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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Those are classic symptoms of endometriosis. You might want to bring that up at your next OB-Gyn visit and see what she thinks. I'm glad you're feeling better.
  2. I know I'm somewhat guilty of this, and I wish I had done some things differently when my kids were younger. OTOH, I'm betting that they have what would be, to me, unacceptable rates of death and severe injury as a result. I'm all for independence, but I'm not willing to let my kid burn down the house or hack off a limb in the process.
  3. Every now and then I get on my dd's twitter account and poke around. She knows I have her password and is fine with it. Some of the kids she follows are classmates but not friends. They have tons of followers because they are wild and say and do outrageous things. Sort of like watching a train wreck. So I just looked at it, and here's what one girl posted: This is a town about 40 miles away. She is 16, has a terrible reputation, and has tweeted numerous times about driving drunk. She has been in trouble with the law before. I don't know this girl at all, although I have met her and her mother at a school function before. She has a terrible home environment, and her mother knows and doesn't care that she drives drunk. The father is not involved. This just sickens me. I have no idea what kind of car she drives, a license plate number or anything like that. My dd is away at camp and wouldn't know anyway. Anyone have any suggestions?
  4. My dd has been using an aspirin mask and it cleared up her face in just a few days. She also uses Retin A and BP, but she's always had some stubborn pimples across her cheeks. She takes 3 or 4 non-enteric coated aspirin, crushes them up, and adds a few drops of water to make a paste. She applies it with a make-up sponge and leaves it on for 15-30 minutes. Aspirin contains salacylic acid, which is an ingredient in many acne washes, so it's a well established treatment. I personally don't like the 10% BP. There isn't any evidence that a higher strength is more effective than the 2.5%, and it's more irritating to the skin.
  5. Sorry, I should have phrased that better. Generally, during an outbreak, public health departments make recommendations about who should be treated and how, and usually have people go through their doctors' offices. They also have medical professionals that can prescribe the antibiotics for people who don't have a doctor or for some reason don't want to call their doctor.
  6. Prophylaxis is recommended for close contacts, whether or not their vaccine is up to date. Kids don't necessarily need antibiotics if pertussis is going around their school, because that doesn't automatically mean they've been exposed. But if they sat next to a coughing kid for an hour in class, that might be considered a close contact and antibiotics would be recommended. Vaccination status is irrelevant.
  7. We've been through this recently and we have done the antibiotics. The public health department didn't prescribe the antibiotics. They recommend that you call your doctor and have them write the prescription. Most doctors will call it in without having to see the person, as long as they don't have any symptoms.
  8. We've stayed at Wilderness and Kalahari. My kids prefer Wilderness. If you need a restaurant recommendation, High Rock Cafe in Downtown Dells is our favorite.
  9. :iagree: We've always had bullies and nasty kids, but I am shocked at the level of disrespect that I've witnessed toward adults. I don't completely buy the idea that the adults' hands are tied. Our school district has been excellent at addressing bullying and supporting students, staff, and adults. There was a girl kicked off my dd's bus to middle school for mouthing off to the bus driver. It wasn't a problem at all. I've had interactions with the district for a variety of disciplinary issues, and I've been impressed and pleased with how they have all been handled. I think they have a lot more power than we're led to believe. I think they often don't have the will.
  10. Good point. I often load my pup's Kong with her kibble, sprinkling in a few small pieces of pepperoni, then sealing it with a little peanut butter. When she's really rambunctious, she gets most of her meals that way. :)
  11. Yes, we're clicker training our pup and we've had great success. For the nipping, make sure she's got plenty of chew toys. The Kong ball loaded with treats is great for keeping them busy. Also, when she mouthed us, we stuck our whole hand in her mouth and pushed a little. She didn't like that at all and quickly stopped. She's a lot bigger than a Maltese though so I don't know if that would work for a small dog.
  12. Retarded is an adjective as well. I don't use the R word. It's insensitive and insulting. But the same is true of the word stupid. I don't use that word either. I have a child who is not mentally retarded, but he does have learning...challenges. In some areas, he is very delayed. I am very sensitive to people using the words stupid and dumb, for exactly the same reasons people are offended by the R word.
  13. I'm a genealogy junkie. I've been spending lots of time at ancestry.com. Why, oh WHY, do people publish family histories that have no documentation or notes!!?? :banghead: :cursing: :banghead: The amount of bad information is just awful. People have ancestors who are married before they're born, who have babies at 90 years old (women!), and all sorts of other things that can't be possible. They aren't even thinking about what they're writing, but just copying and pasting to their tree which just continues to perpetuate the bad information. It makes sorting it all out so much more complicated than it should be. I'm sure they are the same people that post cr*p on FB without checking snopes first. Thanks. I feel better now.
  14. Mom Jeans and the Dreaded “Long Buttâ€
  15. My Bryn is almost always called Brian when people are reading her name. I've been tempted to start spelling it Brynn to see if that helps. She gets called Brianne and Breanna occasionally. FIL called my dd Claire "Clara" until she was about 6 years old. Oh well. They're all nice names.
  16. Did they test you for pertussis? There's lots of it out there right now.
  17. Here's a showing the test for psoas (front of your hip) and trochanteric (side of your hip) bursitis. It's easy to do on yourself. If you have bursitis, it's usually pretty obvious with these movements. Of course, you should see your doctor if you are concerned. :)
  18. Do you keep a phone in your pocket? I had bursitis in my hip for months, and I finally realized it was from the constant irritation of my cell phone rubbing against it. I quit carrying the phone in my pocket and the bursitis went away in a few weeks. Hurt like the devil for awhile though.
  19. I want my kids to feel they can talk to me about it, but if they don't, I would very much hope they have another trusted adult they could talk to. I wouldn't feel betrayed in the least. I'd be sad that they didn't feel comfortable talking to me. There is no way in h*ll I would have talked to my parents about sex. While I think it's best in general for kids to talk to their parents, there are also situations where talking to them could be disastrous. I absolutely think you need to keep it to yourself. If/when the mom finds out, you can let her know that you've been encouraging the girl to talk to her all along.
  20. Fiona or Stella. I googled dogue de bordeaux images. There are some hysterical pictures!
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