbe study guides. She's been doing the MCT LA books, and would like to continue with those. I really want to do Literary Lessons from LOTR, and thought the Medieval year would be a good time to add it in. Would that be way too much? She's going to be busy with her ps classes and I don't want to overload her, but if we don't do it now, I don't think we'll ever get to it. If you've done LLfLOTR, is that all you do for LA, or do you combine it with other stuff? Any suggestions?
  5. Never. Every week, before I grocery shop, I do a quick clean, and it stays clean enough that I never have to take it apart. It also keeps me on top of getting rid of things and aware of what I have so I don't buy duplicates. I slide everything to one side of a shelf, then wipe the shelf, the adjacent wall, and the bottom of the shelf above down with a vinegar solution. Then I slide everything back and do the other side. I remove the drawers so I can get under them, and wipe around the gaskets. It takes about 15-20 minutes/week, but it's pretty much always clean.
  6. I would think it's "try to kill", because the negative is "try not to kill". "Try not and kill" doesn't make sense, although "try and not kill" sort of sounds okay.
  7. Phew. I'm glad I'm not the only one guilty of saying gonna. I'd never write it though. :)
  8. I watched Paula Begoun's videos and use products from her best Products list. At age 53, I finally feel like I know what I'm doing.
  9. Should have asked the Hive! We'd have had it figured out right away. ;)
  10. Nothing. It gets dusty and dirty up there and I don't want to have clean a bunch of stuff. Plus, I like the uncluttered look. :)
  11. :iagree: Go to some flea markets and see if anything strikes you. I have developed an obsession with refinishing old trunks. Or get some old pallets or reclaimed barnwood and make some beautiful furniture. Also, genealogy. Family history research is fascinating, and you can spend hours and hours lost on rabbit trails. If you are interested at all, I can give you lots of information about how to get started.
  12. I have a friend who might be interested. Do you have a picture?
  13. I bought a Pottery Barn table almost 20 years ago and it's held up well. I think PB quality is better than Pier 1. I went to an antique fair this weekend and saw a ton of beautiful round tables for really good prices. Do you have any flea markets or antique fairs near you? I'd look for a deal on something used first.
  14. If they're doing research and writing grants, they absolutely do. eta: I'm only familiar with research scientists. Have no idea what kind of hours humanities professors keep. :)
  15. This is one of my biggest complaints with the fuzzy math curricula. The kids have to figure it out themselves, and often don't figure it out right. Maybe "discovery" math can be done well, but in my experience, the kids are left to their own devices, and the results aren't pretty.
  16. She definitely couldn't be considered an independent contractor. Thank you. This makes sense. I'm really dense when it comes to finances. :)
  17. Thank you! I googled but didn't find this. I didn't think she would have to file. It seems to me that if she were to take this job, she wouldn't be breaking the law, although her employer would. I am going to talk to an accountant tomorrow,. Thanks everyone.
  18. Ok, what if it is under that amount? It's part time, and I know she'll make under $5000 per year. Maybe not even $3000. When my other kids filled out the payroll paperwork, they were both exempt, and told they wouldn't have to file.
  19. My dd was offered a job by someone (who happens to be sort of a friend of mine), and this would be a perfect job for her. Very flexible hours, work she would like, etc. However, potential employer wants to pay her in cash. I suspect this isn't legal, but I'm wondering what the law is. Obviously people pay cash for some services, like babysitting and mowing. What circumstances allow for paying cash and not paying workers comp/taxes/etc?
  20. You might, I don't. Do you have respect for all dads, just because they were a sperm donor? Deadbeat dads, abusive dads, absent dads? Why would moms be any different? There's a lot more to being a mom than giving birth.
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