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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I'm slowly going through stuff, so will continue to post. So far I have: Spoken for Spoken for A 6 lb bag of popsicle sticks for crafts. Not food safe. I'm guessing there are at least a thousand sticks. I'll post more as I dig through my basement.
  2. :iagree: When my oldest dd was in first grade (ps) and I was first exposed to TERC math, I was horrified and began talking to teachers and administrators. The assistant superintendent told me that he believed the reason we had such a problem with math education in the US is that the average elementary school is only competent through 5th grade math. At the time I dismissed it as ridiculous hyperbole, but I gradually came to realize he was right.
  3. It's called "cognitive rest", and the idea is that thinking hard, concentrating, etc. stresses the brain's metabolism, so should be avoided during recovery. I don't know if there is any evidence that thinking hard makes things worse, but it sure makes sense.
  4. Yes, it is very rude. But I have to be honest and say that since I bought a smartphone, I am finding it more and more difficult to resist the urge to use it in social situations. I'm actually thinking of getting rid of it and going back to a dumb phone because of it.
  5. You might be dehydrated. That can make you feel exhausted. Do you get dizzy when you stand up?
  6. Okay, this has been in the oven for 45 minutes. Is it supposed to soak up the water like rice? Because it's soup, right now.
  7. Are they old? You can soak/boil old beans forever, and they won't get soft. :glare: I don't know any tricks. Sorry.
  8. Just go down to the Gazette building downtown, front desk. :)
  9. I wish I would have known about this when the kids were younger. You can get "end rolls" of paper from the newspaper for free, or very cheap. Our local paper gives two rolls free, then charges $1.50 per roll after that. I just picked some up, and there is a LOT of paper on a roll. Looks like this:
  10. I liked this one, but it doesn't hold much. I wanted something that would hold a wallet, a book, and a jacket. This was perfect.
  11. I took this to mean that the fire department said that after responding to the 911 call, and that people were calling after she had collapsed. But I could be wrong. It isn't reported very well.
  12. I think I'll wait to hear the other side of the story before making a judgment.
  13. This is what I do too. Another way I cook it is to stir fry for about a minute in a little oil in the wok. Then I add about 1/8 to 1/4 cup water, put a lid on, and let it steam for 3 minutes.
  14. :iagree: I have high schoolers. How you (and they) feel now may change quite a bit between now and then. ;)
  15. Thanks everyone. This is what I thought, but I wanted to make sure I understood correctly.
  16. I think it would be fine to donate them as long as you didn't make a copy. It's the copying part that I'm worried is the problem.
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