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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Zero. But it doesn't have anything to do with having kids.
  2. While any mammal theoretically can carry rabies, some species are much less likely than others to carry it. Woodchucks are rodents, and rodents rarely get rabies. However, of rodents, woodchucks are the most likely animal to have rabies, but the incidence is still low. It also varies geographically. I would call your doctor and the public health department, and ask them about rabies in your area.
  3. My son has two middle names. It's never been a problem on paperwork.
  4. Maybe it will grow on you. I have an ancestor named Erasmus, and I love it. I didn't love it the first time I heard it though. :) It's also the name of Charles Darwin's grandfather. :auto:
  5. The OP's friend was "scared to death". We are offering stories to reassure her that it's common for women over 35 to have babies, and most of the time, mom and baby are perfectly healthy. I haven't seen anyone claim it's without risk. I think everyone recognizes there is risk.
  6. The Common Core is just standards. It is a list of what the kids are supposed to learn. How they get there is up to the individual schools and districts. It isn't a curriculum. You can see the actual standards here: Math ELA
  7. The Common Core is just a list of standards. If the school doesn't have remedial math, they decided that on their own.
  8. Should have added that there are definitely some risks that go up with age (chromosomal abnormalities, miscarriages, placental problems, etc.) But most >35 women have normal babies and few problems.
  9. :thumbdown: Definitely needs a new OB. I had my first baby at 35, last at 39. No problems at all. My OB offered a couple extra tests but didn't push it when we declined. Age was a total non-issue for me.
  10. My first recommendation is to get into a puppy obedience class that uses positive training. With previous dogs, we've done the more traditional pop and jerk classes, but I really prefer the positive approach. It's good for basic obedience, but more importantly, it's great for socialization (is it ok to use that word here?:)) We are also doing clicker training. None of the local dog training centers use it, so I'm learning on my own. I've really enjoyed Karen Pryor's book "Reading the Animal Mind". It's not a training manual, but is an interesting read about why and how clicker training works. There are some good online lessons here. I've just downloaded Shirley Chong's books "Clicker Cookbook" and Just Plain Clicker Sense" but haven't yet read them. They look good though. Peggy Tillman's Clicking with your Dog is good too.
  11. I can't find the original "study" but I found this: I wouldn't think not attending church is the same as walking away from faith. My guess is that many, even most, will return when they start families.
  12. It's not treated with antibiotics unless a secondary infection is present. Sometimes people with mono get pneumonia, and that would be treated with antibiotics. If your dd has had a cough for weeks, I would definitely want someone to listen to her lungs. My dd's tonsils were so swollen she couldn't talk, eat or sleep, so we treated her with steroids for 5 days. That isn't typical though. Otherwise, it's just rest and time, and avoiding contact sports as the spleen can be swollen and is at risk for rupturing. Although she might not have mono at all. I'd want to have her seen to be sure. :)
  13. Most pre-teens don't get very sick with mono, but it still could be. I would definitely have her checked.
  14. How old is she? My dd has mono, and her symptoms were fatigue and sore throat. I'd take her back in if it has been 3 weeks and she isn't better.
  15. We pay my son $10, and it's a large yard with a hill. He also trims, edges, and does other miscellaneous yard work. If he argued about the amount, we would give him a choice. Do it for $10, or do it for nothing. If he argued about doing it for nothing he would quickly lose all the privileges we pay for (phone, etc.)
  16. I'm so glad you are getting some answers. I'm sorry that he thinks you have RSD though. That's no fun. I don't know how much time you've spent on the board, but our Impish has RSD and has been very forthcoming about her experience. She might be someone you could talk to about it. Good luck. :grouphug:
  17. :iagree: This, I'm not so sure about. I have definitely changed my thinking about a number of issues because of discussions on this board. I don't think I've done a 180 on anything, but there have certainly been conversations that have really challenged my ideas. I love that about this board. However, when there is name-calling and hostility, it's hard to have any good discussion.
  18. Here's a good article. Essentially they need to be learn "sit" and "off", and shouldn't be rewarded (IOW they should be ignored) for behavior you don't want. We are clicker training our new puppy and are so impressed with how easily she is learning new behaviors and how well behaved she is. If only I could figure out how to get her to leave the cat alone... Anyway, you might really enjoy clicker training. I'd also recommend obedience school. I think it's essential for all dog owners.
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