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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I'm decluttering. Again. We have 100s of CDs that have been transferred to the computer. We never use the actual CDs anymore. Is it legal to sell them? If not, what can I do with them? If I can't sell them, I guess I can't donate them to Goodwill, because they couldn't sell them either. I hate to send them to the landfill.
  2. During the EMG, they stick tiny needles into your muscles to measure electrical activity. They also usually do Nerve Conduction Studies, which involve taping an electrode to your skin and giving you a small electric shock. You don't have to do anything special to prepare. I was absolutely freezing during mine, and it messed up the results. They had to give me a bunch of warmed up blankets before they could continue. I don't know if that's common. I'm always cold. I found the test quite unpleasant. It's hard to describe. It wasn't terribly painful, just very unpleasant. Sorry. :grouphug:
  3. I would just put unknown and leave it at that. I can't imagine why they'd need that information. In the extremely unlikely case she'd need a blood transfusion, they'd have to type her anyway.
  4. I'm terrified of the dentist too. Have you discussed it with him? If he won't give you something to help, find another dentist. I've had some major dental work done and it does get easier with time. The longer you put it off the harder it gets. Medication really does help. :grouphug:
  5. Highlight this whole thing: copy, paste into google search window, and hit enter. You don't have to do anything else to it.
  6. I'd call yours hazel and hers gray. Gray is a legitimate eye color. :) wiki
  7. I live in the same city as the OP, and show choir around here is huge, huge, huge. In fact, the hs I think op's dd would attend was voted America's Favorite Show Choir by Parade magazine this year. It's really an amazing opportunity and extremely competitive. :)
  8. It worked out so much better for us if they took the bus one way. We just worked around the school schedule, either bunching up the classes at the beginning or end of the day, depending on when band was, because that time was non-negotiable. Even if it isn't far away, that interruption and transition time just made it impossible to get anything done.
  9. I had a year like that, and I really regret it. We got very little school done. Can your dd dual enroll for a first period class in addition so that she can take the bus to school? When my girls dual enrolled in middle school they took things like art and PE to make the schedule simpler.
  10. When did you last have your teeth cleaned? If the gums are bleeding, you have some build up of plaque and tartar. No amount of brushing, flossing or mouthwash can remove tartar; it has to be removed by a dental hygienist.
  11. Many years ago, I had a dog die from kidney failure which resulted from neglected bad teeth. I am vigilant about my pets' dental health now.
  12. I bought an antique church pew from Craigslist and built this coat hanger for my entryway. Also made some Outlet covers
  13. You are all so sweet!:001_wub: It was great to meet you and your family Jennifer, you are just as sweet and friendly as I knew you would be. Funny how personalities shine through online so accurately. I survived the flight home, and hope it's another 22 years until I have to do it again. :ack2:
  14. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=342107 I'm planning to be there, but it will depend on dh...
  15. First, :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to Denise and all the other parents dealing with this. Thank you for sharing your stories. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you. I knew about RAD in a vague sort of way, but didn't know there was an actual name for it. Because of what you've shared here, I've been talking about it with my dh, who is a family practice physician. He was completely unaware of RAD, although did know that some adoptive kids are extremely difficult to parent. I filled him in as best I could about what I've learned from your and others' posts. He doesn't have any patients with RAD, but would like to know more in case he encounters it at some point. Do you have any suggestions? Unfortunately, aside from educating parents about attachment problems, it doesn't seem as if there's much he could do to help. I don't know if there are any resources in our community for RAD families.
  16. If schools were turning out highly educated graduates that might be true. But they aren't. They are graduating many MANY students who are basically illiterate, have abysmal math skills, and know nothing of history, science, or anything else.
  17. None of those things are neurotoxins. IOW, they don't cause tics or other neurological problems.
  18. Often, those illnesses turn out to be viral, but you don't have any way of knowing that right away. So if they thought it was a possibility of being bacterial meningitis they would go ahead and treat until the tests all come back. If it's bacterial and you don't treat, it's fatal. If it turns out to be viral, those kids usually recover just fine.
  19. MRSA almost always starts as a skin infection, and the systemic symptoms (fever, etc) occur later. I doubt if that's what this baby has, unless he has an obvious skin infection somewhere.
  20. Also, people with meningitis are put in isolation as it can be transmitted through droplets (coughing and sneezing).
  21. I would guess it's meningococcal disease. Meningococcus causes meninigits and/or sepsis (systemic infection in the blood) and is most common in that age group. The rash it causes is distinctive and when seen by a doctor is aggressively treated as meningococcus, because patients can go downhill incredibly fast. Meningococcus is a bacteria, not a virus though. I suspect there is a miscommunication somewhere, as many people sort of lump viruses and bacteria together.
  22. Aww, thanks. :blushing: I'd love to have lunch with you! But I'm over here at the outcasts' table....
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