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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Just reread your post and realize you've only been coughing since this Tuesday. Antibiotics will decrease symptoms if started in the first week or two. Please go to urgent care tomorrow if possible. If you have pertussis, you definitely want to get started on antibiotics ASAP. And that other cough you have had for a year might be from reflux. Is it worse after eating?
  2. Please go get tested. If you do have pertussis (and I'll bet you do) antibiotics will keep you from being contagious. They probably won't help your symptoms at this point, but you really don't want to be spreading the germs around. People rarely have a fever with pertussis.
  3. I have mixed feelings about CC, but I think they're vastly better than the 1989 NCTM Standards he seems to like. They were awful.
  4. Another vote for Custer SP. Beautiful. We also really enjoyed the Badlands.
  5. I lost 7 pounds the first two weeks. Since Monday, I have gained back two. I don't think I'm doing anything differently. I had a handful of grapes a few days ago, but otherwise, no sweets at all. I've been under 50 carbs every day. Any ideas? If I'm going to gain weight, I may as well go have a slice of cheesecake.
  6. When I type "Iliad" in the search bar, it shows up without the sale. When I clicked on (under "Courses by Topic", left sidebar) Literature and English Language->Other Literature, I get a page that has it listed for $39.95. If this link doesn't work, play around with the site and try to get there from different links. And if all else fails, I would be happy to buy it and have it shipped to you. I take Paypal. :)
  7. With kids your age, I'd definitely wait. Also, check your library. My library has a bunch.
  8. Just beware that it won't work if you try to use the free shipping code though. I tried that. Only one coupon per order. And if you don't believe me and try it anyway, be prepared for a bill for the full price. :blush: Turns out if you do that, you break the link to the sale. Luckily, The Teaching Company people are very nice on the phone.
  9. For instance, a book like "The History of the Medieval World", which was published over two years ago? :)
  10. Which fats are good? Which ones should be avoided? I'm seeing so much conflicting advice on the web, I'm interested in what the Hive LCHF eaters think.
  11. If we only teach what is necessary, we could make the same argument for pretty much everything taught after 5th grade.
  12. Actually, I don't think it works unless you get an email from them and follow the email link. :tongue_smilie:
  13. No, it's an effort to counteract the aggressive marketing by the formula companies.
  14. Also, it's Fox News. :001_rolleyes: I'd like to see what kind of "talking to" they actually have in mind.
  15. I have no problem with it. Article The aggressive marketing of formula to new mothers is sickening.
  16. I just looked at Craigslist. Twisters is hiring...
  17. Once a month I soak dh's white work shirts overnight in OxyClean. I have a top loader, so I just fill it with enough water to cover the shirts, add the OxyClean and stir so it's all dissolved, and put the shirts in. The next morning I finish the cycle to rinse, then do a cycle with laundry detergent.
  18. I'd post something on facebook asking if anyone needs any temporary help or knows of anyone that might need some work done. The season is winding down, bu you could make that much detasseling or pollinating in a week or two.
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