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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I'd see a neurologist. Most of the time it resolves on its own, but sometimes the nerve damage is permanent. I'm not sure what the best treatment is, but I think the outcome is better the sooner treatment is started.
  2. I agree that comparisons with other fonts would be useful. And no, it doesn't prove that it's snake oil. That was an exaggeration. But it is being marketed to dyslexics and IMO, there is no evidence that it is useful at all. As an aside, I don't know why they used the F statistic, since they are comparing 2 groups. I'm not a statistician but that doesn't seem like the right test. Also, the number of errors is so low in both groups that I don't think the results are meaningful.
  3. I found the article. No significant differences. Some errors were made worse. Snake oil.
  4. I don't know where the results have been published, but I found this: Wonder what "slightly fewer" errors means... Is it statistically significant? Is it reproducible? I'm sure that some fonts are easier to read than others, and that everyone has their own preferences. But unless they can demonstrate that this font allows dyslexics to read faster, with fewer errors and greater comprehension, I remain skeptical.
  5. I'm skeptical. Dyslexia is primarily a language disorder, not a visual problem. Dyslexics have problems with word retrieval, rapid automatic naming, and phonemic awareness. Do they have any evidence that it's helpful?
  6. Spend some time on the congress.org website. Lots of information there.
  7. I learned about oil pulling from this board, and was amazed at how much my gums improved after doing it for a month. I would definitely get a second opinion. And I would start oil pulling immediately. Unless there is an urgent need, I might give the oil pulling a try first. But one way or the other, you do need to get your gums in shape, or you will likely have a much more expensive problem later on. :grouphug:
  8. My cat has lost his voice a couple times. It lasts a day or two, then comes back. I keep meaning to ask the vet about it.
  9. I haven't, but a good friend drives to Chicago (a 4 hour trip) every few months for a Ouidad cut. She loves it, and her hair looks great. If we had a salon nearby I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  10. I get all my jeans from Buckle now. Maddie style of the Big Star brand is my favorite. They are expensive, but fit great and are flattering. They're great if you are feeling frumpy and need a change. I do have a little bit of a muffin top with them, but I never wear anything tucked in, so it's not obvious.
  11. :iagree: I did that today, for the first time ever. It was obviously a typo. Sorry if I offended anyone.:001_huh:
  12. Here's a much more informed explanation. Mike Adams vs. the flu vaccine
  13. My dad did. I couldn't wear glasses- the difference in magnification was awful. I felt like I was seeing double, I had headaches and was sick to my stomach. I saw several different eye doctors, had several different prescriptions, and no one really knew what they were doing. I now have an eye doctor that I know well and trust, and he says because of the large disparity, glasses would never have worked, although contacts would have. It's too late now though, as my brain has sort of shut off that area for distance vision in my left eye. But as long as both eyes are open, my vision is mostly fine. I see well close up with my left eye, and I see well long distance with my right eye. The only trouble I have is seeing things that are about 3-4 feet away. I have to be either closer or farther than that. My right eye is about 20/40, and left eye is worse than 20/1000.
  14. Please, please see an ophthalmologist instead of an optometrist. I have this, and my son does too. Glasses may actually be contraindicated, although an optometrist is likely to prescribe them anyway, possibly making things worse, or at least very unpleasant. Anisometropia
  15. But... that sounds like it DID work. Let that child take over doing their own laundry. Problem solved. That problem, anyway. My oldest used to do this. On the last day of our summer vacation about 5 years ago, dh spent the entire day doing laundry while the rest of us went to the beach. When we got home 2 days later, the kids were told to put their things away. A few days later, I went to collect the laundry from each kids' room (they each have their own hamper). Dd had dumped her entire suitcase full of clean, folded clothes into her hamper, along with dirty stinky towels and wet suits, so it all had to be washed again. That was the last straw. I refused to do her laundry anymore, and she has done it herself since. She hates it, and does a crappy job, but oh well. They're her clothes, her problem. When I fold clothes, I stack them by person. I put away my and dh's clothes. I take dd2 and dss' piles into their room, and they put them away themselves. At least the clothes end up in the right room. If they end up in the wrong drawer, that's their problem. :D
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