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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I know this one! We built a sunroom addition over the winter, and this spring I went out and spent a small fortune on houseplants. I brought them home and immediately repotted all of them in beautiful containers. They promptly all began to die. Every single one. After much googling, I discovered that you aren't supposed to repot new plants. So I put them back in their original ugly plastic containers and set those inside the new pretty pots, and they all quickly came back. I only ended up losing one. And when they do outgrow their container, just go up one size. If the pot is too large the soil doesn't dry out quickly and the roots will rot.
  2. I bought a box of Atkins Advantage Chocolate Coconut Bars, and I'm not clear on how many carbs to count. It says Total Carbs 19g Dietary Fiber 9g Sugars 1g Sugar Alcohols 8g Net Carbs 3g I understand that Net carbs = Total carbs - Fiber. Why don't the Sugar Alcohols count? And if I subtract them, I get 2 net carbs, not 3. Also, are sugar alcohols something to avoid? I was having a chocolate craving and figured it was better than a Milky Way. But it didn't taste that great, so maybe I should just skip it. :confused:
  3. :iagree:I'm not sure "stranger" is the best word to use. Kids have a really hard time understanding what that means. The guy in the ice cream truck, or their friend's uncle, aren't strangers to them, because they recognize them.
  4. The search feature on this site is useless. Go to google and enter or whatever other terms you remember and you'll get a bunch of hits.
  5. You aren't overreacting. This would be a very big deal for us. There would be no more unsupervised (by an adult, not a sister) driving for a year. I wouldn't completely suspend driving though, because he needs the practice. And when he starts driving unsupervised again, if I found out he was using his phone while driving, we'd start all over again.
  6. Urinary problems are common in cats, especially in those eating dry food. What are you feeding her? Excellent info about cat diet here and here. My cat had repeated episodes of cystitis. We switched him to canned food and he hasn't had any problems since.
  7. Can you explain yogurt to me? I've seen several people mention they're eating Greek yogurt, but my 6 oz. Chobani has 13 g. carbs, no fiber. Are you eating {gag} plain yogurt? Or is that 13 g somehow okay? If you eat plain yogurt, do you add something to make it more palatable? I love Chobani, but can't stand the plain stuff.
  8. I just stick them in the dishwasher every week. Gradually, they came clean, although it took weeks.
  9. I really think we're having a communication problem. For me, eating more caused me to gain weight. That is my experience. It has nothing to do with your experience, and I didn't suggest it did. I really cannot fathom how you think that your diet proves me wrong. Do you think I'm lying? Stupid ? What? I'm not going to reread the whole thread, but I don't recall anyone saying LCHF can't work. I sure didn't. I've done LCHF and lost weight, and I'm a Taubes fan. The central issue is that this post is titled "Why Americans got fat", and then Stacy's post is all about carbs. And I agree with her, except that I, along with many others, have pointed out that there are other factors that have to be considered. In health and medicine, it's almost never about one single thing.
  10. Good grief. I don't even know what you're talking about. :confused: I wasn't even talking to you, and you said your post proved me wrong.
  11. You didn't. You seem to be saying calories don't matter. I'm saying keep your food the same, just eat twice as much, and get back to me.
  12. How? Your diet looks fine. Do you seriously think you could double what you ate and not gain weight?
  13. Oh, yes, I totally agree. There are tons of links and videos in this thread I hope to get to later tonight. :) What we eat matters. No question. But how much of it we eat matters too. I ate bread and pasta, chips and pop and cookies 30 years ago. I was skinny. I'm not skinny anymore. I eat pretty much the same things I did then, but I eat a lot more of it. :glare: If I cut out the junk, and replace it with healthy stuff, I lose weight easily. I also end up eating way less calories, and still feel full.
  14. I agree with that, but my point is we're eating more convenience food, because it's convenient, which creates a vicious cycle. If we forced ourselves to make ourselves a salad or scrambled eggs when we were hungry, we'd eat less calories, feel more satisfied, and lose weight.
  15. I've read Taubes, and I agree with you that the science supports a LCHF diet as healthy. I do think though, that excess calories (mainly carb calories) are a large part of the problem. Most of those extra calories are in the form of junk food and empty calories, and I don't believe we can blame scientists and government officials for that. Corporations, definitely. But I've never heard any scientist, anywhere, suggesting that pop, sweets, and chips are part of a healthy diet.
  16. No doubt Americans eat too much, but mainly they eat too much of the wrong things. Chips, pop, ice cream, cookies--highly processed, high carb foods. No effort required except ripping open the package. If all those extra calories were raw veggies, salads, cheese, and nuts, the problem would also be solved.
  17. My mildly dyslexic dd took French at ps and it did not go well. She would have done reasonably well if spelling hadn't been graded, but since it was, she barely passed. I had tried steering her toward Spanish since it is so much easier to spell, but she insisted on French. :glare:
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